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Scripting With the Python API

devttys0 edited this page Nov 20, 2014 · 12 revisions

The Binwalk API in 10 Lines of Code

import binwalk

# Equivalent to: 'binwalk --signature firmware1.bin firmware2.bin'.
# Note the use of 'quiet=True' to suppress normal binwalk output.
for module in binwalk.scan('firmware1.bin',

    # binwalk.scan returns a module object for every executed
    # module; in this case, there should be only one, which is
    # the signature module.
    print ("%s Results:" %

    # Each module has a list of result objects, describing
    # the results returned from the executed module.
    for result in module.results:
        print ("\t%s    0x%.8X    %s" % (, 

See the API documentation for more details.