Jetpack adds powerful features... but sometimes we don't want them all. This plugin brings additional control over Jetpack modules. You can blacklist / remove individual modules, prevent auto-activation or allow activation without a account.
For more information, check out Module Control for Jetpack on
Pull requests, bug reports or feature requests are always welcome!
More options beside blacklist: select which to auto-activate, which to show in featured, jumpstart...
Consider if an option to "force_deactivate" as described on Automattic/jetpack#1452 could be useful for multisite.
Option to completely disable JUMPSTART with Jetpack_Options::update_option( 'jumpstart', 'jumpstart_dismissed' );
or does jumpstart disappear automagically if apply_filters( 'jetpack_module_feature' ...
returns empty?
Can we disable Debug link in the footer menu? Afraid not... Maybe contribute a filter to Jetpack?
Can we disable the "Connect to get started" nag?