function svdbug(n) % Tim Mitchell % % Date: January 22, 2019 % % Using the companion_demo from EigTool, with dimension n >= 26, svd % returns very different values for the singular values when singular % vectors are also requested. The issue is due to the gesdd routine from % LAPACK, which is called when singular vectors are requested. % Interestingly, gesdd computes the correct result when the matrix % dimension is 25 or smaller. % % I have observed this bug on both macOS (10.12.6) and Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS. % On Ubuntu, I have tested all of the MATLAB releases below. On the Mac, I % have only tested R2016b, R2017b, and R2018a. % % R2013b, R2014b, R2015b, R2016b, R2017a, R2017b: % - s = svd WORKS % - [U,S] = svd WORKS % - [U,S,V] = svd FAILS % % R2018a: % - s = svd WORKS % - [U,S] = svd FAILS % - [U,S,V] = svd FAILS % % The problem also exists in Octave 4.4.1 but apparently not in 4.2.2. % % THIS PROGRAM IS FREE SOFTWARE; YOU CAN REDISTRIBUTE IT AND/OR MODIFY % IT UNDER THE TERMS OF THE GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE AS PUBLISHED BY % THE FREE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION; EITHER VERSION 2 OF THE LICENSE, OR % (AT YOUR OPTION) ANY LATER VERSION. % % THIS PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED IN THE HOPE THAT IT WILL BE USEFUL, % BUT WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; WITHOUT EVEN THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF % MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SEE THE % GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE FOR MORE DETAILS. % % YOU SHOULD HAVE RECEIVED A COPY OF THE GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE % ALONG WITH THIS PROGRAM; IF NOT, SEE . % % COPYRIGHT (C) Tim Mitchell, 2019 A = companion_demo(n); % Note that the bug still occurs if either: % - all entries of A are perturbed by small additive noise, e.g. on the % order of 1e-12 % - the entries of A are randomly permuted, e.g. % R = randperm(n); A = A(R,R); % Works just fine fprintf('Singular values via: s = svd\n'); s = svd(A) % Works just fine on R2017a but not R2018a fprintf('Singular value via: [U,S] = svd\n'); [U,S] = svd(A); s = diag(S) % Produces very large garbage for n >= 26 on all tested MATLAB versions fprintf('Singular value via: [U,S,V] = svd\n'); [U,S,V] = svd(A); s = diag(S) % The largest singular value seems to be the only one that is computed % consistently. As the other computed singular values are all at least % 1e16 times smaller than the largest, checking whether the SVD matches % the original matrix to machine precision is essentially pointless. end