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Added a details command and fixed the mention matching regex
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RagePeanut committed Oct 12, 2018
1 parent 7000eef commit 736344a
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# checky (0.1.8)
# checky (0.1.9)
A Steem bot that checks if the users mentioned in a post exist on the blockchain. If they don't, it indicates to authors that they may have made a typo or it suggests them some existing usernames close to the wrong ones.

See this bot in action here:
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91 changes: 66 additions & 25 deletions app.js
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ function stream() {
case 'comment':
const author = operation[1].author;
const parentAuthor = operation[1].parent_author;
const body = operation[1].body;
const permlink = operation[1].permlink;

usernameChecker.addUsers(author, parentAuthor);
Expand All @@ -45,10 +44,10 @@ function stream() {

if(parentAuthor === 'checky') {
// Parsing the command from the comment
const command = /^(?:^|\(for\s*:\s*@?([A-Za-z0-9.-]+)\))(?:\s*)!([A-Za-z]+)(?:\s+(.+))?/.exec(body);
const command = /^(?:^|\(for\s*:\s*@?([A-Za-z0-9.-]+)\))(?:\s*)!([A-Za-z]+)(?:\s+(.+))?/.exec(operation[1].body);
if(command) {
if(!command[1] || author !== 'ragepeanut') command[1] = author;
processCommand(command[2], command[3], command[1], author, permlink);
processCommand(command[2], command[3], command[1], author, permlink, operation[1].parent_permlink);
} else if(parentAuthor === '' && mode !== 'off' || mode === 'advanced') {
try {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,22 +95,37 @@ function stream() {

* Checks that the comment operation is for a new post and calls processMentions
* Gets the content of a post
* @param {string} author The author of the post
* @param {string} permlink The permlink of the post
* @return {Promise<any>} The content of the post
function getContent(author, permlink) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
steem.api.getContent(author, permlink, (err, content) => {
if(err) {
console.error(`Request error (getContent): ${ err.message } with ${ request_nodes[0] }`);
// Putting the node where the error comes from at the end of the array
steem.api.setOptions({ url: request_nodes[0] });
console.log(`Retrying with ${ request_nodes[0] }`);
return resolve(getContent(author, permlink));

* Calls processMentions after a certain delay set by the author
* @param {string} author The author of the post
* @param {string} permlink The permlink of the post
* @param {boolean} mustBeNew Post must be new (true) or can have been updated (false)
function processPost(author, permlink, mustBeNew) {
steem.api.getContent(author, permlink, (err, res) => {
if(err) {
console.error(`Request error (getContent): ${ err.message } with ${ request_nodes[0] }`);
// Putting the node where the error comes from at the end of the array
steem.api.setOptions({ url: request_nodes[0] });
console.log(`Retrying with ${ request_nodes[0] }`);
processPost(author, permlink, mustBeNew);
} else {
if(mustBeNew && res.last_update === res.created) {
getContent(author, permlink)
.then(content => {
if(mustBeNew && content.last_update === content.created) {
const delay = usernameChecker.getUser(author).delay;
if(delay > 0) {
setTimeout(() => {
Expand All @@ -121,20 +135,19 @@ function processPost(author, permlink, mustBeNew) {
if(!mustBeNew) {
try {
const metadata = JSON.parse(res.json_metadata);
const metadata = JSON.parse(content.json_metadata);
if(!metadata) throw new Error('The metadata is ' + metadata);
if(typeof metadata !== 'object') throw new Error('The metadata isn of type ' + typeof metadata);
if(!metadata.tags) throw new Error('The tags property is ' + metadata.tags);
if(!Array.isArray(metadata.tags)) throw new Error('The tags property isn\'t an array');
if(! || typeof !== 'string' || !/share2steem/.test( {
processMentions(res.body, author, permlink, res.parent_author === '' ? 'post' : 'comment', metadata.tags);
processMentions(content.body, author, permlink, content.parent_author === '' ? 'post' : 'comment', metadata.tags);
} catch(e) {
processMentions(res.body, author, permlink, res.parent_author === '' ? 'post' : 'comment', []);
processMentions(content.body, author, permlink, content.parent_author === '' ? 'post' : 'comment', []);

Expand All @@ -150,7 +163,7 @@ async function processMentions(body, author, permlink, type, tags) {
const knownUsernames = [];
const alreadyEncountered = [];
const details = {};
const mentionRegex = /(?:^|[^\w=/])@([a-z][a-z\d.-]{1,16}[a-z\d])(.|$)/gimu;
const mentionRegex = /(?:^|[^\w=/])@([a-z][a-z\d.-]{1,16}[a-z\d])(?![\w/(])/gimu;
// All variations of the author username
const authorRegex = new RegExp(author.replace(/([a-z]+|\d+)/g, '($1)?').replace(/[.-]/g, '[.-]?'));
const imageOrDomainRegex = /\.(jpe?g|png|gif|com?|io|org|net|me)$/;
Expand All @@ -169,7 +182,7 @@ async function processMentions(body, author, permlink, type, tags) {
const mentionInLinkedPostTitleRegex = new RegExp('\\[([^\\]]*@' + escapedMention + '[^\\]]*)]\\([^)]*\\/@([a-z][a-z\\d.-]{1,14}[a-z\\d])\\/([a-z0-9-]+)\\)|<a +href="[^"]*\\/@?([a-z][a-z\\d.-]{1,14}[a-z\\d])\\/([a-z0-9-]+)" *>((?:(?!<\\/a>).)*@' + escapedMention + '(?:(?!<\\/a>).)*)<\\/a>', 'i');
const socialNetworksRegex = /(insta|tele)gram|tw(it?ter|eet)|facebook|golos|whaleshares?|discord|medium|minds|brunch|unsplash|텔레그램|[^a-z](ig|rt|fb|ws|eos)[^a-z]|t.(me|co)\//i;
// True if not ignored, not part of a word/url, not a variation of the author username, not in a code block, not in a quote and not ending with an image/domain extension
if(!ignoredMentions.includes(mention) && !/[\w/(]/.test(matches[2]) && mention.match(authorRegex).every(match => !match) && !mentionInCodeRegex.test(body) && !mentionInQuoteRegex.test(body) && !imageOrDomainRegex.test(mention)) {
if(!ignoredMentions.includes(mention) && mention.match(authorRegex).every(match => !match) && !mentionInCodeRegex.test(body) && !mentionInQuoteRegex.test(body) && !imageOrDomainRegex.test(mention)) {
// Adding the username to the mentions array only if it doesn't contain a social network reference in the 40 words surrounding it
const surrounding = body.match(textSurroundingMentionRegex);
if(surrounding && surrounding.every(text => !socialNetworksRegex.test(text))) {
Expand All @@ -178,11 +191,14 @@ async function processMentions(body, author, permlink, type, tags) {
if(match) {
// Matches are mapped as follows: 1-6 = title 2-4 = author 3-5 = permlink
if(kebabCase(match[1] || match[6]) === kebabCase(match[3] || match[5])) continue;
const linkedPost = await steem.api.getContentAsync(match[2] || match[4], match[3] || match[5]);
const linkedPost = await getContent(match[2] || match[4], match[3] || match[5]);
if(linkedPost && kebabCase(match[1] || match[6]) === kebabCase(linkedPost.title)) continue;
details[mention] = (details[mention] || []).concat( => '<blockquote>' + text.replace(new RegExp('@' + mention, 'gi'), '<strong>$&</strong>') + '</blockquote>') => text.replace(/!\[[^\]]*\]\([^)]*\)/g, '')
.replace(mentionRegex, '@<em></em>$1')
.replace(new RegExp('@<em></em>' + mention, 'gi'), '<strong>$&</strong>')
.replace(/^ */gm, '> '))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,8 +253,9 @@ async function processMentions(body, author, permlink, type, tags) {
* @param {string} target The user the command applies to
* @param {string} author The user who wrote the command
* @param {string} permlink The permlink of the comment in which the command has been written
* @param {string} parent_permlink The permlink of @checky's comment
async function processCommand(command, params, target, author, permlink) {
async function processCommand(command, params, target, author, permlink, parent_permlink) {
if(!(await usernameChecker.exists(target))) comments.push(['The target user doesn\'t exist on the Steem blockchain. Maybe you made a typo ?', author, permlink, 'Possible wrong target username']);
else {
const targetData = usernameChecker.getUser(target);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,6 +319,30 @@ async function processCommand(command, params, target, author, permlink) {
} else comments.push(['You didn\'t correctly specify the delay. Please try again by using a number to represent the delay.', author, permlink, `Delay wrongly specified`]);
} else comments.push([`You didn't specify the delay. Please try again by using \`!${ command } minutes`, author, permlink, 'No delay specified']);
case 'surrounding':
case 'details':
const content = await getContent('checky', parent_permlink);
let details;
try {
details = JSON.parse(content.json_metadata).details;
} catch(e) {
details = null;
if(!details || Object.keys(details).length === 0) comments.push(['You can only use this command under @checky\'s suggestion comments.', author, permlink, 'Details unreachable']);
else {
const detailsKeys = Object.keys(details);
const mentions = params ? params.split(/[\s,]+/).filter(param => detailsKeys.includes(param)) : detailsKeys;
if(mentions.length === 0) comments.push(['You didn\'t specify any wrong mention.', author, permlink, 'No wrong mention specified']);
else {
let message = 'Here are the details you requested:';
mentions.forEach(mention => {
message += '\n\n**@<em></em>' + mention + '**';
details.mention.forEach(surrounding => message += '\n\n' + surrounding);
comments.push([message, author, permlink, 'Details']);
case 'help':
const message = '#### Here are all the available commands:\n* **!delay** *minutes* **-** tells the bot to wait X minutes before checking your posts.\n* **!help** **-** gives a list of commands and their explanations.\n* **!ignore** *username1* *username2* **-** tells the bot to ignore some usernames mentioned in your posts (useful to avoid the bot mistaking other social network accounts for Steem accounts).\n* **!mode** *[regular-advanced-off]* **-** sets the mentions checking to regular (only posts), advanced (posts and comments) or off (no checking). Alternatively, you can write *normal* or *on* instead of *regular*. You can also write *plus* instead of *advanced*.\n* **!off** **-** shortcut for **!mode off**.\n* **!on** **-** shortcut for **!mode on**.\n* **!state** **-** gives the state of your account (*regular*, *advanced* or *off*).\n* **!switch** *[regular-advanced-off]* **-** same as **!mode**.\n* **!unignore** *username1* *username2* **-** tells the bot to unignore some usernames mentioned in your posts.\n* **!wait** *minutes* - same as **!delay**.\n\n###### Any idea on how to improve this bot ? Please contact @ragepeanut on any of his posts or send him a direct message on Discord (RagePeanut#8078).';
comments.push([message, author, permlink, 'Commands list']);
Expand All @@ -318,7 +359,7 @@ async function processCommand(command, params, target, author, permlink) {
* @param {string} author The author of the post
* @param {string} permlink The permlink of the post
* @param {string} title The title of the message to broadcast
* @param {object} details The details about where the wrong mentions have been found
* @param {any} details The details about where the wrong mentions have been found
function sendMessage(message, author, permlink, title, details) {
if(title.length > 255) title = title.slice(0, 252) + '...';
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package-lock.json

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "checky",
"version": "0.1.8",
"version": "0.1.9",
"description": "A bot that checks if mentioned Steem users exist.",
"main": "app.js",
"scripts": {
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion utils/username-checker.js
Expand Up @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ function deletes(username, edits, mustBeValid) {
* @returns {string} The correction with its differences highlighted (between strong tags)
function highlightDifferences(username, correction) {
// Two deletes
// Two deletes (deletes can't be highlighted)
if(username.length === correction.length + 2) return correction;
let highlighted = correction.split('');
for(let i = 0; i < correction.length; i++) {
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