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SloNER - Named Entity Recognition for Slovene language

V tem repozitoriju se nahaja rezultat aktivnosti A3.2 - R3.2.1 Orodje za prepoznavanje imenskih entitet, ki je nastalo v okviru projekta Razvoj slovenščine v digitalnem okolju.

1. Training

1.1. Environment setup (local)

Create a new environment using venv. Make sure it is a python 3.8 environment:

# to create the environement:
python3 -m venv NER-env

Activate the environment:

source NER-env/bin/activate

Install all the dependendencies

# in case you install new packages you have to update the environment:
# NOTE: delete the prefix at the end, might cause issues on different environments
python install -r requirements.txt

Or just do it via your IDE, e.g. PyCharm, the point is to install the dependencies from requirements.txt :)

Running the files:

# !!! assuming the workdir is the repository path.

# to run a file:
PYTHONPATH=. python <path_to_file>
# e.g.
PYTHONPATH=. python train/

1.2. Environment setup (DGX A100)

Before you begin, make sure you have the code from the repository on the cluster. Once there, you can run the SloNERT by runnig:


Which will setup the environment for you, and run the training, and testing of the model. The tasks are dependent and will execute consecutevely via SLURM using the sbatch command.

Should you wish to have an interactive environment, for debugging and online developing, run:


Which will start the created container with an interactive bash console.

Should you wish to create a new container, run the following command:

srun \
    --container-image pytorch/pytorch:1.7.0-cuda11.0-cudnn8-runtime \  # the source docker image, we use the pytorch one, with all pytorch and CUDA requirements pre-installed
    --container-save "$CONTAINER_IMAGE_PATH" \  # where to store the created image
    --container-mounts "$PWD":/workspace,/some/dir:/mount/point \  # choose which directories to mount in the container
    --container-entrypoint /workspace/bin/ # choose which script to be executed when the container is created.
    # alternatively, you can replace the last line with:
    --pty bash -l # if you wish to have an interactive bash shell

For more examples, please inspect the scripts within the bin directory named with the run-*.sh pattern.

2. Inference

2.2. Named Entity Recognition API

Named Entity Recognition can be run as a standalone service which exposes a RESTful API. It accepts an arbitrary text and returns annotated text, word by word, with recognised named entities.

2.2.1. Docker Container


To build a model serving Docker container, from the project's root folder, execute

$ bin/

Upon a sucessfull build, the resulting container image is named rsdo-ds3-ner-api:v1. By default gpu images are used. For CPU-only images use commands with name ending -cpu.


The resulting Docker container image from the above build action does not include a trained Named Entity Recognition model; therefore, it has to be mounted as a Docker volume. The container expects a model to be mounted into a path, defined by NER_MODEL_PATH environment variable.

A build model is available on CJVT NAS (access needed).

Save a trained model into some directory, e.g., /data/models/bert-based. It should be stored into a directory, following the same file structure as the models on the HuggingFace repository.

Edit bin/ accordingly, to point to the path of your trained model.

To run a model serving Docker container, from the project's root folder, execute

$ bin/

The container is named rsdo-ds3-ner-api. Inspect with Docker logs to find out when the respective Flask server starts listening and accepting HTTP requests.

Then fire up your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000/apidocs. A Swagger's UI should show up where one can explore all the exposed endpoints.

3. Results

3.1 Experimentation setup

The SloNER model was trained on the SUK 1.0 corpus. We present the results for 5 different versions of the model, that differ in the pretrained language model that was used. The beset performance was achieved using the sloberta-2.0 pretrained model.

model_name precision_score recall_score f1_score
cro-slo-eng-bert 0,91 0,93 0,92
bert-base-multilingual-cased 0,90 0,93 0,91
bert-base-multilingual-uncased 0,60 0,63 0,61
sloberta-1.0 0,91 0,94 0,93
sloberta-2.0 0,91 0,94 0,93

The best performing pretrained model is published in the Clarin repository.

Operacijo Razvoj slovenščine v digitalnem okolju sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj. Operacija se izvaja v okviru Operativnega programa za izvajanje evropske kohezijske politike v obdobju 2014-2020.


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