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Ruzeh edited this page Dec 19, 2022 · 6 revisions

You can open an inspector window and navigate to your avatar > WCFaceTrack > Config node and in each of the child nodes there will be some options you can set up to your liking. The ones that may interest you are the Center Hotkey, Position Drift To Center, Blink Combine Eyes, and each of the thresholds for the mouth and eyebrow features. It's advised to change the thresholds, as the default values may more than likely not be suitable for your specific face shape and environment.

Fields of interest are marked on this page with an asterisk and a bigger font size.
If you're unsure about a field, you can keep the default values.

Config nodes

Center Hotkey

CenterPosAndRot *

  • The defined button will be the hotkey to recenter the head's position and rotation. It should be pressed after setting the system on an avatar, and whenever you shuffle in your seat to a resting position while looking straight at the screen.



  • Press the value checkbox to recenter the avatar's position. The Center Hotkey automatically presses this.

Position Offset

  • Is set automatically with the Center Hotkey, only touch if you want to set a specific offset.

Position Multiplier *

  • Determines how much your head's movement in space is transferred to the avatar, in the horizontal, vertical, and depth axes respectively.

Position Tracking Range

  • Stops your head's position from moving out of a imaginary box, of the size established here. Ideally it should be set to the lowest you can while still mantaining a full amplitude of motion in real life. If you're unsure about this, keep the default values.

Position Drift To Center *

  • If enabled, the head's position will recenter slowly when you're off-center by a noticeable margin.

Position Drift Speed

  • Determines how fast the head's position will recenter. Higher values mean faster recentering.



  • Press the value checkbox to recenter the avatar's rotation. The Center Hotkey automatically presses this.

Rotation Offset

  • Is set automatically with the Center Hotkey, only touch if you want to set a specific offset.

Rotation Multiplier *

  • Determines how much your head's rotation is transferred to the avatar, in the up-down, side to side, and tilt axes respectively. If using a wider FOV, it's recommended to increase this a bit.

Tracking interval


  • This is the interval at which the system works. The default value is roughly equal to 18 FPS, which is a good balance between performance and accuracy. If you've got the CPU processing power to spare, you could try decreasing this value to increase tracking fidelity, though keep in mind Neos is very CPU intensive. The formula for getting the value is 1/[Desired FPS]. For example, if you'd like to track at 25 fps, the needed value is 0.04, calculated from 1/25.

Adjust Tracking Interval by FPS *

  • If enabled, this will adjust the tracking interval on the fly, increasing it as the user's FPS dip, to save performance when a world is very resource intensive. Disabling it will use the specified tracking interval no matter what.


Blink Combine Eyes *

  • If enabled, both eyes' blink state will be synchronized. Effectively disables winking, but may look subjectively better.

Blink Thresholds *

  • Determines the Minimum and Maximum values at which the Blinking will start driving the selected blendshape. For example, a value of 0 in the Minimum will make it so even a tiny lowering of your eyelids will make your character's eyelids to lower as well, on the contrary, if a value is set to 0.6 for example, you'll need to close your eyes a noticeable amount before your character starts lowering their eyelids. If the character doesn't blink completely when you do, you may try lowering the Maximum threshold to fix it.

Mouth Thresholds

Same as the previous thresholds, they allow you to customize how much you need to do an action for it to start driving the specified blendshape.

Eyebrows Thresholds

Same as the previous thresholds, they allow you to customize how much you need to do an action for it to start driving the specified blendshape. Of note, the Steep Up and Steep Down are the saddened and angry eyebrow expressions respectively. The Steep Up and Steep Down are finnicky, and might require special attention when configuring to avoid misfires.


Gaze Offset *

  • Can be set to offset the direction your eyes look when looking straight ahead.

Gaze Multiplier *

  • Determines how much your real eyes' rotation transfer over to your avatar. Setting them to 0 will make the character look straight ahead as defined on the Gaze Offset.

Gaze To Screen Percentage *

  • (0-1) Determines how much of the eye's rotation will be faked to look at the direction of the screen, in the side to side and up-down axes respectively. For example, if they're both set to 1 (the maximum value) and you turn your head in front of a mirror, you'll notice the avatar always looks at the mirror. A value of 0 means it will look wherever your gaze direction is. If your tracking is not the best or you have irregular lighting, the gaze tracking can be mediocre, so in that case I suggest setting them both to 1.