This document describes the steps to be taken to effectuate a rename of
Perl 6
to Raku
, as described in issue #81. It does not pretend to be
complete in scope or in time. To change a name of a project that has been
running for 19+ years will take time, a lot of effort and a lot of
cooperation. It will affect people in foreseen and unforeseen ways.
The .perl
method should be deprecated in 6.f, and removed in 6.g. It
should be replaced by a .raku
method, which will be specified in 6.e
(Rakudo can provide for it as soon as implemented). This could be
implemented by a global search/replace of .perl
to .raku
(both in
method names and in calls) in src/core
, src/Perl6
and lib
. A new
method should be added that will later come to issue a
DEPRECATED message, and then delegate to .raku
To retain compatibility with modules that declare a method perl
, the
default raku
method should check if the type in question has a
non-default perl
method (that is, not the one from Mu
) and, if so,
call it. Once .perl
is deprecated, it should issue the deprecation
warning also.
Renaming to .code
currently clashes with CallFrame.code
, visually clashes
with the .codes
method, and it being a generic name, probably also clashes
with modules and other code that exists in the wild.
and the Raku
class will be the replacement of $*PERL
and the
class, which initially will just be aliases. At a language boundary
switch, they will become actual type declarations.
environment variable will be introduced into a Rakudo release,
and specified as part of 6.e. If found in the environment, it will be used in
favor of PERL6LIB
. From 6.f, use of PERL6LIB
will issue a deprecation
This was only very recently introduced, and is likely not in wide use yet.
We could consider immediately replacing it with RAKUDO_HOME
in an upcoming
Rakudo release, perhaps with a short-term fallback/warning - or error - if
it's missing, but PERL6_HOME
is found.
The use isms <Perl5>
should NOT be changed to use isms <Perl>
Similarly use Foo:from<Perl5>
and the :lang
parameter to EVAL
not be changed as to allow more flexibility should the Perl 5 community
decide on a name change as well.
Because the next language release (6.e) may not coincide with the rename, no changes to versioning of the language need to be done. The next release will however be a Raku release, but should be otherwise completely compatible with previous releases.
A new language version would be the opportunity to make the name change more widely known with associated marketing efforts. But this will not be with the next (monthlyish) release.
Given we are no longer forced to have "6" in the version, there are now more options to do language versioning properly, and this aspect will need to be discussed separately at a later time.
The acronym for NQP is Not Quite Perl. It stays that way, so no changes to documentation are needed. Generally, the MoarVM / NQP construct should not matter a lot for the average user.
Wherever Perl 6
is mentioned in the documentation, this should be changed
to Raku
. A mention of Perl 6
in the glossary should remain, and maybe
in the documentation of the .perl
(to be renamed to .raku
) method.
A mention to Perl 6
should only occur when a redirect from
has been detected / or a special URL to redirect to has been followed (e.g.
Websites that have perl6
in their name, should redirect to their
equivalent with a 301 (Moved Permanently). Some way should be devised that
if someone is redirected, that a small explanation of the name change is
offered and that the visitor is indeed at the place they were planning to
The IRC channels used by Perl 6 users on freenode (#perl6*) will need to be renamed or closed / opened with the new name (#raku*). New joins should be forwarded to the new channels. will need to be asked to log these channels, so that we can have backlog again. Unfortunately, it appears to be too difficult to migrate #perl6 logs, so the same approach that was done when the #perl6-dev channel was created, will need to be followed. So searching the logs will need to be done on the old names.
Further down the road, it would probably be a wise idea to make IRC channel logging one of the infrastructure tasks.
Many places on the Internet refer to Perl 6
. These references will need
to be changed to Raku
, with a small explanation of the name change. This
should be a coordinated effort to avoid duplicity of work, and to make sure
that the explanation of the name change is consistent.
Many sites, such as Reddit and StackOverflow, use implicit / explicit perl6
tags. These will need to be changed or have a raku
tag added, possibly
with cooperation of the administrators. It should be prevented that "Perl 6"
all of a sudden becomes hard to find on these sites.
Sites such as PerlMonks appear to be really Perl
(aka Perl 5
) focused,
and could possible make that clear in their description, or change their
description to specifically include Raku
. It would look like the
Reddit description can be changed to indicate that only Perl 5
questions are on topic there.
All technical changes should make sure that all existing scripts continue to work without change in the foreseeable future. Additional DEPRECATED messages will be introduced at point of a 6.e language change.
As some packagers have already done, the executable should be called rakudo
since rakudo
is the name of the implementation. raku
and perl6
be symlinks. If at all technically possible, running a script using the
as the executor should provide a DEPRECATED warning at some point.
The extension .raku
for scripts, .rakumod
for modules, and .rakudoc
for documentation (POD6) to become the defacto standards for files containing
code or documentation. The old .pm
, .pm6
and .pod6
will continue to be supported for 6.e. In 6.f, the .pm
, .pm6
and .pod6
extensions could be marked as DEPRECATED, causing a message to be generated
when possible.
For testing, the extensions .rakutest
and .t
should be used, while the
extension .t6
will continue to be supported for 6.e, with deprecation
messages appearing from 6.f onward.
Tools and editors should support both .rakutest
and .t
extensions. .t
extension is shared by other languages, so editors that can interpret
shebangs or have other heuristics should use these means to
disambiguate raku .t
files from test files written in other
languages. Editors and tools that are raku-oriented (like Comma, zef,
etc.) should assume that .t
files without a shebang are Raku test
On Windows, installers should add a .raku
association alongside the .p6
association for the time being. Around the time of 6.f, a .p6
could be deselected by default, and perhaps dropped entirely by 6.g.
Here are some examples of filenames with new extensions:
Shorter extensions were considered but no good candidates were
found. For example, .rk*
cannot be used because of their unfortunate
similarity to Racket language file extensions (which uses .rkt
) and
other direct conflicts with various formats.
There won't be any additional changes to extensions in the near future. That is, no alternatives (like shorter variants) will be supported, and the extensions mentioned in this document are final.
Roast continues to be the specification of the language. Only the name
of the language it specifies, changes. Internal references to Perl 6
will need to be changed.
Camelia will remain the mascot. The only thing that should change there
is that it is the mascot of Raku
rather than Perl 6
. The fact that the
wings contain a "P" and a "6" is obscure enough to not be an issue, and could
be seen as a lasting tribute (easter egg) to the origin of "Raku".
Renaming Perl 6
to Raku
is an event that should be used to get maximum
marketing result. This will need Raku
marketing materials. Announcement
should be coordinated, e.g. by a blog post on
or similar
outlets, followed up by links on the various social media outlets, such as
Twitter, Facebook, Hacker News, Reddit, etc.
Specific attention should be given for the announcement of Raku in non-latin script countries (such as India, Japan, China, Taiwan) by making sure any announcements are also translated into appropriate languages for these regions. Raku, with its more than excellent Unicode support, should be able to make a big splash for developers in those regions.
Users who want to blog about Raku
are suggested to always at least mention
Raku Programming Language
in their blog post or in the boilerplate of their
blogging engine (exactly that string, for better TIOBE rating). Mentioning of
Perl 6
in such blog posts should only be done if the blog post is actually
about the renaming process or historical matters.
When using social media that use hash-tags, users are suggested to use the
hash-tag, and not use the #perl6
hash-tag, unless the
post is actually about the renaming process or historical matters.
Of course, the same applies to more official social media usage by the core development team.
From the standpoint of users, there should not be any change: zef
continue to do what it does. The information about what is in the ecosystem,
is not related to the "perl 6" name at the moment, so does not need any
change either.
On PAUSE, Perl 6 distributions are automatically uploaded to a "Perl6"
subdirectory, but this is completely transparent to both the author as well
as anything else that needs to look at that as long as a file META6.json
exists in the distribution. So for the foreseeable future, no changes will
be needed there.
Should PAUSE decide to no longer support Raku
modules in its system, then
alternatives will need to be found and/or implemented.
A guide for existing module developers will be provided, which will offer suggestions of what to do about the rename. If we can generate PRs that's perhaps also helpful, though we might want that to be opt-in: authors with a load of modules might be unpleasantly surprised to wake up one morning to an inbox full of PRs.
Such a guide should help authors with modules that either mention "perl6" or "p6" in their repo name, or mention "Perl 6" in their documentation.
A proposed draft of such a guide is included at the end of this document.
Projects, such as Comma and Cro do not need any notifications, but other sub-projects may need to get advance notice. An inventory of these sub-projects will need to be made, and their maintainers be notified individually, rather than through social media. This is both to stress the urgency for a change, and to be able to present a "clean slate" to the general public when announcements about the name change are made through social media.
Currently printed copies of books will probably need a sticker like "Covers the new exciting Raku programming language".
Perl 6 books that have been open sourced, can be adapted by the community or the original author: a "Migration Guide for Book Authors" should help authors with this. Since ebook sales currently outperform printed books by an order of magnitude, preparing another version of an ebook should be a relatively small effort, which can actually be distributed among many individuals using modern source control techniques.
There is a (small) part of the Perl community that welcome the rename, as they don't want anything to do with the language and are glad to disassociate it from the Perl name. There are community members with an active interest in both Perl 5 and Raku, and some of those who only do one or the other still feel there is much to be learned from, and shared with, each other, especially given the many shared design values of the languages.
The name change of Perl 6
to Raku
is also intended to have a healing
effect on a community that has been effectively split for many years.
It is the hope of the Raku core development team that future events will
continue to cater for both Perl
as well as Raku
Each Perl user group (Perl Monger group) will have to decide for themselves
what they want to do with this new situation. More active groups in the
past years, have started using the services of online meeting organizers
such as MeetUp. To indicate the changed situation, it may be a good idea
to change the names of such groups, e.g. from "Foo Perl Mongers Meeting" to
"Foo Perl Family Meetup" or "Foo Perl Community Meetup". Should a user
group decide to only focus on Perl 5
or Raku
only, then they are of
course open to not change their name, or to change it to something like
"Foo Raku Meetup". This could coincide with the official announcement,
and maybe special events to celebrate the name change.
Event organizers are, as always, completely free in the naming of their events.
If an event would like to cater for both Perl
and Raku
attendees, then
this should be reflected in the name of the event. An event with just Raku
in its name, would appear to cater only for attendees interested in Raku
An event with just Perl
in its name, would appear to cater for attendees
interested in Perl 5
only. Suggestions for naming events are (where "Foo"
is a place / country name):
The Foo Perl Community Workshop
The Foo Perl Family Workshop
The Foo Perl and Friends Workshop
The Foo Perl and Raku Conference
The Foo Raku and Friends Workshop
etc. etc.
No changes should be necessary with regards to the relationship with The Perl Foundation. But this is mostly up to The Perl Foundation. A suggestion would be to make the website of The Perl Foundation more general: a Perl Family. With equal attention for Perl, Raku, RPerl and CPerl, and emphasis on continued development on all projects.
Should The Perl Foundation decide to not want to have anything to do with
, only then should an alternate organisational support be discussed.
However, since "Yet Another Society" is doing business as "The Perl Foundation", maybe it is an idea to create another "doing business as" called "The Raku Foundation". Which would make it clear that "The Perl Foundation" is for Perl 5 only, whereas "The Raku Foundation" would be for Raku only. While both are part of the Perl Mindset in the "Yet Another Society".
The Raku team are grateful to all those who have developed modules for the language. We recognize that most contributors are doing so on a volunteer basis, and that this work is often done in one's (lack of) free time.
This guide provides some suggestions on how module authors can handle the Perl 6 to Raku renaming. While there is a suggested timeline here, it is to be interpreted as "at your convenience", rather than an expectation to do these things quickly.
You might consider:
- Mentioning Raku in your module's README or other documentation. It's up to you if you wish to have something like "Raku (formerly Perl 6)", to stay findable for such searches for some time, or to simply adopt the Raku name right away.
- Renaming the GitHub repository if it contains
(remember to update thesources
entry inMETA6.json
if doing this).
In this interest of your module continuing to work with existing Rakudo installations, please do not, at this point:
- Change module file extensions away from
- Rely on
, and similar
This is expected to happen in 2020. At this point, you might consider:
- Changing module file extensions (remembering to update
) - Switching to use
, and similar in the module's code (most modules will not be doing this anyway) - Dropping remaining mentions of Perl 6 in the documentation, unless it is there for historical interest