#// <>==<>==<> ItemJoin's Custom Items On Join, by RockinChaos <>==<>==<> //# #// See a list of variables for ItemJoin here: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/itemjoin/pages/documentation //# #// See https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html for item names! //# #// See this enchantments page for the correct enchant name. https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/enchantments/Enchantment.html //# #// Need some more help with item slots? See the Documentations page for a more in-depth tutorial. http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/itemjoin/pages/documentation //# #// For per-world support this best works with Multiverse-Inventories! http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/multiverse-inventories //# #// Otherwise you will need to set clear-on-world-changed to true if you want to get the new items when you change worlds. //# #// Then you will need to add itemflags world-changed to each item to receive the new items. //# items-Version: 3 Global-Settings: #// Global Settings, for each world listed under world-list. These will take effect in them. //# Prevention: prevent-pickups: true #// Prevents picking up of any item //# AllowOPBypass: false #// Ignores these settings under Prevention if you are OP //# CreativeBypass: false #// Ignores these settings under Prevention if you are in creative mode. //# Clear-On: clear-on-join: true #// Clears the players inventory upon entering the server. (Before items are given). //# clear-on-world-change: true #// Clears the players inventory upon changing worlds. (Before items are given). //# AllowOPBypass: false #// Ignores these settings under Clear-On if you are OP //# First-Join: FirstJoin-Mode-Enabled: false #// Set to true if you wish to use First-Join-Item: true per item! (This allows the use of the First Join options). //# Get-Items: ItemJoin-Specific-Items: false #// This meaning, these items are specific to ItemJoin and cannot be renamed to. Usually you would disable this if you had another plugin that hooks into ItemJoin items. //# Delay: 0 #// Set to 0 to disable. Recommended is 2 especially if you use First-Join! (This is in Seconds.) //# world-list: #// This is the list of worlds that have custom items on join. //# - void #// For every world listed in the world-list, you need to make a section for it. //# #// NOTE: It is only required to have the ID and Slot listed under each item to recieve it. //# void: #// This is the first section, This is the name of the world you want to receive the items in. //# items: #// This is just an identifier to list out the items. This must always be here //# ultra-item: #// This is the name of the first item we have created, you can name it what ever you want! Just put the NAME and then a colon. Such as New-Name: //# id: DIAMOND_SWORD #// This is the Material name OR item ID of the item you want to get //# slot: 0 #// This is the slot number you want to recieve the item in. Available slots are 0-35, Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots, Offhand, or Arbitrary. //# name: '&bUltra Sword' #// This is the custom name of the item. Supports color codes as well as placeholders from PlaceholderAPI! //# data-value: 0 #// This is the data-value that is after the items ID. Usually it is left as 0, but in cases of items like Stained Glass it would need to be set to a number. It is default 0 if a data-value is not specified. //# count: 1 #// This is the amount of each item that will be given. You will be given 1 Diamond Sword. //# lore: #// This is the custom lore of the item. This is just the identifier which is required to start the lore. //# - '&7Useless sword, cannot do much' #// This is the first line of custom lore. You can add multiple lines by copying and pasting it how it is shown below. //# - '&7Only useful for commands...' - '&7Maybe you should try removing the' - '&7Left click and physical actions from the command actions.' - '&7Maybe remove the cancel-events from itemflags as well...' enchantment: #// This is the custom enchantments. Just an identifier again that is required to start the enchantment list. //# - 'FIRE_ASPECT:3' #// The enchantments can be setup the exact same as the lore. Multiple lines can be added. The syntax for enchantments are the ENCHANTMENT_NAME:LEVEL. //# - 'KNOCKBACK:8' #// This is another line of enchantment. Supports unsafe enchants! //# commands: #// These are custom commands that can be bound to items. So once you click the item these commands will execute. These also support placeholders. //# - 'message: &eYou can send yourself custom messages!' #// This is a custom message that can be sent to the player who right-clicked it. //# - 'console: say You can even execute more than one command!' #// This is a command that can be executed by console. //# - 'player: say This is item slot 2' #// This is a command that is executed by the player. //# - 'say I like pancakes!' #// If no executer is defined such as message, console, or player. Then it will be executed by player by default. This is a player command. //# commands-action: RIGHT_CLICK_AIR, RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK, LEFT_CLICK_AIR, LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK, PHYSICAL #// These are command actions. These are all self-explanatory. If you need more help see the documentations page. //# commands-cooldown: 5 #// This is the amount of time in seconds that the player has to wait before executing the commands again. //# cooldown-message: '&7[&eItemJoin&7] &a[%item%&a] &cis on cooldown for &a%timeleft% &cseconds..' #// If a player attempts to execute the commands while they're is on cooldown, this cooldown message will be sent to the player. //# itemflags: #// These are custom itemflags! These allow huge modifications to the items. All itemflags with description are listed below. //# - 'unbreakable' #// Makes this item INDESTRUCTABLE! //# - 'hide-attributes' #// Hides ALL attributes, such as firework color, damage the item does, enchantments. (Hides everything from lore except the custom lore). //# - 'first-join' #// If FirstJoin-Mode-Enabled is set to true then this item will ONLY be given on first-join and first-world-changed. //# - 'placement' #// Prevents this item from being placed if it is a BLOCK, This item obviously can't be since it is a sword. //# - 'inventory-modify' #// Prevents this item from being moved, stored, or switched to offhand in the players inventory. //# - 'cancel-events' #// Prevents player from opening a chest while this item is in hand or any openable items. Useful for canceling the event of opening a book to set custom book items. //# - 'count-lock' #// Prevents the player from using all of the item. If the item is set to count: 32 then each time the player places the block item the stack will be refreshed back to 32. //# - 'death-drops' #// Clears this item if it is dropped on the ground when the player dies //# - 'self-drops' #// Prevents the player from dropping this item, either clicking it out of inventory or using the drop key, usually (q). //# - 'respawn' #// This item will be given on respawn if a player dies. //# - 'world-changed' #// This item will be given on world changed, Meaning when you enter the world this item is allowed in it will be given. //# - 'AllowOpBypass' #// This would allow the user IF THEIR OP to bypass most of these itemflags. It will work on ALL non item modifying flags. This would NOT work on unbreakable, hide-attributes, stuff like that. //# - 'CreativeBypass' #// This would allow the user IF THEIR IN CREATIVE MODE to bypass most of these itemflags. It will work on ALL non item modifying flags. This would NOT work on unbreakable, hide-attributes, stuff like that. //# permission-node: 'hub.use' #// Each items permission node by default is itemjoin.WORLDNAME.ITEMNAME. You can change this though by putting ANY permission in the permission-node section! Permission to get this item is now itemjoin.ultra! //# skull-breaker: id: 286 #// There is support for item ID's! //# slot: 1 name: '&5Skull Breaker' lore: - '&cSlay them ALL!' enchantment: - 'KNOCKBACK:4' - 'FIRE_ASPECT:12' itemflags: - 'first-join' - 'hide-attributes' third-item: id: 278 slot: 2 name: '&bThat Pickaxe' lore: - '&3Gives you powers!!!' - '&7Found in the depths of the mining dimension.' commands: - 'gamemode 1 %player%' - 'console: say this is a console command.' - 'player: say this is a player command.' - 'message: &cthis is a custom message.' - 'say this command will be executed by the player since an executor is not defined.' commands-cooldown: 8 cooldown-message: '&7[&eItemJoin&7] &a[%item%&a] &cis on cooldown for &a%timeleft% &cseconds..' itemflags: - 'first-join' - 'inventory-modify' - 'death-drops' - 'self-drops' - 'hide-attributes' - 'unbreakable' - 'respawn' - 'world-changed' permission-node: 'itemjoin.fourthitem' forth-item: id: 284 slot: 3 bungeecord-blox: id: STAINED_GLASS slot: 4 name: '&eBungeeCord Blox' data-value: 12 #// This is the data-value of the item, Saying the ID is stained glass and you want brown stained glass you would set the data-value to 12. //# count: 32 #// This is the amount of each item that will be given. You will get 32 brown stained glass. //# lore: - '&7Right-Click to go to the survival server!' enchantment: - 'FIRE_ASPECT:3' commands: - 'server: survival' - 'message: &eGoing to the server of magical love!' itemflags: - 'placement' - 'count-lock' - 'inventory-modify' - 'self-drops' - 'respawn' - 'world-changed' - 'CreativeBypass' book-item: #// This is a custom book item! Supports color codes! //# id: WRITTEN_BOOK #// Just set the ID to written book to begin creating your custom book! //# slot: 5 name: '&aAt Its Finest' author: '&bItemJoin' #// You have the option of adding an author if you would like, It works almost like lore //# lore: - '&7' - '&7This magical book is given on join!' pages: #// These are the books pages, newpage starts the page, newline adds a newline on that page, :endthebook: marks the end of the book //# - 'newpage: &4big&fE&1craft &5Rules' - 'newline: &0' - 'newline: &9First' - 'newline: &bNo Swearing It Is' - 'newline: &aRude And Offensive' - 'newline: &bTo Others.' - 'newline: &0' - 'newline: &9Second' - 'newline: &aModified Clients' - 'newpage: &bAre Not Tolerated' - 'newline: &aYou Use Them You' - 'newline: &bGet Caught.' - 'newline: &0' - 'newline: &9Third' - 'newline: &aWe Do Not Allow' - 'newline: &bAdvertising.' - 'newline: &aOn Here' - 'newline: &bSo Please Do' - 'newpage: &aNot Advertise.' - 'newline: &0' - 'newline: &9Forth' - 'newline: &bDo Not Scam' - 'newline: &aCurrency Used,' - 'newline: &bOutside Of Minecraft,' - 'newline: &aOr Anything Of That' - 'newline: &bNature.' - 'newline: &0' - 'newpage: &9Fifth' - 'newline: &aNo Abuse Is' - 'newline: &bAllowed, We Want A' - 'newline: &aHappy Community With' - 'newline: &bFriendly People So' - 'newline: &aPlease Respect' - 'newline: &bOthers.' - 'newline: &0' - 'newline: &9Sixth' - 'newpage: &bDo Not Pester' - 'newline: &aThe Staff Or' - 'newline: &bOwner For' - 'newline: &aPrivileges You' - 'newline: &bWill Not Get' - 'newline: &aThem.' - 'newline: &0' - 'newline: &9Seventh' - 'newline: &bYou Will Not' - 'newpage: &aPretend To' - 'newline: &bBe Any Person' - 'newline: &aYou Are Not.' - 'newline: &0' - 'newline: &9Eighth' - 'newline: &bBe Mature' - 'newline: &aDo not Perform' - 'newline: &bActions Such As' - 'newline: &aBuild Genitals' - 'newpage: &bOn Creative.' - 'newline: &0' - 'newline: &9Ninth' - 'newline: &aIf You' - 'newline: &bNotice Someone' - 'newline: &aBreaking A Rule' - 'newline: &bPlease Report It' - 'newline: &aQuickly And' - 'newline: &bProof, However' - 'newpage: &aDo Not Report' - 'newline: &bFor A Reason That' - 'newline: &aIs Not A Rule' - 'newline: &0' - 'newline: &9Tenth' - 'newline: &bHave A Massive' - 'newline: &aLoad Of' - 'newline: &bFun!!!' - 'newline: &0' - 'newpage: &aKeep In Mind That Not' - 'newline: &bAll Rules Have To Be' - 'newline: &aListed Here And' - 'newline: &bRequire Common' - 'newline: &aSense.' - 'newline: &0' - 'newline: &4big&fE&1craft &5Rules' - ':endthebook:' custom-map-item: #// This is a custom map item! Render any 128x128 image on a map! //# id: MAP #// Just set the ID to map to begin creating your custom map! //# slot: 6 name: '&eMystery Map' lore: - '&7Great for Server promotions!' itemflags: - 'hide-attributes' #// Hides the ugly map size attributes //# custom-map-image: 'default.png' #// The image must be no greater than 128x128 pixels! Place it in the local ItemJoin folder and put the filename.png in the custom-map-image section. //# custom-firework-item: #// This is a custom firework item! //# id: FIREWORK #// Just set the ID to firework to begin creating your custom firework! //# slot: 7 name: '&dSparkles' lore: - '&7Right-Click me and watch me fly!' firework: #// All you have to do is add the firework identifier and begin specifing it. type: CREEPER #// This is the shape the firework will be when it explodes, it can either be BALL, BALL_LARGE, BURST, CREEPER, or STAR. //# flicker: true #// Should the particles sparkle when falling to the ground? //# trail: true #// Should there be a white misty trail left behind the firework? //# power: 1 #// This is the DISTANCE the firework travels. It is recommended to not set it any higher than 2 as it will go extremely high. //# colors: #// You can use any amount of colors you want! These are dye colors, see the documentations page for full list //# - 'GRAY' - 'WHITE' - 'PURPLE' - 'SILVER' - 'GREEN' itemflags: - 'hide-attributes' #// Hides the ugly colors and firework type from the lore. //# skull-item: id: SKULL_ITEM slot: 8 name: '&a%player%' #// As you can see it does support placeholders //# skull-owner: '%player%' #// This will set the player skin of this player ONLY IF the id is set to SKULL_ITEM an the data-value is 3. Supports placeholders! //# data-value: 3 lore: - '&7Great for setting a' - '&7players profile, like hypixel!' helmet-item: id: DIAMOND_HELMET slot: Helmet #// This is the custom helmet slot, this item will be placed in the players helmet slot. //# name: '&5ItemJoins Legendary Helmet!' lore: - '&7Knowledge..' enchantment: - 'PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL:3' - 'PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS:2' itemflags: - 'unbreakable' chestplate-item: id: 299 leather-color: BLUE #// You can set any leather armor to what ever dye color you want! Just add the leather-color identifier. //# slot: Chestplate #// This is the custom chestplate slot, this item will be placed in the players chestplate slot. //# name: '&5ItemJoins Legendary Chestplate!' lore: - '&5Can it protect from any hit?' enchantment: - 'PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL:18' - 'PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS:2' itemflags: - 'unbreakable' leggings-item: id: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS slot: Leggings #// This is the custom leggings slot, this item will be placed in the players leggings slot. //# name: '&5ItemJoins Legendary Leggings!' lore: - '&dSpeed of a god!' enchantment: - 'PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL:3' - 'PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS:2' itemflags: - 'unbreakable' boots-item: id: LEATHER_BOOTS leather-color: PURPLE #// Even more colors! Purple leather booties! //# slot: Boots #// This is the custom boots slot, this item will be placed in the players boots slot. //# name: '&5ItemJoins Legendary Boots!' lore: - '&bStrong enough to jump to the moon!' enchantment: - 'PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL:3' - 'PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS:2' itemflags: - 'unbreakable' offhand-item: id: SHIELD slot: Offhand #// This is the custom offhand slot, this item will be placed in the players offhand slot. //# name: '&bAwesome Shield!' lore: - '&7Supreme Protector' - '&7Rewards &dAwesomeness!' itemflags: - 'unbreakable' world_nether: #// This is the second world section! //# items: dat-hoe: id: WOOD_HOE slot: 0 name: 'JUNK' itemflags: - 'first-join' seedlings: id: SEEDS slot: 2 permission-node: 'itemjoin.casual.seedlings' life: id: WHEAT slot: 4 commands: - 'player: I like wheat!' carts: id: MINECART slot: 6 data-value: 0 lore: - '&l&1BOLD'