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FCS Korp Endpoint

The Korp FCS 2.0 reference endpoint implementation.

This is the Python version of clarin-eric/fcs-korp-endpoint! It is a manual translation from Java to Python and should functionally be the same. Its main purpose is to be a demonstrator and prototype for new FCS 2.0 endpoints using the SRU+FCS Python libraries.



The project does not really require an installation. Simply copy the project anywhere, install required dependencies and it should work out-of-the-box.

git clone
cd fcs-korp-endpoint-python

# optional (but will also install all dependencies)
pip install -e .


To just run the application:

python3 -m korp_endpoint

Run with Docker

First build the docker image:

docker build --progress=plain -t korpy .

Then run (default port specified in envvar PORT is 5000):

docker run --rm -it -p 5000:5000 korpy

Configuration & Modification

The file src/korp_endpoint/ describes how to set or overwrite SRU/FCS configuration parameters. It also shows how to expose the app object for WSGI.

The file src/korp_endpoint/ is the module entrypoint for the above run command. It shows how to use the werkzeug.serving.run_simple function to run the app instance for debugging. If you want to deploy for production take a look at the werkzeug deployment docs.

The configuration files src/korp_endpoint/sru-server-config.xml and src/korp_endpoint/endpoint-description.xml are bundled and need to be adjusted for your own endpoint, too.

Endpoint implementation

src/korp_endpoint/ is the implementation of the endpoint! It (KorpEndpointSearchEngine) is the core of the endpoint and handles requests for FCS 2.0 explain and searchRetrieve requests.

This implementation translates incoming CQL/FCS-QL queries into CQP using src/korp_endpoint/, forwards the query to the Korp search engine in src/korp_endpoint/ and wraps the result in a SRU/FCS response (KorpSearchResultSet).


Run style checks:

# general style checks
python3 -m pip install -e .[style]

black --check .
flake8 . --show-source --statistics
isort --check --diff .
mypy .


The Korp fcs reference endpoint implementation (python)






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