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91 lines (52 loc) · 3.79 KB

File metadata and controls

91 lines (52 loc) · 3.79 KB


TaskPaper Views – Offers a choice of saved queries which can use relative dates


A script which displays an editable menu of saved views for the Taskpaper application (OS X) by Hog Bay Software.

  • Each view can appear on the menu either in the form of a descriptive name, or in raw TaskPaper syntax.

  • View queries can include relative (and natural language) date expressions, {enclosed in curly brackets}

      Due soon | @due < {now +7d}
  • When an item is chosen from the script menu:

    1. Any relative date/time expressions are translated into a corresponding absolute date/time, and
    2. the filter is applied to the front TaskPaper OS X document.

    Note The relative date function requires installation of Mike Taylor and Darshana Chhajed's Python parsedatetime module:

    1. Visit

    2. Download and expand

    3. in, cd to the unzipped folder

      (e.g. type cd followed by a space, and drag/drop the folder to the command line, then tap return)

    4. Enter:

       sudo python install

The menu of custom Taskpaper views is stored in a simple text file

  • Each custom View is stored as a line of plain text in a menu file.

  • The default file name is:


    (in the same folder as this script)

Queries can be displayed in the menu as descriptive names

(Rather than in raw query language syntax)

  • Each query can optionally be prefixed by a descriptive label,

  • and the default separator after the label is a single pipe character |

      Due this week | @due < {now +7d}

An Edit option in the menu offers a cheat sheet

TPCustomViews.txt can, of course, be edited directly in your preferred text editor. Alternatively, an Edit option at the bottom of the script menu allows you to add and customise optionally labelled query lines, seeing their effect in Taskpaper as soon as you save.

  • To amend or delete existing queries, multiselect 'Edit' and one or more queries (⌘-Click)

  • To delete a query, place a pipe character at the end of the line, followed by no further printing characters

      Due this week | 
      Due this week | @due < {now +7d} |
  • A cheat sheet with a copy button lists:

    • query language terms, and
    • current document @tags.

View names can be displayed with or without query terms

Queries prefixed by a label and pipe character are, by default, displayed in the menu as View names only.

To display both label and query terms in the menu, edit the value of boolean variable pblnLabelOnly near the top of the script.

    property pblnLabelOnly : false


Sample file and default display below.

    Available | not @done and not @cancel and not @hold and (@start <=  {today} or @due <=  {today} or @today)
    Due this week | @due < {now +7d}
    In Progress | not @done and (@start < {today} or @draft or @waiting or @today)
    Overdue | @due < {now}

Menu of Taskpaper views

Edit mode

Cheat sheet

