Rfam is a collection of non-coding RNA families represented by manually curated sequence alignments, consensus secondary structures, and predicted homologues.
This documentation is maintained by the :ref:`rfam-team:Rfam team`. Please report any issues or contribute on GitHub.
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: About Rfam about-rfam building-families adding-3d-structures glossary faq rfam-team contact-us
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Data access searching-rfam ftp-help api database
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Other genome-annotation rfam-cloud sequence-extraction linking-rfam license citing-rfam privacy
Rfam is freely available under the Creative Commons Zero (“CC0”) licence.
We choose CC0 because:
- It is most in line with the spirit of EMBL-EBI’s Terms of use and places data in the public domain without constraints. We believe that this approach to research data sharing strengthens open science and scientific progress.
- It is the best way to encourage remixing and reuse as it makes clear to any user – academic, commercial or otherwise – that the data are not owned by anyone and therefore can be used freely.
- It saves researchers time when reusing the data, which speeds up the process of science.
Rfam conforms to the EBI long-term data preservation policy.
If you use Rfam in your work, please consider citing the :ref:`Citing-rfam:Rfam references`.
If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to submit a GitHub issue or email us at rfam-help@ebi.ac.uk.
Rfam is supported by the BBSRC and Wellcome and is developed at the EMBL-EBI.