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qubes-core-admin extension for handling Whonix related settings

This extension takes care of setting up Whonix Workstation base VM. When new VM is created based on a template with whonix-ws feature set, it gets:

  • netvm set to sys-whonix (can be overriden by whonix-default-gw feature on the template)
  • default dispvm set to name of the template + -dvm (can be overriden by whonix-default-dispvm feature on the template)
  • tag anon-vm used by various qrexec policies

If any of referenced VM does not exists, extension set relevant property to none, to not risk leaking data over clearnet.

Similarly, new Whonix Gateway is configured. When new VM is created based on a template with whonix-gw feature set it gets:

  • anon-gateway tag

Additionally, Whonix Gateway/Workstation template can request whonix-ws feature to be added to itself, easing bootstrap of this feature. The canonical way to do this, is to place a script in /etc/qubes/post-install.d (with .sh extension), with just one call:

qvm-features-request whonix-gw 1


qvm-features-request whonix-ws 1

This will set appropriate whonix-gw/whonix-ws feature, and also add whonix-updatevm tag, so templates will be updated over Whonix Gateway.

The template cannot request the feature to be removed.