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File metadata and controls

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The context will be available as the context attribute of the request object. It will be the context object implied by the current request. See traversal_chapter for information about context objects.


The application registry will be available as the registry attribute of the request object. See zca_chapter for more information about the application registry.


The root object will be available as the root attribute of the request object. It will be the resource object at which traversal started (the root). See traversal_chapter for information about root objects.


The traversal subpath will be available as the subpath attribute of the request object. It will be a sequence containing zero or more elements (which will be Unicode objects). See traversal_chapter for information about the subpath.


The "traversal path" will be available as the traversed attribute of the request object. It will be a sequence representing the ordered set of names that were used to traverse to the context, not including the view name or subpath. If there is a virtual root associated with the request, the virtual root path is included within the traversal path. See traversal_chapter for more information.


The view name will be available as the view_name attribute of the request object. It will be a single string (possibly the empty string if we're rendering a default view). See traversal_chapter for information about view names.


The virtual root will be available as the virtual_root attribute of the request object. It will be the virtual root object implied by the current request. See vhosting_chapter for more information about virtual roots.


The virtual root path will be available as the virtual_root_path attribute of the request object. It will be a sequence representing the ordered set of names that were used to traverse to the virtual root object. See vhosting_chapter for more information about virtual roots.


If an exception was raised by a root factory or a view callable, or at various other points where Pyramid executes user-defined code during the processing of a request, the exception object which was caught will be available as the exception attribute of the request within a exception view, a response callback or a finished callback. If no exception occurred, the value of request.exception will be None within response and finished callbacks.


If a session factory has been configured, this attribute will represent the current user's session object. If a session factory has not been configured, requesting the request.session attribute will cause a pyramid.exceptions.ConfigurationError to be raised.


The template context for Pylons-style applications.


If a route has matched during this request, this attribute will be a dictionary containing the values matched by the URL pattern associated with the route. If a route has not matched during this request, the value of this attribute will be None. See matchdict.


If a route has matched during this request, this attribute will be an obect representing the route matched by the URL pattern associated with the route. If a route has not matched during this request, the value of this attribute will be None. See matched_route.





