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Add script for pretty print tracerouters from RIPE Atlas in console t…
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…raceroute/tracepath manner
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pavel-odintsov committed Mar 9, 2015
1 parent 3806ad9 commit 42b7e3f
Showing 1 changed file with 117 additions and 0 deletions.
117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@

use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;
use Net::DNS::Resolver;
use List::Util qw(sum);

use lib "/opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.16.3";
use JSON;

# Description: script for printing traceroute results from ATLAS in pretty form
# Author: Pavel Odintsov
# Email:
# How to install JSON module on MAC OS X? sudo port install p5-json

sub get_reverse {
my $ip = shift;

unless ($ip) {
return '';

my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new;

# Prevent hungup on DNS resolve
$res->tcp_timeout( 1 );
$res->udp_timeout( 1 );

# create the reverse lookup DNS name (note that the octets in the IP address need to be reversed).
my $reversed_ip = join '.', reverse split(/\./, $ip);
my $target_IP = "$";

my $query = $res->query("$target_IP", "PTR");

if ($query) {
foreach my $rr ($query->answer) {
unless ($rr->type eq "PTR") {
return $rr->rdatastr;
} else {
return '';

if (scalar @ARGV == 0) {
print "Please provide path to file with json data from ATLAS\n";
exit 1;

open my $fl, "<", $ARGV[0] or die "Can't open file $ARGV[0]";
my $data = join '', <$fl>;

my $decoded = decode_json($data);

my $measures_sorted_by_probe_id = {};
for my $measure (@$decoded) {
push @{ $measures_sorted_by_probe_id->{ $measure->{prb_id} } }, $measure;

for my $probe_id (keys %$measures_sorted_by_probe_id) {
print "Probe ID: $probe_id\n\n";
for my $measure (@{$measures_sorted_by_probe_id->{$probe_id}}) {
my @hops = @{ $measure->{result} };

my $pretty_timestamp = localtime($measure->{timestamp});
print "Traceroute measure executed from $measure->{src_addr} to $measure->{dst_addr} at $pretty_timestamp\n";

# print Dumper($measure);
# exit 1;

for my $hop (@hops) {
#print Dumper $hop;
my $first_try = $hop->{result}->[0];
my $this_request_failed = $first_try->{x} && $first_try->{x} eq '*';

if ($this_request_failed) {
print " $hop->{hop} *\n";

my $average_rtt = 0;

if (ref $hop->{result} eq 'ARRAY' && scalar @{ $hop->{result} } > 0 && !$this_request_failed) {
my @rtts = ();
for my $tracrouter_retry (@{ $hop->{result} }) {
# Filter out only defined entries
if ($tracrouter_retry->{rtt}) {
push @rtts, $tracrouter_retry->{rtt};

# print Dumper(\@rtts);

if (scalar @rtts > 0) {
$average_rtt = sum(@rtts) / scalar @rtts;
# Round by 3 digits after point
$average_rtt = sprintf("%.3f", $average_rtt);

#print Dumper($first_try);
my $reverse = get_reverse($first_try->{from});

unless ($reverse) {
$reverse = $first_try->{from};

print " $hop->{hop} $reverse ($first_try->{from}) $average_rtt ms\n";

print "\n\n";

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