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RobotoRaccoon edited this page Mar 2, 2022 · 9 revisions


All messages that are sent to players are retrieved from the lang.yml. If you wish to edit these, simply edit this file. There are currently no translations for this file, but I will accept any if you wish to send them to me.


Below are some sections inside the config.yml file, please view the sample config for the most up-to-date version and other settings that may not be in the default config


Info command

The info settings change which information you wish players to see about animals. Those with the permission can see the respective bypass-as-level. eg, bypass level of 0 means they can view everything.

Integer Display Level
0 No one can see this
1 Only the owner can see this
2 Only the owner and riders can see this
3 Everyone can see this
Setting Type Description
info.owner Integer Who the horse owner is
info.permitted-riders Integer Who is allowed to ride this horse (Horse/llama only) Integer What the horse's current and max health is
info.jump-strength Integer How high the horse can jump (Horse/llama only)
info.max-speed Integer How fast the animal can run
info.variant Integer What kind of animal it is

Other commands

Setting Type Description
release.clear-custom-name Boolean Will the animals name reset once released Boolean Should the nameplate always be visible or only when looking at the animal
teleport.cross-world Boolean Should a player be able to teleport animals across worlds


In here you can define aliases for any of the existing commands. See the sample config if you are unsure how to add new aliases.


Source protection

Setting Type Description
deny-list Boolean Should all worlds be denied (blacklist) or allowed (whitelist)
worlds Array List of worlds to deny or allow given deny-list
complete-bypass Boolean Should players with the bypass permission always hurt animals, or act as owner
owner-melee Boolean Can the owner hurt the animal with hand-held weapons
owner-ranged Boolean Can the owner hurt the animal with ranged weapons
player-melee Boolean Can any player hurt the animal with hand-held weapons
player-ranged Boolean Can any player hurt the animal with ranged weapons
monster-melee Boolean Can monsters punch the animal
monster-ranged Boolean Can monsters shoot the animal
other-ranged Boolean Protect against projectiles that aren't players or monsters

Cause protection

All possible causes that can be prevented at are located within Bukkit's Javadocs for DamageCause. Look in the "Enum Constants" section, and use their lowercase name as the cause.

You may add these as "default.(cause)" for global protection or "animal.(animal).(cause)" to cater for a specific animal. Please see the sample config for exact usage of this feature.

For example, to protect all wolves from receiving thorns damage, set "animal.wolf.thorns" to true.