Rfam provides a public read-only MySQL database containing the latest version of Rfam data. The database will be updated with each release. To access old versions of the database download SQL dumps from the FTP archive.
For advanced examples of using the public database, please see our paper in Current Protocols in Bioinformatics.
Parameter | Value |
host | mysql-rfam-public.ebi.ac.uk |
user | rfamro |
password | none |
port | 4497 |
database | Rfam |
You can connect to the database on command line:
mysql --user rfamro --host mysql-rfam-public.ebi.ac.uk --port 4497 --database Rfam
or use MySQL clients such as MySQL Workbench or Sequel Pro.
If your computer is behind a firewall, please ensure that outgoing TCP/IP connections to the corresponding ports are allowed.
The most important tables are listed below and can be used as starting points for exploring the schema:
Table | Description |
family | a list of all Rfam families and family specific information (family accession, family name, description etc.) |
rfamseq | a list of all analysed sequences including INSDC accessions, taxonomy id etc. |
full_region | a list of all sequences annotated with Rfam families including INSDC accessions, start and end coordinates, bit scores etc. |
clan | description of all Rfam clans |
clan_membership | a list of all Rfam families per clan |
taxonomy | NCBI taxonomy identifiers |
While it is possible to get a list of Rfam families found in a species using the taxonomy search, with an SQL query one can access sequence coordinates of each ncRNA:
SELECT fr.rfam_acc, fr.rfamseq_acc, fr.seq_start, fr.seq_end
FROM full_region fr, rfamseq rf, taxonomy tx
WHERE rf.ncbi_id = tx.ncbi_id
AND fr.rfamseq_acc = rf.rfamseq_acc
AND tx.ncbi_id = 10116 -- NCBI taxonomy id of Rattus norvegicus
AND is_significant = 1 -- exclude low-scoring matches from the same clan
Example output:
RF01942 AABR05000009.1 211 327
RF00005 AABR05000052.1 4940 5008
SELECT fr.rfam_acc, fr.rfamseq_acc, fr.seq_start, fr.seq_end, f.type
FROM full_region fr, rfamseq rf, taxonomy tx, family f
rf.ncbi_id = tx.ncbi_id
AND f.rfam_acc = fr.rfam_acc
AND fr.rfamseq_acc = rf.rfamseq_acc
AND tx.tax_string LIKE '%Mammalia%'
AND f.type LIKE '%snoRNA%'
AND is_significant = 1 -- exclude low-scoring matches from the same clan
Example output:
RF00012 AAYZ01671298.1 83 298 Gene; snRNA; snoRNA; CD-box;
RF00012 AAYZ01122278.1 302 87 Gene; snRNA; snoRNA; CD-box;