A simple headers-only micro library with misc utilities and functions to make your life easier.
The library was mostly made for Windows, so many of the functions won't work on posix.
Make sure _WIN32
is not set to exclude everything that is windows-specific when building for linux.
This is a headers-only library, meaning you don't need to build anything to use it.
Simply include the specific files you want from Just/Source/
if you only need specific parts, or include JustAll.h
if you want everything.
Lets take a look at a quick example. The following code will send an Http GET request to google and write the returned HTML to a text file:
auto html = Just::Http::Get("google.com", 80).Text;
Just::Files::WriteText("google.html", html);
Pretty easy eh? Lets take a quick look at the different APIs JUST provides. From every API set we'll only include one or two examples, to see more methods check out the source files.
Utilities to read, write and manage files.
// create recursive path of folders
Just::Files::CreatePath(testFolder + "output/foo/bar");
// check if file exists
bool exists = Just::Files::Exists("some_file");
// write text file
Just::Files::WriteText(testFolder + "temp.txt", "hello world!"));
Dynamically load a dll file.
Execute commands, files and scripts.
auto ret = Just::Execute::Command("TestEcho.exe");
bool success = ret.IsSuccess();
Send Http requests.
auto html = Just::Http::Get("google.com", 80);
if (html.good()) {
auto htmlText = html.Text;
Parse different types to strings.
std::list<int> _list; _list.push_back(1); _list.push_back(2); _list.push_back(3);
auto listAsString = Just::String::From::Iterable(_list, ",");
std::map<int, const char*> _dict; _dict[1] = "a"; _dict[2] = "b"; _dict[3] = "c";
auto dictAsString = Just::String::From::Map(_dict, ":", ",");
Convert between different types of strings.
LPCWSTR converted;
Just::String::To::LpcwStr(originText, converted);
// do stuff...
delete[] converted;
Create and use shared memory.
Just::SharedMemory::Client sm1;
Just::SharedMemory::Client sm2;
sm1.CreateNew("test", 100);
sm2.Connect("test", 100);
int temp = 0;
char temp = 0;
bool temp = false;
sm1.WriteStr(LPCWSTR(L"hello world"));
TCHAR* temp = new TCHAR[50];
sm2.ReadStr(temp, 12);
JUST is distributed with the MIT license. Use it for whatever.