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make cookies module all-bytes internally
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* morsel name, keys and value are bytes-only
* encode cookie keys on set
* fix serialization on py2 (was returning unicode)
* change unquoting to b->b dict
  • Loading branch information
maluke committed Sep 23, 2011
1 parent 26f0957 commit 6ac327a
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Showing 4 changed files with 87 additions and 70 deletions.
60 changes: 28 additions & 32 deletions tests/
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
from datetime import timedelta
from webob import cookies
from import eq_
from webob.compat import bytes_

def test_cookie_empty():
c = cookies.Cookie() # empty cookie
Expand All @@ -12,21 +11,22 @@ def test_cookie_one_value():
c = cookies.Cookie('dismiss-top=6')
vals = list(c.values())
eq_(len(vals), 1)
eq_(vals[0].name, 'dismiss-top')
eq_(vals[0].value, '6')
eq_(vals[0].name, b'dismiss-top')
eq_(vals[0].value, b'6')

def test_cookie_one_value_with_trailing_semi():
c = cookies.Cookie('dismiss-top=6;')
vals = list(c.values())
eq_(len(vals), 1)
eq_(vals[0].name, 'dismiss-top')
eq_(vals[0].value, '6')
eq_(vals[0].name, b'dismiss-top')
eq_(vals[0].value, b'6')
c = cookies.Cookie('dismiss-top=6;')

def test_cookie_complex():
c = cookies.Cookie('dismiss-top=6; CP=null*, '\
'PHPSESSID=0a539d42abc001cdc762809248d4beed, a="42,"')
c_dict = dict((k,v.value) for k,v in c.items())
d = lambda v: v.decode('ascii')
c_dict = dict((d(k),d(v.value)) for k,v in c.items())
eq_(c_dict, {'a': '42,',
'CP': 'null*',
'PHPSESSID': '0a539d42abc001cdc762809248d4beed',
Expand All @@ -44,25 +44,25 @@ def test_cookie_load_multiple():
c = cookies.Cookie('a=1; Secure=true')
vals = list(c.values())
eq_(len(vals), 1)
eq_(c['a']['secure'], 'true')
eq_(c[b'a'][b'secure'], b'true')

def test_cookie_secure():
c = cookies.Cookie()
c['foo'] = 'bar'
c['foo'].secure = True
c['foo'] = b'bar'
c[b'foo'].secure = True
eq_(c.serialize(), 'foo=bar; secure')

def test_cookie_httponly():
c = cookies.Cookie()
c['foo'] = 'bar'
c['foo'].httponly = True
c['foo'] = b'bar'
c[b'foo'].httponly = True
eq_(c.serialize(), 'foo=bar; HttpOnly')

def test_cookie_reserved_keys():
c = cookies.Cookie('dismiss-top=6; CP=null*; $version=42; a=42')
assert '$version' not in c
c = cookies.Cookie('$reserved=42; a=$42')
eq_(list(c.keys()), ['a'])
eq_(list(c.keys()), [b'a'])

def test_serialize_cookie_date():
Expand All @@ -73,35 +73,35 @@ def test_serialize_cookie_date():
should continue the rest of the process
eq_(cookies.serialize_cookie_date('Tue, 04-Jan-2011 13:43:50 GMT'),
'Tue, 04-Jan-2011 13:43:50 GMT')
b'Tue, 04-Jan-2011 13:43:50 GMT')
eq_(cookies.serialize_cookie_date(None), None)
cdate_delta = cookies.serialize_cookie_date(timedelta(seconds=10))
cdate_int = cookies.serialize_cookie_date(10)
eq_(cdate_delta, cdate_int)

def test_ch_unquote():
eq_(cookies._unquote('"hello world'), '"hello world')
eq_(cookies._unquote('hello world'), 'hello world')
eq_(cookies._unquote('"hello world"'), 'hello world')
eq_(cookies._unquote(b'"hello world'), b'"hello world')
eq_(cookies._unquote(b'hello world'), b'hello world')
eq_(cookies._unquote(b'"hello world"'), b'hello world')
eq_(cookies._quote(b'hello world'), b'"hello world"')
# quotation mark is escaped w/ backslash
eq_(cookies._unquote(r'"\""'), '"')
eq_(cookies._quote(b'"'), bytes_(r'"\""'))
eq_(cookies._unquote(b'"\\""'), b'"')
eq_(cookies._quote(b'"'), b'"\\""')
# misc byte escaped as octal
eq_(cookies._unquote(r'"\377"'), '\xff')
eq_(cookies._quote(b'\xff'), bytes_(r'"\377"'))
eq_(cookies._unquote(b'"\\377"'), b'\xff')
eq_(cookies._quote(b'\xff'), b'"\\377"')
# combination
eq_(cookies._unquote(r'"a\"\377"'), 'a"\xff')
eq_(cookies._quote(b'a"\xff'), bytes_(r'"a\"\377"'))
eq_(cookies._unquote(b'"a\\"\\377"'), b'a"\xff')
eq_(cookies._quote(b'a"\xff'), b'"a\\"\\377"')

def test_cookie_invalid_name():
c = cookies.Cookie()
c['La Pe\xc3\xb1a'] = '1'
eq_(len(c), 0)

def test_morsel_serialize_with_expires():
morsel = cookies.Morsel('bleh', 'blah')
morsel.expires = 'Tue, 04-Jan-2011 13:43:50 GMT'
morsel = cookies.Morsel(b'bleh', b'blah')
morsel.expires = b'Tue, 04-Jan-2011 13:43:50 GMT'
result = morsel.serialize()
eq_(result, 'bleh=blah; expires=Tue, 04-Jan-2011 13:43:50 GMT')

Expand All @@ -123,21 +123,17 @@ def test_serialize_max_age_str():

def test_escape_comma():
c = cookies.Cookie()
c['x'] = '";,"'
c['x'] = b'";,"'
eq_(c.serialize(True), r'x="\"\073\054\""')

def test_parse_qmark_in_val():
v = r'x="\"\073\054\""; expires=Sun, 12-Jun-2011 23:16:01 GMT'
c = cookies.Cookie(v)
eq_(c['x'].value, r'";,"')

def test_parse_expires_no_quoting():
v = r'x="\"\073\054\""; expires=Sun, 12-Jun-2011 23:16:01 GMT'
c = cookies.Cookie(v)
eq_(c['x'].expires, 'Sun, 12-Jun-2011 23:16:01 GMT')
eq_(c[b'x'].value, b'";,"')
eq_(c[b'x'].expires, b'Sun, 12-Jun-2011 23:16:01 GMT')

def test_morsel_repr():
v = cookies.Morsel('a', 'b')
v = cookies.Morsel(b'a', b'b')
result = repr(v)
eq_(result, "<Morsel: a='b'>")

86 changes: 51 additions & 35 deletions webob/
Expand Up @@ -9,9 +9,11 @@
import time

from webob.compat import (

Expand All @@ -23,12 +25,14 @@ def __init__(self, input=None):

def load(self, data):
if PY3:
data = data.encode('latin-1')
ckey = None
for key, val in _rx_cookie.findall(data):
if key.lower() in _c_keys:
if ckey:
self[ckey][key] = _unquote(val)
elif key[0] == '$':
elif key[0] == _b_dollar_sign:
# RFC2109: NAMEs that begin with $ are reserved for other uses
# and must not be used by applications.
Expand All @@ -37,6 +41,8 @@ def load(self, data):
ckey = key

def __setitem__(self, key, val):
if not isinstance(key, binary_type):
key = key.encode('ascii', 'replace')
if _valid_cookie_name(key):
dict.__setitem__(self, key, Morsel(key, val))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,71 +75,77 @@ def serialize_max_age(v):
def serialize_cookie_date(v):
if v is None:
return None
elif isinstance(v, str):
elif isinstance(v, bytes):
return v
elif isinstance(v, text_type):
return v.encode('ascii')
elif isinstance(v, int):
v = timedelta(seconds=v)
if isinstance(v, timedelta):
v = datetime.utcnow() + v
if isinstance(v, (datetime, date)):
v = v.timetuple()
r = time.strftime('%%s, %d-%%s-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT', v)
return r % (weekdays[v[6]], months[v[1]])
return bytes_(r % (weekdays[v[6]], months[v[1]]), 'ascii')

class Morsel(dict):
__slots__ = ('name', 'value')
def __init__(self, name, value):
assert name.lower() not in _c_keys
assert _valid_cookie_name(name)
assert name.lower() not in _c_keys
assert isinstance(value, bytes) = name
self.value = value
self.update(dict.fromkeys(_c_keys, None))

path = cookie_property('path')
domain = cookie_property('domain')
comment = cookie_property('comment')
expires = cookie_property('expires', serialize_cookie_date)
max_age = cookie_property('max-age', serialize_max_age)
httponly = cookie_property('httponly', bool)
secure = cookie_property('secure', bool)
path = cookie_property(b'path')
domain = cookie_property(b'domain')
comment = cookie_property(b'comment')
expires = cookie_property(b'expires', serialize_cookie_date)
max_age = cookie_property(b'max-age', serialize_max_age)
httponly = cookie_property(b'httponly', bool)
secure = cookie_property(b'secure', bool)

def __setitem__(self, k, v):
k = k.lower()
k = bytes_(k.lower(), 'ascii')
if k in _c_keys:
dict.__setitem__(self, k, v)

def serialize(self, full=True):
result = []
add = result.append
add(bytes_( + b'=' + _quote(bytes_(self.value, 'utf-8')))
add( + b'=' + _quote(self.value))
if full:
for k in _c_valkeys:
v = self[k]
if v:
add(bytes_(_c_renames[k]) + b'='+_quote(bytes_(v, 'utf-8')))
expires = self['expires']
add(_c_renames[k] + b'='+_quote(bytes_(v, 'utf-8')))
expires = self[b'expires']
if expires:
add(b'expires=' + bytes_(expires))
add(b'expires=' + expires)
if self.httponly:
return text_(b'; '.join(result), 'ascii')
return native_(b'; '.join(result), 'ascii')

__str__ = serialize

def __repr__(self):
return '<%s: %s=%r>' % (self.__class__.__name__,, self.value)
return '<%s: %s=%r>' % (self.__class__.__name__,

_c_renames = {
"path" : "Path",
"comment" : "Comment",
"domain" : "Domain",
"max-age" : "Max-Age",
b"path" : b"Path",
b"comment" : b"Comment",
b"domain" : b"Domain",
b"max-age" : b"Max-Age",
_c_valkeys = sorted(_c_renames)
_c_keys = set(_c_renames)
_c_keys.update(['expires', 'secure', 'httponly'])
_c_keys.update([b'expires', b'secure', b'httponly'])

Expand All @@ -151,23 +163,29 @@ def __repr__(self):
_rx_cookie_str_val = r"(%s|%s|%s*)" % (_re_quoted, _re_expires_val,
_rx_cookie_str = _rx_cookie_str_key + _rx_cookie_str_equal + _rx_cookie_str_val
_rx_cookie = re.compile(_rx_cookie_str)
_rx_cookie = re.compile(bytes_(_rx_cookie_str, 'ascii'))

_rx_unquote = re.compile(r'\\([0-3][0-7][0-7]|.)')
_rx_unquote = re.compile(bytes_(r'\\([0-3][0-7][0-7]|.)', 'ascii'))

_bchr = (lambda i: bytes([i])) if PY3 else chr
_ch_unquote_map = dict((bytes_('%03o' % i), _bchr(i))
for i in range(256)
_ch_unquote_map.update((v, v) for v in list(_ch_unquote_map.values()))

_b_dollar_sign = 36 if PY3 else '$'
_b_quote_mark = 34 if PY3 else '"'

def _unquote(v):
if v and v[0] == v[-1] == '"':
assert isinstance(v, bytes)
if v and v[0] == v[-1] == _b_quote_mark:
v = v[1:-1]
def _ch_unquote(m):
v =
if v.isdigit():
return chr(int(v, 8))
return v
return _ch_unquote_map[]
v = _rx_unquote.sub(_ch_unquote, v)
return v

# serializing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,8 +222,6 @@ def _quote(v):
return v

def _valid_cookie_name(key):
if not isinstance(key, binary_type):
key = key.encode('ascii', 'replace')
return not _needs_quoting(key)
return isinstance(key, bytes) and not _needs_quoting(key)

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion webob/
Expand Up @@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ def cookies(self):
if source:
cookies = Cookie(source)
for name in cookies:
vars[name] = cookies[name].value
vars[name.decode('ascii')] = cookies[name].value.decode('utf-8')
env['webob._parsed_cookies'] = (vars, source)
return vars

Expand Down
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions webob/
Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@

from webob.headers import ResponseHeaders
from webob.request import BaseRequest
from webob.util import status_reasons
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -667,7 +667,10 @@ def set_cookie(self, key, value='', max_age=None,
expires = datetime.utcnow() + max_age
elif max_age is None and expires is not None:
max_age = expires - datetime.utcnow()

if isinstance(value, text_type):
value = value.encode('utf8')
if isinstance(key, text_type):
key = key.encode('utf8')
m = Morsel(key, value)
m.path = path
m.domain = domain
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -699,6 +702,8 @@ def unset_cookie(self, key, strict=True):
cookies = Cookie()
for header in existing:
if isinstance(key, text_type):
key = key.encode('utf8')
if key in cookies:
del cookies[key]
del self.headers['Set-Cookie']
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