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Roberto Cases edited this page May 16, 2022 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the skylineOS wiki!


Please see here for an explanation on how you can set assets for Pegasus Frontend

skylineOS Assets

This theme looks for the following assets:

  • logo, wheel - The game's logo, usually the title art over a transparent background
  • tile - A square-sized image (not the desktop icon)
  • screenshot - An in-game screenshot
  • background - A background image, eg. artwork, fanart or selected screenshot
  • boxFront - The front of the game box

Default order of preference for game image backgrounds:

tile > screenshot > background > boxFront

Changing the preference in the Theme Settings to fanart will change the preference order to:

tile > background > screenshot > boxFront

The assumption behind always making tiles the first preference for game image backgrounds is that if the tile property is set for a game, then you definitely want to use it with this theme. Additionally, if you set the tile property, no logo will be displayed (even if one is set) under the assumption that any artwork set as the tile will already include the logo.

Background Music

  • add .mp3 files into /assets/audio/music/
  • follow the instructions in /resources/Music.qml on lines 10-12 to register the music files
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