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You now have access to Jenkins Serviceand a Kubernetes cluster managed by GKE. To take this solution further, you could use these components in your CD pipeline.

Core Steps:

(1) create GKE cluster

(2) install Helm CLI

(3) install Jenkins and connect to Jenkins Server


from step 1:

Activate Cloud Shell

  • 1.1, setup GCE zone.

    gcloud config set compute/zone <zone>
  • 1.2, create GKE cluster.

    gcloud container clusters create j-ci-cd \
     --machine-type <machine-type> \
     --cluster-version <version> \
     --scopes ",cloud-platform"
     // scopes enable Jenkins to access container registry and cloud source repository.
  • 1.3, check cluster is running.

    gcloud container clusters list
    Name      location   master_version    master_ip   machine_type    node_version   num_node status
    j-ci-cd     <zone>    <version>   <machine type>    <version>    2        running
  • 1.4, cfrm that connectivity to cluster

     kubectl cluster-info
     kubernets master is running at <ip> 
     backend is running at <ip/api/v1/proxy/namesapces/kube-system/services/default-http-backend>
     kubeDNS is running at <ip/api/v1/proxy/namesapces/kube-system/services/kube-dns>


from step 2:

install and utile Helm CLI tool

  • 2.1, download Helm binary.

  • 2.2, unzip the Helm file.

    tar zxfv helm-v3.2.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
  • 2.3, copy the file to local system.

    cp linux-amd64/helm .
  • 2.4, add role to RBAC for adding jenkins permissions afterward.

    kubectl create cluster clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding 
          --user=$(gcloud config get-value account)
  • 2.5, add repo

     ./helm repo add jenkins-ci
     ./helm repo update 
     ./helm version


from step3:

install and util Jenkins

  • 3.1, use helm cli to install jenkins chart with yaml file.

    ./helm install cd-jenkins -f jenkins/values.yaml jenkinsci/jenkins 
        --version 2.6.4
  • 3.2, check the Pod installing Jenkins is at running state

      kubectl get pods
      Name                  ready   status     AGE
      cd-jenkins-<code>      1/1    running     1m
  • 3.3, forward port from cloud shell to jenkins UI.

    export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods 
    --namespace default 
    -l "" 
    -l "" 
    -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
    kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:8080 >> /dev/null &
  • 3.4, check Jenkins Service is created well.

    kubectl get svc
    Name               cluster-ip     external-ip    port(s)    gae
    cd-jenkins         <internal-ip1>   <none>      8080/tcp     3h
    cd-jenkins-agent   <internal-ip2>   <none>     50000/tcp     3h
    kubernets          <internal-ip3>   <none>       443/tcp     9h
  • tips & attentions

    The Jenkins installation is using the Kubernetes Plugin to create builder agents. They will be automatically launched as necessary when the Jenkins master needs to run a build. When their work is done, they are automatically terminated and their resources are added back to the cluster's resource pool.

  • 3.5, to retrieve the admins password and connect to Jenkins Server.

    printf $(kubectl get secret cd-jenkins 
            -o jsonpath="{.data.jenkins-admin-password}" 
            | base64 --decode)
  • 3.6, to open Jenkins UI (chart), plz click on "Web Preview" tab.

  • 3.7, log in by clicking on the "log in" tab, and enter the "admin" for user field, and password for the password filed, then click on "log in" button.

Ref Doc