diff --git a/doc/Language/community.pod6 b/doc/Language/community.pod6 index b706d6b39..ed1a928e1 100644 --- a/doc/Language/community.pod6 +++ b/doc/Language/community.pod6 @@ -33,27 +33,41 @@ More resources can be found in the L +=begin item +B (L) + An IRC bot for benchmarking code at a given commit of Rakudo. It can be addressed by its full name ('benchable6') or its short name ('bench'). It will run the given code five times and return the minimum amount of time taken. +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn bisectable L This bot is meant to help you find when something got broken. If you want to know if something has ever worked use Committable instead. +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn bloatable L An IRC bot for running bloaty on libmoar.so files of MoarVM. It can be addressed by its full name ('bloatable6') or its short name ('bloat' or 'bloaty'). It will run bloaty and pass one or more libmoar.so files from different revisions of MoarVM. +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn buggable L RT queue search and utility bot. +=end item + +=begin item +B -=defn camelia Perl 6 code evaluation bot. We use this for live testing of code that may be of interest to others; it chats back to the channel. C @@ -62,54 +76,86 @@ C will test nqp, C will parse the expression using STD.pm6. For other compilers, try C. +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn committable L An IRC bot for running code at a given commit of Rakudo. It can be addressed by its full name ('committable6') or its short names ('commit', 'c'). +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn coverable L An IRC bot for creating a coverage report of the Rakudo (and NQP) source lines that were hit while running the code you give it. The first option is the commit, the second (optional) option is the filter for what lines of the MoarVM-generated coverage log you want, the third is the code to run. +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn Geth L Announces commits made to various projects relevant to Raku, such as implementations of Raku and some of the L. +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn evalable L -Evalable is just Committable that defaults to HEAD. +Evalable is just Committable that defaults to C. +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn greppable L An IRC bot for grepping through the module ecosystem. It can be addressed by its full name ('greppable6') or its short name ('grep'). +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn huggable L -Let's you .hug people in the channel. +Let's you C<.hug> people in the channel. +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn ilbot L IRC logging bot. +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn nativecallable L an IRC bot for generating Perl 6 NativeCall code from C definitions. It can be addressed by its full name ('nativecallable6') or its short name ('nativecall'). The bot is using C to do the conversion. +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn notable L an IRC bot for for noting things. It can be addressed by its full name ('notable6') or its short name ('note'). There is also a “weekly:” shortcut. +=end item -=defn quotable L +=begin item +B (L) An IRC bot for searching messages in the IRC log. It can be addressed by its full name ('quotable6') or its short name ('quote'). +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn releasable L An IRC bot for getting information about the upcoming release. It can be addressed by its full name ('releasable6') or its short name ('release'). @@ -117,71 +163,108 @@ can be addressed by its full name ('releasable6') or its short name As a user, you are probably only interested in its only command “status”. It tells when the next release is going to happen and how many blockers are there. +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn reportable L An IRC bot for generating reports of changes in rakudo RT and GitHub issue trackers (which issues were resolved, updated, rejected, etc.). It can be addressed by its full name ('reportable6') or its short name ('report'). It takes snapshots of issue trackers periodically, and then you can ask it to generate a report for two given snapshots. See also: L +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) + +An IRC bot for making rakudo builds produced by Whateverable publicly available. +It can be addressed by its full name ('shareable6'). -=defn shareable L - An IRC bot for making rakudo builds produced by Whateverable publicly available. - It can be addressed by its full name ('shareable6'). +Note that the build will be located +in C. Also, as of today these files are only +useful for you if you're on linux x86_64. +=end item - Note that the build will be located - in /tmp/whateverable/rakudo-moar/SOME-SHA/. Also, as of today these files are only - useful for you if you're on linux x86_64. +=begin item +B (L) -=defn SourceBaby L Core source code locator +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn squashable L An IRC bot for the Monthly Bug Squash Day (a.k.a. Community Bug SQUASHathon). It can be addressed by its full name ('squashable6') or its short name ('squash'). It can tell you when the next even is going to happen and what's the current status of the active event. Also, it will also announce changes to the repo. +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn statisfiable L An IRC bot that can gather stats across rakudo builds. It can be addressed by its full name ('statisfiable6') or its short name ('stat'). For most commands it will reply with a gist that has a graph and the raw data. Note that stats are cached, but it takes some time for it to generate the graph, so be patient. +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn synopsebot6 L Creates links to the synopses and turns mentions of RT ticket numbers into clickable RT links. +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn tellable L An IRC bot for passing messages to users who are currently offline. You can also use it to see when was the last time somebody talked. +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn Undercover L Very similar to SourceBaby, except points to L indicating stress test coverage of code. +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn undersightable L - An IRC bot for checking that important things are operating correctly (websites are up, - bots are online, released tarballs are correct, etc.). It can be addressed by its full name - ('undersightable6'). +An IRC bot for checking that important things are operating correctly (websites are up, +bots are online, released tarballs are correct, etc.). It can be addressed by its fullname +('undersightable6'). +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn unicodable L An IRC bot for getting interesting information about Unicode characters. It can be addressed by its full name ('unicodable6') or its short name ('u'). +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn PufferBot L An IRC bot for testing builds of Rakudo on OpenBSD. It can be addressed by its full name ('PufferBot'). Talks only in L<#perl6-dev|https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#perl6-dev>. +=end item + +=begin item +B (L) -=defn BeastieBot L An IRC bot for testing builds of Rakudo on FreeBSD. It can be addressed by its full name ('BeastieBot'). Talks only in L<#perl6-dev|https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#perl6-dev>. +=end item =head2 Offline communities