diff --git a/apps/labs/posts/hypothesis-array-api.md b/apps/labs/posts/hypothesis-array-api.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8b44c90ea --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/labs/posts/hypothesis-array-api.md @@ -0,0 +1,713 @@ +--- +title: "Using Hypothesis to test array-consuming libraries" +author: matthew-barber +published: October 6, 2021 +description: 'This blog post is for anyone developing array-consuming methods (think SciPy and scikit-learn) and is new to property-based testing. I demonstrate a typical workflow of testing with Hypothesis whilst writing an array-consuming function that works for all libraries adopting the Array API, catching bugs before your users do.' +category: [Array API] +featuredImage: + src: /posts/hypothesis-array-api/hypothesis-array-api-social.png + alt: 'Hypothesis logo accompanied by the text Property-based testing for the Array API' +hero: + imageSrc: /posts/hypothesis-array-api/hypothesis-array-api-social.png + imageAlt: 'Hypothesis logo accompanied by the text 'Property-based testing for the Array API' +--- + +Over the summer, I\'ve been interning at Quansight Labs to develop +testing tools for the developers and users of the upcoming [Array API +standard](https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/). Specifically, I +contributed \"strategies\" to the testing library +[Hypothesis](https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/), which I\'m +excited to announce are now available in +[`hypothesis.extra.array_api`](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/numpy.html#array-api). +Check out the primary [pull +request](https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/pull/3065) I made +for more background. + +This blog post is for anyone developing array-consuming methods (think +SciPy and scikit-learn) and is new to property-based testing. I +demonstrate a typical workflow of testing with Hypothesis whilst writing +an array-consuming function that works for *all* [libraries adopting the +Array +API](https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/purpose_and_scope.html#stakeholders), +catching bugs before your users do. + +## Before we begin + +Hypothesis shipped with its Array API strategies in [version +6.21](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changes.html#v6-21-0). +We also need to use NumPy \>= 1.22 so that we can test with its +[recently merged](https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/18585) Array API +implementation---this hasn\'t been released just yet, so I would +recommend installing a [nightly +build](https://anaconda.org/scipy-wheels-nightly/numpy). + +I will be using the excellent +[ipytest](https://github.com/chmp/ipytest/) extension to nicely run +tests in Jupyter as if we were using +[pytest](https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/) proper. For pretty +printing I use the superb [Rich](https://github.com/willmcgugan/rich) +library, where I simply override Python\'s builtin `print` with +[`rich.print`](https://rich.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference/init.html#rich.print). +I also suppress all warnings for convenience\'s sake. + +``` python +%%capture +!pip install hypothesis>=6.21 +!pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/scipy-wheels-nightly/simple numpy +``` + +``` python +%%capture +!pip install ipytest +import ipytest; ipytest.autoconfig(display_columns=80) +``` + +``` python +%%capture +!pip install rich +from rich import print +``` + +``` python +import warnings; warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") +``` + +## What the Array API enables + +The [API](https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/) standardises +functionality of array libraries, which has [numerous +benefits](https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/use_cases.html) for +both developers and users. I recommend reading the [Data APIs +announcement +post](https://data-apis.org/blog/announcing_the_consortium/) to get a +better idea of how the API is being shaped, but for our purposes it +works an awful lot like NumPy. + +The most exciting prospect for me is being able to easily write an +array-consuming method that works with all the adopting libraries. +Let\'s try writing this method to calculate the cumulative sums of an +array: + +``` python +def cumulative_sums(x): + """Return the cumulative sums of the elements of the input.""" + xp = x.__array_namespace__() + + result = xp.empty(x.size, dtype=x.dtype) + result[0] = x[0] + for i in range(1, x.size): + result[i] = result[i - 1] + x[i] + + return result +``` + +The all-important +[`__array_namespace__()`](https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/API_specification/array_object.html#method-array-namespace) +method allows array-consuming methods to get the array\'s respective +Array API module. Conventionally we assign it to the variable `xp`. + +From there you just need to rely on the guarantees of the Array API to +support NumPy, TensorFlow, PyTorch, CuPy, etc. all in one simple method! + +## Good ol\' unit tests + +I hope you\'d want write some tests at some point 😉 + +We can import NumPy\'s Array API implementation and test with that for +now, although in the future it\'d be a good idea to try other +implementations (see [related Hypothesis +issue](https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/issues/3085)). We +don\'t `import numpy as np`, but instead import NumPy\'s new module +`numpy.array_api`, which exists to comply with the Array API standard +where `numpy` proper can not (namely so NumPy can keep backwards +compatibility). + +``` python +from numpy import array_api as nxp + +def test_cumulative_sums(): + x = nxp.asarray([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) + assert nxp.all(cumulative_sums(x) == nxp.asarray([0, 1, 3, 6, 10])) + +ipytest.run() +``` + + . [100%] + 1 passed in 0.02s + +I would probably write a +[parametrized](https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/parametrize.html) test +here and write cases to cover all the interesting scenarios I can think +of. Whatever we do, we will definitely miss some edge cases. What if we +could catch bugs we would never think of ourselves? + +## Testing our assumptions with Hypothesis + +```{=html} + +``` +Hypothesis is a property-based testing library. To lift from their +excellent +[docs](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html), think of +a normal unit test as being something like the following: + +1. Set up some data. +2. Perform some operations on the data. +3. Assert something about the result. + +Hypothesis lets you write tests which instead look like this: + +1. For all data matching some specification. +2. Perform some operations on the data. +3. Assert something about the result. + +You almost certainly will find new bugs with Hypothesis thanks to how it +cleverly fuzzes your specifications, but the package really shines in +how it [\"reduces\" failing test +cases](https://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2020/13170/) to present +only the minimal reproducers that trigger said bugs. This demo will +showcase both its power and user-friendliness. + +Let\'s try testing a simple assumption that we can make about our +`cumulative_sums()` method: + +> For an array with positive elements, its cumulative sums should only +> increment or remain the same per step. + +```{=html} + +``` +```{=html} + +``` +We can write a simple enough Hypothesis-powered test method for this: + +``` python +from hypothesis import given +from hypothesis.extra.array_api import make_strategies_namespace + +xps = make_strategies_namespace(nxp) + +@given(xps.arrays(dtype="uint8", shape=10)) +def test_positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums(x): + a = cumulative_sums(x) + assert nxp.all(a[1:] >= a[:-1]) +``` + +As the Array API tools provided by Hypothesis are agnostic to the +adopting array/tensor libraries, we first need to bind an implementation +via +[`make_strategies_namespace()`](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/numpy.html#hypothesis.extra.array_api.make_strategies_namespace). +Passing `numpy.array_api` will give us a +[`SimpleNamespace`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/types.html#types.SimpleNamespace) +to use these tools for NumPy\'s Array API implementation. + +The +[`@given()`](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/details.html#hypothesis.given) +decorator tells Hypothesis what values it should generate for our test +method. In this case +[`xps.arrays()`](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/numpy.html#xps.arrays) +is a \"search strategy\" that specifies Array API-compliant arrays from +`numpy.array_api` should be generated. + +In this case, `shape=10` specifies the arrays generated are +1-dimensional and of size 10, and `dtype="uint8"` specifies they should +contain unsigned integers (which is handy for our test method as uints +are always positive). Let\'s quickly see a small sample of the arrays +Hypothesis can generate: + +``` python +for _ in range(10): + x = xps.arrays(dtype="uint8", shape=10, unique=True).example() + print(repr(x)) +print("...") +``` + +```{=html} +
Array([239, 211, 226, 129,  31,  13,  80, 235, 254, 163], dtype=uint8)
+``` + +```{=html} +
Array([164, 175, 254, 111,  63, 241,  64, 201, 173, 117], dtype=uint8)
+``` + +```{=html} +
Array([106, 149, 210, 230,  58,  37,  66, 153, 203, 181], dtype=uint8)
+``` + +```{=html} +
Array([ 93,   0, 254, 253, 252, 251, 250, 249, 248, 247], dtype=uint8)
+``` + +```{=html} +
Array([ 16,   0, 254, 253, 252, 251, 250, 249, 248, 247], dtype=uint8)
+``` + +```{=html} +
Array([172,   0, 254, 253, 252, 251, 250, 249, 248, 247], dtype=uint8)
+``` + +```{=html} +
Array([129,   0, 254, 253, 252, 251, 250, 249, 248, 247], dtype=uint8)
+``` + +```{=html} +
Array([111,   0, 254, 253, 252, 251, 250, 249, 248, 247], dtype=uint8)
+``` + +```{=html} +
Array([ 67,   0, 254, 253, 252, 251, 250, 249, 248, 247], dtype=uint8)
+``` + +```{=html} +
Array([  0, 255, 254, 253, 252, 251, 250, 249, 248, 247], dtype=uint8)
+``` + +```{=html} +
+``` + +How Hypothesis \"draws\" from its strategies can look rather +unremarkable at first. A small sample of draws might look fairly uniform +but trust that strategies will end up covering all kinds of edge cases. +Importantly it will cover these cases efficiently so that +Hypothesis-powered tests are *relatively* quick to run on your machine. + +All our test method does is get the cumulative sums array `a` that is +returned from `cumulative_sums(x)`, and then check that every element +`a[i]` is greater than or equal to `a[i-1]`. + +Time to run it! + +``` python +ipytest.run("-k positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums", "--hypothesis-seed=3") +``` + + F [100%] + =================================== FAILURES =================================== + _________________ test_positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums __________________ + + @given(xps.arrays(dtype="uint8", shape=10)) + > def test_positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums(x): + + :7: + _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ + + x = Array([26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26], dtype=uint8) + + @given(xps.arrays(dtype="uint8", shape=10)) + def test_positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums(x): + a = cumulative_sums(x) + > assert nxp.all(a[1:] >= a[:-1]) + E assert Array(False, dtype=bool) + E + where Array(False, dtype=bool) = (Array([ 52, 78, 104, 130, 156, 182, 208, 234, 4], dtype=uint8) >= Array([ 26, 52, 78, 104, 130, 156, 182, 208, 234], dtype=uint8)) + E + where = nxp.all + + :9: AssertionError + ---------------------------------- Hypothesis ---------------------------------- + Falsifying example: test_positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums( + x=Array([26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26], dtype=uint8), + ) + =========================== short test summary info ============================ + FAILED ::test_positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums - assert A... + 1 failed, 1 deselected in 0.17s + +Hypothesis has tested our assumption and told us we\'re wrong. It +provides us with the following falsifying example: + +``` python +>>> x = xp.full(10, 26, dtype=xp.uint8) +>>> x +Array([ 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26], dtype=uint8) +>>> cumulative_sums(x) +Array([ 26, 52, 78, 104, 130, 156, 182, 208, 234, 4], dtype=uint8) +``` + +You can see that an overflow error has occurred for the final cumulative +sum, as 234 + 26 (260) cannot be represented in 8-bit unsigned integers. + +Let\'s try promoting the dtype of the cumulative sums array so that it +can represent larger numbers, and then we can run the test again. + +``` python +def max_dtype(xp, dtype): + if dtype in [getattr(xp, name) for name in ("int8", "int16", "int32", "int64")]: + return xp.int64 + elif dtype in [getattr(xp, name) for name in ("uint8", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64")]: + return xp.uint64 + else: + return xp.float64 + +def cumulative_sums(x): + xp = x.__array_namespace__() + + result = xp.empty(x.size, dtype=max_dtype(xp, x.dtype)) + result[0] = x[0] + for i in range(1, x.size): + result[i] = result[i - 1] + x[i] + + return result + +ipytest.run("-k positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums") +``` + + . [100%] + 1 passed, 1 deselected in 0.18s + +You can see another assumption about our code is: + +> We can find the cumulative sums of arrays of any scalar dtype. + +We should cover this assumption in our test method +`test_positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums` by passing child search +strategies into our +[`xps.arrays()`](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/numpy.html#xps.arrays) +parent strategy. Specifying `dtype` as +[`xps.scalar_dtypes()`](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/numpy.html#xps.scalar_dtypes) +will tell Hypothesis to generate arrays of all scalar dtypes. To specify +that these array values should be positive, we can just pass keyword +arguments to the underlying value generating strategy +[`xps.from_dtype()`](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/numpy.html#xps.from_dtype) +via `elements={"min_value": 0}`. + +And while we\'re at it, let\'s make sure to cover another assumption: + +> We can find the cumulative sums of arrays with multiple dimensions. + +Specifying `shape` as +[`xps.array_shapes()`](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/numpy.html#xps.array_shapes) +will tell Hypothesis to generate arrays of various dimensionality and +sizes. We can +[filter](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/data.html#filtering) +this strategy with `lambda s: prod(s) > 1` so that always `x.size > 1`, +allowing our test code to still work. + +``` python +from math import prod +from hypothesis import settings + +@given( + xps.arrays( + dtype=xps.scalar_dtypes(), + shape=xps.array_shapes().filter(lambda s: prod(s) > 1), + elements={"min_value": 0}, + ) +) +def test_positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums(x): + a = cumulative_sums(x) + assert nxp.all(a[1:] >= a[:-1]) + +ipytest.run("-k positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums", "--hypothesis-seed=3") +``` + + F [100%] + =================================== FAILURES =================================== + _________________ test_positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums __________________ + + @given( + > xps.arrays( + dtype=xps.scalar_dtypes(), + shape=xps.array_shapes().filter(lambda s: prod(s) > 1), + elements={"min_value": 0}, + ) + ) + E hypothesis.errors.MultipleFailures: Hypothesis found 2 distinct failures. + + :5: MultipleFailures + ---------------------------------- Hypothesis ---------------------------------- + Falsifying example: test_positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums( + x=Array([[False, False]], dtype=bool), + ) + TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars + + The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: + + Traceback (most recent call last): + , line 12, in test_positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums + a = cumulative_sums(x) + , line 13, in cumulative_sums + result[0] = x[0] + File "/numpy/array_api/_array_object.py", line 657, in __setitem__ + self._array.__setitem__(key, asarray(value)._array) + ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. + + Falsifying example: test_positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums( + x=Array([False, False], dtype=bool), + ) + Traceback (most recent call last): + , line 12, in test_positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums + a = cumulative_sums(x) + , line 15, in cumulative_sums + result[i] = result[i - 1] + x[i] + File "/numpy/array_api/_array_object.py", line 362, in __add__ + other = self._check_allowed_dtypes(other, "numeric", "__add__") + File "/numpy/array_api/_array_object.py", line 125, in _check_allowed_dtypes + raise TypeError(f"Only {dtype_category} dtypes are allowed in {op}") + TypeError: Only numeric dtypes are allowed in __add__ + =========================== short test summary info ============================ + FAILED ::test_positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums - hypothes... + 1 failed, 1 deselected in 0.38s + +Again Hypothesis has proved our assumptions wrong, and this time it\'s +found two problems. + +Firstly, our `cumulative_sums()` method doesn\'t adjust for boolean +arrays, so we get an error when we add two `bool` values together. + +``` python +>>> x = xp.zeros(2, dtype=xp.bool) +>>> x +Array([False, False], dtype=bool) +>>> cumulative_sums(x) +Traceback: + , line 15, in cumulative_sums + result[i] = result[i - 1] + x[i] + ... +TypeError: Only numeric dtypes are allowed in __add__ +``` + +Secondly, our `cumulative_sums()` method is assuming arrays are +1-dimensional, so we get an error when we wrongly assume `x[0]` will +always return a single scalar (technically a 0-dimensional array). + +``` python +>>> x = xp.zeros((1, 2), dtype=xp.bool) +>>> x +Array([[False, False]], dtype=bool) +>>> cumulative_sums(x) +Traceback: + , line 13, in cumulative_sums + result[0] = x[0] + ... +TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars +``` + +I\'m going to flatten input arrays and convert the boolean arrays to +integer arrays of ones and zeros. Of-course we\'ll run the test again to +make sure our updated `cumulative_sums()` method now works. + +``` python +def cumulative_sums(x): + xp = x.__array_namespace__() + + x = xp.reshape(x, x.size) + + if x.dtype == xp.bool: + mask = x + dtype = xp.uint64 + x = xp.zeros(x.shape, dtype=xp.uint64) + x[mask] = 1 + + result = xp.empty(x.size, dtype=max_dtype(xp, x.dtype)) + result[0] = x[0] + for i in range(1, x.size): + result[i] = result[i - 1] + x[i] + + return result + +ipytest.run("-k positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums", "--hypothesis-seed=3") +``` + + F [100%] + =================================== FAILURES =================================== + _________________ test_positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums __________________ + + @given( + > xps.arrays( + dtype=xps.scalar_dtypes(), + shape=xps.array_shapes().filter(lambda s: prod(s) > 1), + elements={"min_value": 0}, + ) + ) + + :5: + _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ + + x = Array([4611686018427387904, 4611686018427387904], dtype=int64) + + @given( + xps.arrays( + dtype=xps.scalar_dtypes(), + shape=xps.array_shapes().filter(lambda s: prod(s) > 1), + elements={"min_value": 0}, + ) + ) + def test_positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums(x): + a = cumulative_sums(x) + > assert nxp.all(a[1:] >= a[:-1]) + E assert Array(False, dtype=bool) + E + where Array(False, dtype=bool) = (Array([-9223372036854775808], dtype=int64) >= Array([4611686018427387904], dtype=int64)) + E + where = nxp.all + + :13: AssertionError + ---------------------------------- Hypothesis ---------------------------------- + Falsifying example: test_positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums( + x=Array([4611686018427387904, 4611686018427387904], dtype=int64), + ) + =========================== short test summary info ============================ + FAILED ::test_positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums - assert A... + 1 failed, 1 deselected in 1.24s + +We resolved our two previous issues\... but Hypothesis has found yet +another failing scenario 🙃 + +``` python +>>> x = xp.full(2, 4611686018427387904, dtype=xp.int64) +>>> x +Array([ 4611686018427387904, 4611686018427387904], dtype=int64) +>>> cumulative_sums(x) +Array([ 4611686018427387904, -9223372036854775808], dtype=int64) +``` + +An overflow has occurred again, which we can\'t do much about it this +time. There\'s no larger signed integer dtype than `int64` (in the Array +API), so we\'ll just have `cumulative_sums()` detect overflows itself. + +``` python +def cumulative_sums(x): + xp = x.__array_namespace__() + + x = xp.reshape(x, x.size) + + if x.dtype == xp.bool: + mask = x + dtype = xp.uint64 + x = xp.zeros(x.shape, dtype=xp.uint64) + x[mask] = 1 + + result = xp.empty(x.size, dtype=max_dtype(xp, x.dtype)) + result[0] = x[0] + for i in range(1, x.size): + result[i] = result[i - 1] + x[i] + if result[i] < result[i - 1]: + raise OverflowError("Cumulative sum cannot be represented") + + return result +``` + +If Hypothesis generates arrays which raise `OverflowError`, we can just +catch it and use +[`assume(False)`](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/details.html#making-assumptions) +to ignore testing these arrays on runtime. This \"filter-on-runtime\" +behaviour can be very handy at times, although [their docs note +`assume()` can be +problematic](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/details.html#how-good-is-assume). + +We can also explicitly cover overflows in a separate test. + +``` python +from hypothesis import assume +import pytest + +@given( + xps.arrays( + dtype=xps.scalar_dtypes(), + shape=xps.array_shapes().filter(lambda s: prod(s) > 1), + elements={"min_value": 0}, + ) +) +def test_positive_arrays_have_incrementing_sums(x): + try: + a = cumulative_sums(x) + assert nxp.all(a[1:] >= a[:-1]) + except OverflowError: + assume(False) + +def test_error_on_overflow(): + x = nxp.asarray([nxp.iinfo(nxp.uint64).max, 1], dtype=nxp.uint64) + with pytest.raises(OverflowError): + cumulative_sums(x) + +ipytest.run() +``` + + ... [100%] + 3 passed in 0.27s + +Our little test suite finally passes 😅 + +If you\'re feeling adventurous, you might want to get [this very +notebook](https://github.com/Quansight-Labs/quansight-labs-site/tree/main/posts/2021/10/hypothesis-array-api.ipynb) +running and see if you can write some test cases yourself---bonus points +if they fail! For starters, how about testing that cumulative sums +*decrease* with arrays containing negative elements? + +When you\'re developing an Array API array-consuming method, and an +equivalent method already exists for one of the adopting libraries, I +highly recommend using Hypothesis to compare its results to your own. +For example, we could use the battle-tested +[`np.cumsum()`](https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.cumsum.html) +to see how our `cumulative_sums()` method compares: + +``` python +import numpy as np + +@given(xps.arrays(dtype=xps.scalar_dtypes(), shape=xps.array_shapes())) +def test_reference_implementation(x): + our_out = cumulative_sums(x) + # We convert numpy.array_api arrays into NumPy's top-level "ndarray" + # structure, so we can compare our results with np.cumsum(). + # We do this via np.asarray(obj), which will see if obj supports + # NumPy's interface protocol to subsequently get the underlying + # ndarray from obj - fortunately arrays generated from + # numpy.array_api do support this! + # See https://numpy.org/devdocs/user/basics.interoperability.html + our_out = np.asarray(our_out) + their_out = np.cumsum(np.asarray(x)) + assert np.all(our_out == their_out) +``` + +```{=html} + +``` +Such \"differential testing\" is a great exercise to really think about +what your code does, even if ultimately you conclude that you are happy +with different results. + +Zac Hatfield-Dodds, who maintains Hypothesis, writes more about +differential testing in their short paper [\"Falsify your Software: +validating scientific code with property-based +testing\"](http://conference.scipy.org/proceedings/scipy2020/zac_hatfield-dodds.html). +Generally it\'s a great read if you want more ideas on how Hypothesis +can make your array-consuming libraries robust! + +## Watch this space + +This year should see a first +[version](https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/future_API_evolution.html#versioning) +of the Array API standard, and subsequently NumPy shipping +`numpy.array_api` out to the world---this means array-consuming +libraries will be able to reliably develop for the Array API quite soon. +I hope I\'ve demonstrated why you should try Hypothesis when the time +comes 🙂 + +Good news is that I\'m extending my stay at Quansight. My job is to help +unify Python\'s fragmented scientific ecosystem, so I\'m more than happy +to respond to any inquiries about using Hypothesis for the Array API via +[email](mailto:quitesimplymatt@gmail.com) or +[Twitter](https://twitter.com/whostolehonno). + +For now I\'m contributing to the Hypothesis-powered [Array API +compliance suite](https://github.com/data-apis/array-api-tests), which +is already being used by the NumPy team to ensure `numpy.array_api` +actually complies with every tiny detail of the +[specification](https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/). This process +has the added side-effect of finding limitations in +[`hypothesis.extra.array_api`](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/numpy.html#array-api), +so you can expect Hypothesis to only improve from here on out! + diff --git a/apps/labs/public/posts/hypothesis-array-api/hypothesis-array-api-social.png b/apps/labs/public/posts/hypothesis-array-api/hypothesis-array-api-social.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..92be45e98 Binary files /dev/null and b/apps/labs/public/posts/hypothesis-array-api/hypothesis-array-api-social.png differ