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@RickStrahl RickStrahl released this 08 Jun 07:32
· 9 commits to master since this release
  • Support for latest CSharp Features
    You can now provide the CSharpCodeProvider that is used to compile Razor templates. This requires adding the Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform and adding a <codeDom> section to the host project. We don't provide this in-box due to the large size of the compiler, so you get the lightweight CSharp 5.0 implementation out of box, and you can add Roslyn based compilation (~17meg package!) explicitly to your own application.

  • Host Container ThrowExceptions Option
    You can now have the Razor Host Containers throw exceptions when an error occurs rather than returning error information on the error message property. A custom exception is thrown that provides more information about the current request and engine.

  • StringHostContainer to match constructor format
    Add overload to generic type overload of the StringHostContainer in the same way you can overload FolderHostContainer. Makes it easier to create application level hosts derived from a specific template.

  • RawString Default and Empty Property
    Added RawString.Empty property which returns a new empty RawString instance. Default instance now also returns string.Empty (rather than null before).