Azure CloudShell Identified. Skiping Secuity Center Extraction You set Azure Resource Inventory to not collect Security Center Advisories. Collecting Security Center Can increase considerably the execution time of Azure Resource Inventory and the size of final report To skip Security Center report use <-SkipSecurityCenter> parameter. InvalidOperation: /home/andre/.local/share/powershell/Modules/ImportExcel/7.1.1/Public/Set-ExcelRange.ps1:107 Line | 107 | … $Range.Style.HorizontalAlignment = $HorizontalAlignment | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | The property 'HorizontalAlignment' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists and | can be set. InvalidOperation: /home/andre/.local/share/powershell/Modules/ImportExcel/7.1.1/Public/Set-ExcelRange.ps1:128 Line | 128 | … $Range.Style.Numberformat.Format = (Expand-NumberFormat $ … | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | The property 'Format' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists and can be set. WARNING: Failed autosizing columns of worksheet 'Subscriptions': You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression. WARNING: Failed adding PivotTable 'P0': Cannot index into a null array. WARNING: Failed adding chart for pivotable 'P0': Cannot bind argument to parameter 'PivotTable' because it is null. WARNING: Failed adding PivotTable 'P1': Index operation failed; the array index evaluated to null. WARNING: Failed adding chart for pivotable 'P1': Cannot bind argument to parameter 'PivotTable' because it is null. WARNING: Failed adding PivotTable 'P2': Cannot index into a null array. WARNING: Failed adding chart for pivotable 'P2': Cannot bind argument to parameter 'PivotTable' because it is null. WARNING: Failed adding PivotTable 'P3': Cannot index into a null array. WARNING: Failed adding chart for pivotable 'P3': Cannot bind argument to parameter 'PivotTable' because it is null. Report Complete. Total Runtime was: .07 Minutes Total Resources: 0 Total Advisories: Total Security Advisories: Excel file saved at: /home/andre/AzureResourceInventory/AzureResourceInventory_Report_2020-12-11_11_55.xlsx