Added hex color support for elements
Added (hex) colors for each individual subelement
Added a /b cooldown
command to view/set/reset cooldowns for a player
Added Lands region protection support
Added Factions (SaberFactions & Similar) region protection support
Updated Kingdoms region protection support
Added better support for 1.16
Made the config generate blocks based on the current server version (1.19 blocks will now appear in it when generating the config on 1.19)
The [ProjectKorra] prefix in front of commands is completely configurable
Commands can now affect offline players
The combinations used to trigger combos is now configurable
Reimplemented day/night factors
Better EarthArmor colors
Passives are now togglable with /b toggle <element>passives
Removed autoannouncer
Developer Changes
Added TempFallingBlock class
Added PlayerSwingEvent for addon developers
Added OfflineBendingPlayer class for offline player data
Added RegionProtectionHook interface so 3rd parties can add bending region protection support
Added CanBendHook interface so addon plugins can hook into the canBend method of BendingPlayer
Added MultiSubElement class for subelements that have more than 1 parent element (e.g. mudbending for water and earth)
Cleaned up GeneralMethods
Made addons who don't define permissions have permissions defined for them instead
Fixed pom.xml having outdated depends and repos
Fixed presets halting main thread when being created (caused a lot of lag)
Fixed presets halting main thread when being deleted
Fixed preset tabbing not working for binding and deleting
Fixed vanished players showing in command tabbing
Fixed a range of 0 crashing the server
Fixed addons registering their listeners twice on /b reload
Fixed vanished players being visible in tab completion
Fixes BendingBoard IllegalStateException thrown when team is unregistered twice
Fixed "Proper Usage: xxx" in commands being untranslatable
Fixed addon jars being unable to be deleted in windows while the server was on (PK now no longer have a hold on addon ability jars)
Fixed cooldowns halting the main thread when saving (and causing a lot of lag)
Fixed ALL cooldowns being saved to the database
Fixed branding messages not supporting hex colors
Fixed subs not reloading their colors from config on pk reload
Fixed bending boards showing up in disabled worlds when you log in
Fixed bending toggle reminder not being translatable
Fixed untranslated line for failing to bind when you have a multiability bound
Fixed temp snow blocks not preventing fall damage in HydroSink
Fixed memory leak where BendingPlayer objects are never unloaded from memory
Fixed toggled bending not persisting over relogs
Fixed /b choose avatar
not giving all 4 elements but instead giving the internal "Avatar" element that is useless
Fixes addon abilities that do not define their own permissions being unusable until the permission is set by the server owner
Fixed Night and Day factors not existing for 90% of abilities
Fixed the blue fire factor not being used for a lot of abilities
Fixed earth abilities not using the Metal power factor for damage when using a metal source
Fixed combos being triggered from block placing
Fixed the copy command able to copy while using a multi ability
Fixed the bending board not showing for new players
Fixed the display command showing the command to display passive and combos when there are no combos/passives for that element
Fixed Chi not showing subelements of chi in the display command
Fixed fire abilities that use FireTickTimer giving incorrect death messages
Fixed NPE caused by FireTickTimer
You can’t perform that action at this time.