# DO NOT EDIT THIS VALUE! config-version: 12 # If set to 'true', a notification and a download link will be printed on both console and in-game when a new update is available. # default: true check-for-updates: false # NOTE: The following options will only activate if the message '[Duels] Hooked into !' is displayed on console. # If the plugin in the following list is enabled on your server but Duels fails to hook into them, # please contact the developer with the errors displayed on console. supported-plugins: CombatTagPlus: # If set to 'true', players will not be able to duel while combat tagged. # default: true prevent-duel-if-tagged: true # If set to 'true', players will not be combat tagged while in duel. # default: true prevent-tag-in-duel: true PvPManager: # If set to 'true', players will not be able to duel while combat tagged. # default: true prevent-duel-if-tagged: true # If set to 'true', players will not be combat tagged while in duel. # default: true prevent-tag-in-duel: true CombatLogX: # If set to 'true', players will not be able to duel while combat tagged. # default: true prevent-duel-if-tagged: true # If set to 'true', players will not be combat tagged while in duel. # default: true prevent-tag-in-duel: true Essentials: # If set to 'true', players in vanish will be automatically unvanished at the start of a duel. # default: true auto-unvanish: false # If set to 'true', players will not be able to use '/back' to teleport back to the arena after dying in a duel. # default: true set-back-location: false mcMMO: # If set to 'true', usage of mcMMO skills and abilities will be prohibited while in a duel. # default: true disable-skills-in-duel: true FactionsUUID: # If set to 'true', players will experience no power loss when they die in a duel. # default: true no-power-loss-in-duel: true Factions: # If set to 'true', players will experience no power loss when they die in a duel. # default: true no-power-loss-in-duel: true WorldGuard: duelzone: # If set to 'true', players will be able to use duel only in the regions listed below. # default: false enabled: false # List of regions to allow dueling. regions: [spawn, lobby] MyPet: # If set to 'true', player's pet will despawn when entering a duel. # default: false despawn-pet-in-duel: false BountyHunters: # If set to 'true', player will not lose bounty even if they die in a duel. # default: true prevent-bounty-loss-in-duel: true SimpleClans: # If set to 'true', SimpleClans KDR will not be affected by duels. # default: true prevent-kdr-change: true LeaderHeads: wins: menu: # Menu title for the leaderboard 'duelsre-wins'. # default: 'Duel Wins' title: 'Duel Wins' # Menu open command for the leaderboard 'duelsre-wins'. # default: 'openwins' open-command: 'openwins' losses: menu: # Menu title for the leaderboard 'duelsre-losses'. # default: 'Duel Losses' title: 'Duel Losses' # Menu open command for the leaderboard 'duelsre-losses'. # default: 'openlosses' open-command: 'openlosses' request: # If set to 'true', players will need to have a cleared inventory in order to send or accept a duel request. # default: false requires-cleared-inventory: false # If set to 'true', players in creative mode will be prohibited from dueling. # default: false prevent-creative-mode: true use-own-inventory: # If set to 'true', players will be able to choose to enable or disable own inventory duel through the Request Settings GUI. # NOTE: If set to 'false', Kit Selector will first open instead of Request Settings GUI when initiating a duel request. # default: true enabled: true # If set to 'true', players will drop their inventory items on death in an own inventory duel. # WARNING: Players will NOT have their inventories restored after the duel if this option is enabled! # Increase 'teleport-delay' so that the winner has time to pick up dropped items. # default: false drop-inventory-items: true # If set to 'true', players without the permission 'duels.use.own-inventory' will not be able to enable own inventory option. # default: false use-permission: false kit-selecting: # If set to 'true', players will be able to choose a kit they wish to fight with through the Kit Selector GUI. # default: true enabled: false # If set to 'true', players without the permission 'duels.use.kit-select' will not be able to select a kit. # default: false use-permission: false arena-selecting: # If set to 'true', players will be able to choose an arena they wish to fight in through the Arena Selector GUI. # default: true enabled: true # If set to 'true', players without the permission 'duels.use.arena-select' will not be able to select an arena. # default: false use-permission: true item-betting: # If set to 'true', players will be able to choose to enable or disable item betting in the Request Settings GUI. # default: true enabled: true # If set to 'true', players without the permission 'duels.use.item-betting' will not be able to enable item betting. # default: false use-permission: false money-betting: # If set to 'true', players will be able to bet money on their duel by using the command '/duel [player] [bet amount]'. # default: true enabled: true # If set to 'true', players without the permission 'duels.use.money-betting' will not be able to bet money on their duel. # default: false use-permission: false # Request expiration, in seconds. # default: 30 expiration: 60 duel: match: # The max duration of a match, in minutes. Setting it to -1 will disable duration limit. # default: -1 max-duration: 10 start-commands: # If set to 'true', the commands listed below will run FOR EACH player at the start of a match. # default: false enabled: false # If set to 'true', start commands will run only for matches started through the queue system. # default: false queue-matches-only: false # Available placeholders: # %player% - Name of the player entering the match commands: - 'broadcast %player% is entering a duel!' end-commands: # If set to 'true', the commands listed below will run at the end of a match. # default: false enabled: false # If set to 'true', end commands will run only for matches started through the queue system. # default: false queue-matches-only: false # Available placeholders: # %winner% - Name of the winner of the match # %loser% - Name of the loser of the match commands: - 'give %winner% diamond 1' - 'give %loser% dirt 1' projectile-hit-message: # If set to 'true', a message from lang.yml will be sent to the shooter of the projectile. # default: true enabled: true # Projectile types to display the message. types: [ARROW, TIPPED_ARROW, SPECTRAL_ARROW, TRIDENT] # If set to 'true', players in duel will not be able to open any kind of inventories except their own. # default: true prevent-inventory-open: true # If set to 'true', the kit items will be attached a special NBT tag to identify an item generated by Duels. # This tag will be used to eliminate any possible uses of kit items outside of a duel through KitItemListener. # NOTE: Setting this option to 'false' only disables KitItemListener. The NBT tags will still be attached in case it is re-enabled. # default: true protect-kit-items: true # If set to 'true', the empty bottle will be automatically removed when a potion is consumed. # NOTE: Only active for players in a duel! # default: true remove-empty-bottle: false # If set to 'true', players will not be able to teleport to players in duel. # NOTE: This was implemented to patch an exploit regarding the '/tpa' command. Bypass permission - duels.teleport.bypass # default: true prevent-teleport-to-match-players: true # If set to 'true', players in the same faction/team/gang/party will be able to attack each other if they are in a duel. # default: true force-allow-combat: true # If set to 'true', players will be required to stay in the position where they have sent or accepted the request in order for the duel to start. # default: false cancel-if-moved: false # List of worlds to disable dueling. blacklisted-worlds: - 'world_name_here' # If set to 'true', players will be teleported to the location where they were before the duel instead of duel lobby. # default: false teleport-to-last-location: false # Seconds to wait before teleporting the winner after the duel. # default: 5 teleport-delay: 15 # If set to 'true', a firework will spawn at the winner's location when a duel ends. # default: true spawn-firework: true # If set to 'true', the duel end message will be sent only to the players in duel & spectators of the duel. # default: false arena-only-end-message: true # If set to 'true', players will be sent a clickable message that displays the inventories at the end of a duel. # default: true display-inventories: true # If set to 'true', players in duel will not be able to drop items. # default: false prevent-item-drop: false # If set to 'true', players in duel will not be able to pickup items on the ground. # default: false prevent-item-pickup: false limit-teleportation: # If set to 'true', teleportation while in duel will be limited to the distance specified below. # NOTE: Teleportation caused by an enderpearl is excluded from prevention. # default: true enabled: true # The max distance players can teleport while in a duel. '-1' to prevent all teleportation. # NOTE: If players are getting stuck, try increasing this value. # default: 5.0 distance-allowed: 5.0 # If set to 'true', only commands listed in 'whitelisted-commands' will be usable while in a duel. # default: false block-all-commands: true # List of commands to allow while in a duel. # NOTE: Only active if 'block-all-commands' is enabled! whitelisted-commands: - 'report' - 'rep' - 'msg' - 'r' - 'reply' - 'tell' - 'whisper' - 'w' - 't' - 'suicide' # List of commands to block while in a duel. # NOTE: Only active if 'block-all-commands' is disabled! blacklisted-commands: - 'heal' - 'eheal' - 'essentials:heal' - 'essentials:eheal' - 'kit' - 'ekit' - 'kits' - 'ekits' - 'essentials:kit' - 'essentials:ekit' - 'essentials:kits' - 'essentials:ekits' - 'enderchest' - 'echest' - 'eechest' - 'eenderchest' - 'endersee' - 'eendersee' - 'ec' - 'eec' - 'essentials:enderchest' - 'essentials:echest' - 'essentials:eechest' - 'essentials:eenderchest' - 'essentials:endersee' - 'essentials:eendersee' - 'essentials:ec' - 'essentials:eec' - 'tpaccept' - 'etpaccept' - 'tpyes' - 'etpyes' - 'essentials:tpaccept' - 'essentials:etpaccept' - 'essentials:tpyes' - 'essentials:etpyes' - 'tpahere' - 'etpahere' - 'essentials:tpahere' - 'essentials:etpahere' - 'back' - 'eback' - 'return' - 'ereturn' - 'essentials:back' - 'essentials:eback' - 'essentials:return' - 'essentials:ereturn' - 'sethome' - 'esethome' - 'createhome' - 'ecreatehome' - 'essentials:sethome' - 'essentials:esethome' - 'essentials:createhome' - 'essentials:ecreatehome' - 'spawn' - 'espawn' - 'essentials:spawn' - 'essentials:espawn' - 'vault' - 'chest' - 'pv' - 'playervaults' - 'playervaults:vault' - 'playervaults:chest' - 'playervaults:pv' - 'playervaults:playervaults' queue: # List of commands to block while in a queue. blacklisted-commands: [] rating: # If set to 'true', player's rating will change after match based on their opponent. # default: true enabled: true # "The K factor is a measure of how strong a match will impact the players’ ratings." # Source: https://metinmediamath.wordpress.com/2013/11/27/how-to-calculate-the-elo-rating-including-example/ # default: 32 k-factor: 3 # The default rating for all kits. # default: 1400 default-rating: 0 # If set to 'true', only matches started through the queue system will modify the rating of the players. # default: false queue-matches-only: false spectate: # If set to 'true', players will be required to have a cleared inventory in order to start spectating. # default: false requires-cleared-inventory: false # If set to 'true', players will be in spectator gamemode while spectating. # default: false use-spectator-gamemode: false # If set to 'true', players spectating will receive invisibility effect. # NOTE: This option will not take effect if use-spectator-gamemode is set to true. # default: true add-invisibility-effect: true # List of commands to allow while spectating. whitelisted-commands: - 'report' - 'rep' - 'msg' - 'r' - 'reply' - 'tell' - 'whisper' - 'w' - 't' countdown: # If set to 'true', a countdown will occur for the length of the messages list. # default: true enabled: true # Available placeholders: # %opponent% - Name of the opponent of the match # %opponent_rating% - Rating of the opponent # %kit% - Name of the kit used in this match. If players are using their own inventory, it will display 'none' # %arena% - Name of the arena used for this match. messages: - '&7Поединок начнётся через &65 &7секунд!' - '&7Поединок начнётся через &64 &7секунды!' - '&7Поединок начнётся через &63 &7секунды!' - '&7Поединок начнётся через &62 &7секунды!' - '&7Поединок начнётся через &61 &7секунду!' - '&7Поединок против &f%opponent% &7(&6%opponent_rating%&7)&7 начался!' # Titles to display along with the countdown. Must have the same size as the countdown list size. titles: - '&f&l5' - '&f&l4' - '&e&l3' - '&6&l2' - '&c&l1' - '&a&lВ бой!' prevent: # If set to 'true', movements will be cancelled while the countdown is ongoing. # default: true movement: true # If set to 'true', shooting projectiles (such as arrows/snowballs) will be blocked while the countdown is ongoing. # default: true launch-projectile: true # If set to 'true', attacking players will be prohibited while the countdown is ongoing. # default: true pvp: true # If set to 'true', block interaction will be cancelled while the countdown is ongoing. # default: true interact: true stats: # If set to 'true', kit ratings of a player will be displayed when the command '/duel stats' is executed. # default: true display-kit-ratings: true # If set to 'true', the nokit(own inventory) rating of a player will be displayed when the command '/duel stats' is executed. # default: false display-nokit-rating: false # If set to 'true', past matches of a player will be displayed when the command '/duel stats' is executed. # default: true display-past-matches: true # Max amount of matches to display & store in the userdata file. # default: 5 matches-to-display: 5 top: # /duel top update interval, in minutes. # default: 5 update-interval: 5 # Type and identifier of the data displayed in /duel top [wins|losses|kit]. displayed-replacers: wins: type: 'Wins' identifier: 'wins' losses: type: 'Losses' identifier: 'losses' kit: type: '%kit%' identifier: 'rating' no-kit: type: 'Own Inventory' identifier: 'rating' guis: kit-selector: # Amount of rows to display in one page of the kit selector GUI. # NOTE: Must be between 1 - 5! # default: 2 rows: 3 # Item used to fill empty spaces in the kit selector GUI. space-filler-item: type: VINE data: 0 arena-selector: # Amount of rows to display in one page of the arena selector GUI. # NOTE: Must be between 1 - 5! # default: 3 rows: 3 # Item used to fill empty spaces in the arena selector GUI. space-filler-item: type: VINE data: 0 settings: # Item used to fill empty spaces in the settings GUI. space-filler-item: type: VINE data: 0 queues: # Amount of rows to display in one page of the queues GUI. # NOTE: Must be between 1 - 5! # default: 2 rows: 2 # Item used to fill empty spaces in the queues GUI. space-filler-item: type: VINE data: 0 # If set to 'true', the type of the queue's displayed item will be its kit's displayed item type. # default: true inherit-kit-item-type: true soup: # Amount of hearts to regenerate on soup consume. # default: 3.5 hearts-to-regen: 2.5 # If set to 'true', the empty bowl will be automatically removed when a soup is consumed. # NOTE: Only active for players in a duel! # default: true remove-empty-bowl: false # If set to 'true', soup will not consume if player's health is already full. # NOTE: Only active for players in a duel! # default: true cancel-if-already-full: true # List of sound types: # 1.7.x - 1.8.x: https://jd.bukkit.org/org/bukkit/Sound.html # 1.9.x - 1.12.2+: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html sounds: # Remove this sound if your server version is 1.8! countdown-ongoing-sound-1-9: type: BLOCK_NOTE_PLING pitch: 0.95 volume: 1.0 trigger-messages: - '&7Поединок начнётся через &65 &7секунд!' - '&7Поединок начнётся через &64 &7секунды!' - '&7Поединок начнётся через &63 &7секунды!' - '&7Поединок начнётся через &62 &7секунды!' - '&7Поединок начнётся через &61 &7секунду!' # Remove this sound if your server version is 1.8! countdown-end-sound-1-9: type: BLOCK_NOTE_PLING pitch: 1.9 volume: 1.0 trigger-messages: - '&7Поединок против &f%opponent% &7(&6%opponent_rating%&7)&7 начался!'