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Brendan edited this page Aug 13, 2022 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the Preset Wiki!

Here, there'll be instructions on how to begin creating a preset, and then how to properly commit to the GitHub.

Don't worry, the process is easy and literally anyone can do it. The hardest part is retrieving a list of class-names you want to use for your preset, and that's probably the easiest thing!

If you follow the instructions, you should run into no issues.

Before you get started, however, there are some prerequisites you might want to begin.


  • Patience
  • A code editor like Visual Studio Code. This is not required but makes life much easier. Notepad++ might also suffice.
  • GitHub Desktop, to easily clone repositories and make changes.
  • Creativity

If you feel like you satisfy all the above and want to get started, head to the first page and get started!