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Debugging directives
@breakpoint @debug @dump

Debugging directives


The @breakpoint directive is a convienient way to place debugger breakpoints inside your views. By default it uses xdebug_break but can be modified before the application is booted:



  1. The @dump() directive will dump the entire view environment.
  2. The @dump($var) directive will dump the $var.

Using the either raveren/kint, Laravels HtmlDumper, Symfony's VarDumper or the regular var_dump method.


By installing the raveren/kint package. The debug output will be greatly improved. For more information, check out this page.

"require": {
    "raveren/kint": "~1.0"

Kint CLI output Kint displays data intelligently Kint themes Kint profiling feature