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- Remove duplication of add_route API documentation from URL Disp…
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mcdonc committed Jan 30, 2011
1 parent 8d7dbf0 commit fb1d641
Showing 1 changed file with 4 additions and 190 deletions.
194 changes: 4 additions & 190 deletions docs/narr/urldispatch.rst
Expand Up @@ -385,207 +385,21 @@ Route Configuration Arguments

Route configuration ``add_route`` statements may specify a large number of
arguments. They are documented as part of the API documentation at

Many of these arguments are :term:`route predicate` arguments. A route
predicate argument specifies that some aspect of the request must be true for
the associated route to be considered a match during the route matching
process. Examples of route predicate arguments are ``pattern``, ``xhr``, and

Other arguments are view configuration related arguments. These only have an
effect when the route configuration names a ``view``.

Other arguments are ``name`` and ``factory``. These arguments represent
neither predicates nor view configuration information.

**Non-Predicate Arguments**

The name of the route, e.g. ``myroute``. This attribute is required. It
must be unique among all defined routes in a given application.

A Python object (often a function or a class) or a :term:`dotted Python
name` to such an object that will generate a :app:`Pyramid` resource object
as the :term:`root` when this route matches. For example,
``mypackage.resources.MyFactoryClass``. If this argument is not specified,
the traversal root factory will be used.

If you would like to cause the :term:`context` resource to be something
other than the :term:`root` resource object when this route matches, you
can spell a traversal pattern as the ``traverse`` argument. This traversal
pattern will be used as the traversal path: traversal will begin at the
root object implied by this route (either the global root, or the object
returned by the ``factory`` associated with this route).

The syntax of the ``traverse`` argument is the same as it is for
``pattern``. For example, if the ``pattern`` provided is
``articles/{article}/edit``, and the ``traverse`` argument provided is
``/{article}``, when a request comes in that causes the route to match in
such a way that the ``article`` match value is '1' (when the request URI is
``/articles/1/edit``), the traversal path will be generated as ``/1``.
This means that the root object's ``__getitem__`` will be called with the
name ``1`` during the traversal phase. If the ``1`` object exists, it will
become the :term:`context` resource of the request.
:ref:`traversal_chapter` has more information about traversal.

If the traversal path contains segment marker names which are not present
in the ``pattern`` argument, a runtime error will occur. The ``traverse``
pattern should not contain segment markers that do not exist in the

A similar combining of routing and traversal is available when a route is
matched which contains a ``*traverse`` remainder marker in its pattern (see
:ref:`using_traverse_in_a_route_pattern`). The ``traverse`` argument
allows you to associate route patterns with an arbitrary traversal path
without using a ``*traverse`` remainder marker; instead you can use other
match information.

Note that the ``traverse`` argument is ignored when attached to a route
that has a ``*traverse`` remainder marker in its pattern.

**Predicate Arguments**

The path of the route e.g. ``ideas/{idea}``. This argument is required.
See :ref:`route_pattern_syntax` for information about the syntax of
route paths. If the path doesn't match the current URL, route matching

.. note:: In earlier releases of this framework, this argument existed
as ``path``. ``path`` continues to work as an alias for

This value should be either ``True`` or ``False``. If this value is
specified and is ``True``, the :term:`request` must possess an
``HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH`` (aka ``X-Requested-With``) header for this route
to match. This is useful for detecting AJAX requests issued from jQuery,
Prototype and other Javascript libraries. If this predicate returns
``False``, route matching continues.

A string representing an HTTP method name, e.g. ``GET``, ``POST``,
``HEAD``, ``DELETE``, ``PUT``. If this argument is not specified, this
route will match if the request has *any* request method. If this
predicate returns ``False``, route matching continues.

This value represents a regular expression pattern that will be tested
against the ``PATH_INFO`` WSGI environment variable. If the regex matches,
this predicate will return ``True``. If this predicate returns ``False``,
route matching continues.

This value can be any string. A view declaration with this argument
ensures that the associated route will only match when the request has a
key in the ``request.params`` dictionary (an HTTP ``GET`` or ``POST``
variable) that has a name which matches the supplied value. If the value
supplied as the argument has a ``=`` sign in it,
e.g. ``request_params="foo=123"``, then the key (``foo``) must both exist
in the ``request.params`` dictionary, and the value must match the right
hand side of the expression (``123``) for the route to "match" the current
request. If this predicate returns ``False``, route matching continues.

This argument represents an HTTP header name or a header name/value pair.
If the argument contains a ``:`` (colon), it will be considered a
name/value pair (e.g. ``User-Agent:Mozilla/.*`` or ``Host:localhost``). If
the value contains a colon, the value portion should be a regular
expression. If the value does not contain a colon, the entire value will
be considered to be the header name (e.g. ``If-Modified-Since``). If the
value evaluates to a header name only without a value, the header specified
by the name must be present in the request for this predicate to be true.
If the value evaluates to a header name/value pair, the header specified by
the name must be present in the request *and* the regular expression
specified as the value must match the header value. Whether or not the
value represents a header name or a header name/value pair, the case of the
header name is not significant. If this predicate returns ``False``, route
matching continues.

This value represents a match query for one or more mimetypes in the
``Accept`` HTTP request header. If this value is specified, it must be in
one of the following forms: a mimetype match token in the form
``text/plain``, a wildcard mimetype match token in the form ``text/*`` or a
match-all wildcard mimetype match token in the form ``*/*``. If any of the
forms matches the ``Accept`` header of the request, this predicate will be
true. If this predicate returns ``False``, route matching continues.

This value should be a sequence of references to custom predicate
callables. Use custom predicates when no set of predefined predicates does
what you need. Custom predicates can be combined with predefined
predicates as necessary. Each custom predicate callable should accept two
arguments: ``info`` and ``request`` and should return either ``True`` or
``False`` after doing arbitrary evaluation of the context resource and/or
the request. If all callables return ``True``, the associated route will
be considered viable for a given request. If any custom predicate returns
``False``, route matching continues. See :ref:`custom_route_predicates`
for more information.

**View-Related Arguments**

A Python object or a :term:`dotted Python name` to such an object that will
be used as a view callable when this route
matches. e.g. ``mypackage.views.my_view``.

A class or an :term:`interface` (or a :term:`dotted Python name` to such an
object) that the :term:`context` resource should possess for the view named
by the route to be used. If this attribute is not specified, the default
(``None``) will be used.

If the ``view`` argument is not provided, this argument has no effect.

This attribute can also be spelled as ``for_`` or ``view_for``.

The permission name required to invoke the view associated with this route.
e.g. ``edit``. (see :ref:`using_security_with_urldispatch` for more
information about permissions).

If the ``view`` attribute is not provided, this argument has no effect.

This argument can also be spelled as ``permission``.

This is either a single string term (e.g. ``json``) or a string implying a
path or :term:`asset specification` (e.g. ``templates/``). If the
renderer value is a single term (does not contain a dot ``.``), the
specified term will be used to look up a renderer implementation, and that
renderer implementation will be used to construct a response from the view
return value. If the renderer term contains a dot (``.``), the specified
term will be treated as a path, and the filename extension of the last
element in the path will be used to look up the renderer implementation,
which will be passed the full path. The renderer implementation will be
used to construct a response from the view return value. See
:ref:`views_which_use_a_renderer` for more information.

If the ``view`` argument is not provided, this argument has no effect.

This argument can also be spelled as ``renderer``.

The view machinery defaults to using the ``__call__`` method of the view
callable (or the function itself, if the view callable is a function) to
obtain a response dictionary. The ``attr`` value allows you to vary the
method attribute used to obtain the response. For example, if your view
was a class, and the class has a method named ``index`` and you wanted to
use this method instead of the class' ``__call__`` method to return the
response, you'd say ``attr="index"`` in the view configuration for the
view. This is most useful when the view definition is a class.

If the ``view`` argument is not provided, this argument has no

When a request matches this route, and view lookup cannot find a view which
has a 'route_name' predicate argument that matches the route, try to fall
back to using a view that otherwise matches the context and request.

.. _custom_route_predicates:

Custom Route Predicates
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