Revealator is a jQuery-based plugin for adding effects to elements that enter the window. It's simple, and easy to use. It also adds classes to the body tag to depending on the users scroll position in the document, e.g. at-top
, at-bottom
, near-top
, near-bottom
You can see a demo here.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="fm.revealator.jquery.css">
<script src="jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
<script src="fm.revealator.jquery.js"></script>
<div class="revealator-zoomin">
Some text or elements
<div class="revealator-fadein revealator-slideup revealator-once revealator-delay2 revealator-duration5">
Some text or elements
You can set these global options for the plugin
// Sets the padding of the scroll position, if within this area, the classes `near-top`/`near-bottom` are added.
<script type="text/javascript">
Revealator.scroll_padding = '100';
// Sets the top and bottom offsets at which the effects are triggered.
<script type="text/javascript">
Revealator.effects_padding = '-100';
The plugin adds classes to the elements depending on their position
Class | Description |
revealator-position-below | Both the top and the bottom of the element are below the window view |
revealator-position-partially-below | The top of the element is inside window view, but the bottom of the element is outside window view |
revealator-position-within | The element is within the window view |
revealator-position-partially-above | The top of the element is outside window view, but the bottom of the element is inside window view |
revealator-position-above | Both the top and the bottom the element are above the window view |
By adding the class revealator-once
, the effect will only fire once. The plugin will lock to the position to revealator-position-within
By adding the class revealator-load
, the effect will only fire on load.
The included stylesheet has some default css classes
Class | Description |
revealator-fade | Fade element in |
revealator-rotateleft | Rotate slightly to the left and fade in element |
revealator-rotateright | Rotate slightly to the right and fade in element |
revealator-slideleft | Slide in from right to left and fade in element |
revealator-slideright | Slide in from left to right and fade in element |
revealator-slideup | Slide in from bottom to top and fade in element |
revealator-zoomin | Zoom in and fade in element |
revealator-zoomout | Zoom out and fade in element |
Class | Description |
revealator-delay1 | Set effect delay to 100ms |
revealator-delay2 | Set effect delay to 200ms |
revealator-delay3 | Set effect delay to 300ms |
... | ... |
revealator-delay19 | Set effect delay to 1900ms |
revealator-delay20 | Set effect delay to 2000ms |
Class | Description |
revealator-duration1 | Set effect duration to 100ms |
revealator-duration2 | Set effect duration to 200ms |
revealator-duration3 | Set effect duration to 300ms |
... | ... |
revealator-duration19 | Set effect duration to 1900ms |
revealator-duration20 | Set effect duration to 2000ms |
You can also use revealator-speed## |
You can also easily make your own animations, e.g. (revealator-
is optional):
Here we make a skew right effect
transform skew(35deg, 0deg)
opacity 0
transition all 600ms
transform skew(0deg, 0deg)
opacity 1
.revealator-skewright {
transform: skew(35deg, 0deg);
opacity: 0;
transition: all 600ms;
.revealator-skewright.revealator-above {
transform: skew(0deg, 0deg);
opacity: 1;