This repository holds public data provided by the AdA project (Affektrhetoriken des Audiovisuellen - BMBF eHumanities Research Group Audio-Visual Rhetorics of Affect). The data is made accessible under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
Further explanations of the data can be found on our AdA project website.
We currently offer here:
- The latest public release of the AdA Filmontology.
- A vocabulary of film-analytical terms and concepts for fine-grained semantic video annotation.
- The vocabulary is also available online in our triplestore.
- The latest public release of the template for the Advene annotation software.
- The template provides the developed semantic vocabulary in the Advene software with ready-to-use annotation tracks and predefined values.
- In order to use the template you have to install and use Advene.
The latest public releases of our annotation datasets based on the AdA vocabulary.
The metadata of news reports, documentaries and feature films on the topic of "financial crisis".
The turtle exports contain more than 92,000 fine-grained film-analytical annotations.
We provide the Advene packages for the 49 manually annotated videos.
The annotation data can also be queried at our public SPARQL Endpoint.
The dataset contains furthermore sample files for two different export capabilities of the AdA Annotation Explorer: 1) all manual annotations of the type "field size" throughout the corpus as csv files. 2) static html exports of different queries conducted in the AdA Annotation Explorer
The data set includes different manuals and documentation in German and English: an overview of the vocabulary of the AdA Filmontology, a manual how to annotate with Advene and the AdA Filmontology and notes on the project's collobarative annotation practices with the AdA Filmonotology.