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Cycads is a tool for quality control & error profile analysis of long-read sequencing data.


git clone --depth 1
conda env create --file Cycads/environment.yml --name cycads_env
conda activate cycads_env
cd Cycads && pip install .
cycads --help

Quick start

The example below generates HTML report from test/ecoli.fq.gz:

cycads --fastq test/ecoli.fq.gz --output_dir test --sample_name fastq_output


  • FASTQ quality control

    cycads --fastq test/ecoli.fq.gz --output_dir test --sample_name fastq_output
  • FASTQ filtering

    Should set the custom filtering parameter value by users

    cycads --fastq test/ecoli.fq.gz --filter --output_dir test --sample_name fastq_output
  • FASTQ quality control and alignment-based error analysis

    cycads --fastq test/ecoli.fq.gz --reference test/ecoli.reference.fasta --output_dir test --sample_name alignment_output
  • Alignment-based error analysis based on a pre-existing BAM file

    cycads --bam test/test.bam --output_dir test --sample_name bam_output

Parameters details

                         === Cycads 0.4.0 ===
          Quality control & Data filtering & Error analysis
                          for Long-read sequencing

usage: cycads [-h] [-f FASTQ_PATH] [-b BAM_PATH] [-r REFERENCE_PATH] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-n SAMPLE_NAME] [-p PLATFORM] [-s N] [--seed SEED] [-T N] [-F] [-e N]
            [-Q MIN_BASE_QUALITY] [--min_length MIN_READ_LENGTH] [--max_length MAX_READ_LENGTH] [--trim_5_end N] [--trim_3_end N] [-d TARGET_DEPTH]
            [-g GENOME_SIZE] [--min_homopolymer_size MIN_HOMOPOLYMER_SIZE] [--max_homopolymer_size MAX_HOMOPOLYMER_SIZE]
            [--max_homopolymer_indel_size MAX_HOMOPOLYMER_INDEL_SIZE] [--alignment_threads THREADS] [--sort_threads THREADS] [--minimap2_arguments ARGUMENTS]
            [--minimap2 MINIMAP2] [--samtools SAMTOOLS] [--pyfastx PYFASTX]

A tool for quality control & error profile analysis of long-read sequencing data

-h, --help            show this help message and exit

Input/output arguments.

                      Input FASTQ file. Supported extensions include *.fastq and *.fastq.gz. (default: None)
                      Input BAM file. (default: None)
                      Reference FASTA file. (default: None)
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                      Output direcotry. (default: cycads_output)
-n SAMPLE_NAME, --sample_name SAMPLE_NAME
                      Sample name displayed in output reports. (default: sample)
-p PLATFORM, --platform PLATFORM
                      Design for CycloneSEQ data, also adopt to ONT and PB data. (default: cyclone)

Arguments for FASTQ analyses. Only effective when FASTQ_PATH is supplied.

-s N, --sample N      Only include a random sample of N reads from the input FASTQ file to accelerate evaluation. (default: 10000)
--seed SEED           Random seed for sampling. (default: 1)
-T N, --check_terminal_bases N
                      Analyze N bases at both ends of each read. (default: 200)

Arguments for filtering the input FASTQ file. Only effective when FASTQ_PATH is supplied.

-F, --filter          Output filtered FASTQ file. Analyses are always based on the input FASTQ file. (default: False)
-e N, --extract N     Randomly extract N reads from the input FASTQ file. (default: None)
                      Remove reads with mean base quality less than MIN_BASE_QUALITY. (default: 7)
--min_length MIN_READ_LENGTH
                      Remove reads shorter than MIN_READ_LENGTH. (default: 1)
--max_length MAX_READ_LENGTH
                      Remove reads longer than MAX_READ_LENGTH. (default: 1000000000)
--trim_5_end N        Trim N bases from the 5' end of each read. (default: 0)
--trim_3_end N        Trim N bases from the 3' end of each read. (default: 0)
-d TARGET_DEPTH, --target_depth TARGET_DEPTH
                      Downsample FASTQ file to TARGET_DEPTH. Requires GENOME_SIZE to be supplied. (default: None)
-g GENOME_SIZE, --genome_size GENOME_SIZE
                      Genome size of sequenced sample. Required if TARGET_DEPTH is set. (default: None)

Arguments related to homopolymer analyses.

--min_homopolymer_size MIN_HOMOPOLYMER_SIZE
                      Do not analyze homopolymers shorter than MIN_HOMOPOLYMER_SIZE. (default: 2)
--max_homopolymer_size MAX_HOMOPOLYMER_SIZE
                      Do not analyze homopolymers longer than MAX_HOMOPOLYMER_SIZE. (default: 9)
--max_homopolymer_indel_size MAX_HOMOPOLYMER_INDEL_SIZE
                      Analyze homopolymer expansion/contraction up to MAX_HOMOPOLYMER_INDEL_SIZE. (default: 4)

Arguments for read alignment. Only effective when FASTQ_PATH and REFERENCE_PATH are supplied.

--alignment_threads THREADS
                      Number of threads used in read alignment. (default: 4)
--sort_threads THREADS
                      Number of threads used in sorting aligned segments. (default: 1)
--minimap2_arguments ARGUMENTS
                      Alignment arguments to be passed to minimap2. (default: -ax map-ont --secondary=no --MD --eqx -I 10G)

Arguments for custom paths to external binary dependencies. Cycads searches for binary dependencies in the following order: 1. arguments specified here; 2.
the `dependencies` folder in Cycads installation path; 3. the system $PATH environmental variable.

--minimap2 MINIMAP2   Path to Minimap2. (default: None)
--samtools SAMTOOLS   Path to samtools. (default: None)
--pyfastx PYFASTX     Path to pyfastx. (default: None)

Example output

Result folder example:

├── aligned_reads.bam
├── aligned_reads.bam.bai
├── bam.pickle
├── fastq_summary.txt
├── fq.pickle
├── HTML_report
│   ├── query_all_error_item.barplot.png
│   ├── query_all_substitution_errors.barplot.png
│   ├── query_deletion_frequency.barplot.png
│   ├── query_events_curve_idy.displot.png
│   ├── query_homopolymer_length_event.lineplot.png
│   ├── query_insertion_frequency.barplot.png
│   ├── read_gc_histplot.barplot.png
│   ├── read_head_base_content.lineplot.png
│   ├── read_head_base_quality.lineplot.png
│   ├── read_homopolymer_frequency.lineplot.png
│   ├── read_length_biostat.barplot.png
│   ├── read_length_cumulative.barplot.png
│   ├── read_length_histplot_nolog.barplot.png
│   ├── read_length_quality_cross.scatterplot.png
│   ├── read_quality_histplot.barplot.png
│   ├── read_relative_position_avg_qual.lineplot.png
│   ├── read_tail_base_content.lineplot.png
│   ├── read_tail_base_quality.lineplot.png
│   └── summary.html
├── input.symlink.fastq.gz -> /path/to/test/ecoli.fq.gz
└── input.symlink.fastq.gz.fxi

1 directory, 26 files

Please donwload the HTML_report folder and open the summary.html to check the result with Web Browser, such as Google Chrome and so on.

Report demo

  • Sequencing summary

Graphical abstract

  • Mapping summary

Graphical abstract
