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Getting Started with Nro2Nsp

After extracting the .zip file to a location on your computer....


  • Double click the Nro2Nsp.exe executable


  • Open terminal
  • cd to folder location


cd Desktop/Nro2Nsp
  • Then type
sudo mono --arch=32 ./Nro2Nsp.exe 
  • Linux users report that --arch=32 is not supported and not needed
  • Mono will take some time to build the first time, just be patient

UI Overview:

You should now have the app launched and should be greeted with a window that looks like the screenshot above.
  • Check out the settings button on the lower right to configure the settings to your needs. See Settings for a breakdown on the available options.

Main App Window

Field/Option Purpose
App Name The Name that youd like displayed for the app.
Title Id This is the application id and needs to be different per each application with the format of 05XXXXXXXXXX0000
Author Fill this in with the name of the author
Version Fill this with what you want the version to show
Icon Box This will be what you see on the switch, see below for format options


     AppName:  TestApp
     Title Id: 05000F2300000000    
     Made by:  MtX         	
     Version:  1.0.0


  • Above the icon you will see "Icon Database" this will link you to a github folder of icons from the community
  • To import your own click the icon box and select the icon
    • Supports 256x256 .jpg
    • Other popular formats and resolutions will be converted automatically, but can cause image degradation.
    • You can even load an existing .nro to to use that apps icon

Forwarding Section

There are 2 different types of forwarders:

Field/Option Purpose
Standard Nro Forwarder for use with homebrew applications
Title Id for use with retroarch game roms for using through the retroarch emulator core.

Standard Nro Forwarder

There are two different options here that require typing out the full path to the /nro file location on the SD card. For example:


Note: Paths must be exact (case sensitive) and will throw a system error if theres no mathing .nro/rom

  • sdmc: - For loading an nro from an sd path, Nsp does not contain the nro, it only points to it. ex:
sdmc: /switch/tinfoil/tinfoil.nro    
  • romfs: For building nro internally of thr nsp, pick your nro and it should do the rest. This option does not need tinfoil on the sd card but this option has limited compatibility at this time. ex:
romfs: /tinfoil.nro 

Retroarch Rom Forwarder

For this you'll need to fill out both boxes, Core Path and Rom Path. There is a predefined list for retroarch cores and rom paths. You can edit these to add cores or change your rom paths, see XML Editing

  • Set core path - Path to the core to load for the rom, ex:
sdmc:  /retroarch/cores/snes9x_libretro_libnx.nro
  • Rom Path: Path to the Rom to load
sdmc:  /roms/Snes/Super Mario World.smc

Final step

  • Click the compile Button
  • Wait for compiling to finish

If successful then the NSP should be built in the ./Nro2Nsp folder as Appname_[TitleId].nsp, if the build failed please see Troubleshooting for help.