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projectU - Yet Another To Do App


Did you ever had a good idea for a project? Only to forget about it a few days later? Of course you had. Well, its your lucky day because you just found projectU - perhabs the best project managing application in the market, and it's free!

This is the frontend part of this application which is developed with Angular. The backend part is a RESTful API developed with spring boot on a separate repository.

With projectU you can:

  • Create new projects with various attributes e.g. description, complexity, time estimation and many more
  • Create sub tasks for a project in order to split up the process
  • Keep track of a projects current state and progress
  • Have an overview of every project and its current state

Projects and Tasks are the main objects of projectU. Read the following chapters to understand them more properly.


What is a Project

A project is the main object of this application. With it you can store your ideas about a cool future (or current) project.

A project has the following attributes:

  • Title
  • Description
  • State - possible values:
    • initiated (grey)
    • in progress (blue)
    • halted (orange)
    • finished (green)
  • Complexity - possible values:
    • easy (green traffic light)
    • medium (yellow traffic light)
    • difficult (red traffic light)
  • Estimated duration (in hours)
  • Expected Result / Goal
  • Actual Result
  • Time when the project was created
  • Time when the project was first started
  • Time when the project was finished
  • Tasks (zero or many)

Once a project is not in the state "initiated" anymore it cannot go back to "initiated".

What is a Task

A task is kind of a "small project". A project can have zero or many tasks. They split up the projects process into smaller and maintainable chunks. Tasks resemble a to do list for a project in order to reach its goal.

A task has the following attributes:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Done - possible values:
    • true
    • false
  • Estimated duration (in hours)
  • Expected Result / Goal

Technology Used

Angular & TypeScript

The UI is developed with Angular & TypeScript. This makes up the projectU_frontend which is this repository. This project was generated with Angular CLI version 12.1.1.

Spring Boot & MongoDB

The frontend makes requests to the projectU_backend which is a separate repository. The backend is developed with spring boot and it stores the data in a mongoDB database.

OpenApi Specification

The API was designed with the contract first approach using the OpenApi Specification. All the API endpoints with its parameters, responses, objects etc. are defined in a single file called openapi.yml which is shared between frontend and backend. With the openapi.yml the corresponding API client & server can be generated using OpenApi Generators.

Technology Stack Diagramm

Getting Started

Start application

Run npm start to generate the api client service from the openapi.yml. This will also start the development server automatically afterwards.

If you just want to run the application without having to deal with both separate repositories start the application using docker.

Build Backend

Instruction to build backend, link to backend repo

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Static Code Analysis

Run ng lint to do a static code analysis. It will detect common code smells, give warnings and or errors.

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via a platform of your choice. To use this command, you need to first add a package that implements end-to-end testing capabilities.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.



  • View every project
  • View every task
  • Switch view between multiple tasks of a project
  • Create, edit, delete projects
  • Create, edit, delete tasks