XBE Dumper 0.5-BETA Release XBE header ~~~~~~~~~~ Magic : XBEH RSA digital signature : (Valid) 32 ba 41 1c 1e fc b0 db 0e 2d 85 62 7f 18 48 b5 f9 ec 0b a0 22 eb 1e 5a c5 4c df 98 5a 0d 37 14 6c 1c 85 2f a5 9b 62 b3 e0 e0 16 0a 9c 21 d4 ea a9 01 b8 58 a6 50 c4 85 f0 d9 6b 10 e8 42 ab cf c0 b1 6c 67 79 53 2b f4 63 4f 57 93 4b 49 bb 9b 76 65 0c dd f0 72 64 00 a2 ee 74 bf af cc 9d 91 f1 fe ad a8 ab 51 35 02 09 88 5e 74 31 be 05 05 58 14 3c dd 6a 04 ab 84 f3 b6 d1 09 38 33 08 99 c6 08 07 dd 9b 3e b3 61 d2 a1 cc 66 b7 3f d1 04 da ca 4f ca 3f 5d 62 cd 15 a6 20 57 ad e8 a7 ab be 59 0f 2d 9e 44 a0 bd 56 b7 38 2b a4 2d 61 8e 7b 2b 4e b8 ed 3c 38 ab 9f 56 1b c4 1b 28 60 e2 3a d5 54 a2 c5 64 ba 64 09 c7 41 9f da e6 c7 36 15 02 89 c4 ec 35 13 a6 d9 6a 19 cb 84 a9 b5 11 59 03 cd a1 1d df 2b 33 5d 53 72 45 4e 61 97 52 8b 3e 52 be f3 f8 19 1c 6b df 41 f3 b7 70 08 83 Base address : 0x00010000 Size of all headers: : 0x00002000 Size of entire image : 0x004B0F00 Size of this header : 0x00000184 Image timestamp : 0x4146C116 Tue Sep 14 10:59:50 2004 Pointer to certificate data : 0x00010184 Number of sections : 0x00000023 Pointer to section headers : 0x00010370 Initialization flags : 0x00000001 : XBE_INIT_MOUNT_UTILITY Entrypoint : 0xA8D5E802 : 0x0029BFA9 (Actual) : 0x0029BFA9 (Retail) : 0x3C507549 (Debug) Pointer to TLS directory : 0x0038530C Stack commit size : 0x00010000 Heap reserve size : 0x00100000 Heap commit size : 0x00001000 PE base address : 0x000118A0 PE image size : 0x004DB940 PE checksum : 0x004E7668 PE timestamp : 0x41468C3F Tue Sep 14 07:14:23 2004 PC path and filename to EXE : 0x00010D30 ("X:\Incredibles\Build\bx\latest\incredibles.exe") PC filename to EXE : 0x00010D4F ("incredibles.exe") PC filename to EXE (Unicode) : 0x00010D10 ("incredibles.exe") Pointer to kernel thunk table : 0x5B58AEB6 : 0x0035EE00 (Actual) : 0x0035EE00 (Retail) : 0xB4E95FE4 (Debug) Kernel import : 0x800000A1 (@161, KfLowerIrql) Kernel import : 0x80000081 (@129, KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel) Kernel import : 0x80000061 (@97, KeCancelTimer) Kernel import : 0x80000095 (@149, KeSetTimer) Kernel import : 0x80000080 (@128, KeQuerySystemTime) Kernel import : 0x8000006B (@107, KeInitializeDpc) Kernel import : 0x80000071 (@113, KeInitializeTimerEx) Kernel import : 0x800000E1 (@225, NtSetEvent) Kernel import : 0x8000000F (@15, ExAllocatePoolWithTag) Kernel import : 0x80000011 (@17, ExFreePool) Kernel import : 0x80000091 (@145, KeSetEvent) Kernel import : 0x8000009F (@159, KeWaitForSingleObject) Kernel import : 0x8000008B (@139, KeRestoreFloatingPointState) Kernel import : 0x8000008E (@142, KeSaveFloatingPointState) Kernel import : 0x800000AA (@170, MmDeleteKernelStack) Kernel import : 0x800000A9 (@169, MmCreateKernelStack) Kernel import : 0x80000018 (@24, ExQueryNonVolatileSetting) Kernel import : 0x80000117 (@279, RtlEqualString) Kernel import : 0x80000121 (@289, RtlInitAnsiString) Kernel import : 0x80000147 (@327, XeLoadSection) Kernel import : 0x80000148 (@328, XeUnloadSection) Kernel import : 0x800000B2 (@178, MmPersistContiguousMemory) Kernel import : 0x800000A5 (@165, MmAllocateContiguousMemory) Kernel import : 0x800000A4 (@164, LaunchDataPage) Kernel import : 0x800000AB (@171, MmFreeContiguousMemory) Kernel import : 0x8000012D (@301, RtlNtStatusToDosError) Kernel import : 0x80000031 (@49, HalReturnToFirmware) Kernel import : 0x800000BB (@187, NtClose) Kernel import : 0x800000CF (@207, NtQueryDirectoryFile) Kernel import : 0x800000CA (@202, NtOpenFile) Kernel import : 0x800000C5 (@197, NtDuplicateObject) Kernel import : 0x800000BE (@190, NtCreateFile) Kernel import : 0x800000EC (@236, NtWriteFile) Kernel import : 0x800000DB (@219, NtReadFile) Kernel import : 0x800000E2 (@226, NtSetInformationFile) Kernel import : 0x800000D3 (@211, NtQueryInformationFile) Kernel import : 0x800000E9 (@233, NtWaitForSingleObject) Kernel import : 0x800000DA (@218, NtQueryVolumeInformationFile) Kernel import : 0x800000C6 (@198, NtFlushBuffersFile) Kernel import : 0x800000E8 (@232, NtUserIoApcDispatcher) Kernel import : 0x800000C8 (@200, NtFsControlFile) Kernel import : 0x800000C4 (@196, NtDeviceIoControlFile) Kernel import : 0x800000FA (@250, ObfDereferenceObject) Kernel import : 0x800000F6 (@246, ObReferenceObjectByHandle) Kernel import : 0x80000047 (@71, IoFileObjectType) Kernel import : 0x80000131 (@305, RtlTimeToTimeFields) Kernel import : 0x8000009C (@156, KeTickCount) Kernel import : 0x80000130 (@304, RtlTimeFieldsToTime) Kernel import : 0x80000126 (@294, RtlLeaveCriticalSection) Kernel import : 0x80000115 (@277, RtlEnterCriticalSection) Kernel import : 0x8000008F (@143, KeSetBasePriorityThread) Kernel import : 0x80000103 (@259, PsThreadObjectType) Kernel import : 0x800000E0 (@224, NtResumeThread) Kernel import : 0x8000012E (@302, RtlRaiseException) Kernel import : 0x80000102 (@258, PsTerminateSystemThread) Kernel import : 0x800000FF (@255, PsCreateSystemThreadEx) Kernel import : 0x800000BD (@189, NtCreateEvent) Kernel import : 0x80000010 (@16, ExEventObjectType) Kernel import : 0x800000C0 (@192, NtCreateMutant) Kernel import : 0x800000DD (@221, NtReleaseMutant) Kernel import : 0x800000EA (@234, NtWaitForSingleObjectEx) Kernel import : 0x800000EB (@235, NtWaitForMultipleObjectsEx) Kernel import : 0x80000063 (@99, KeDelayExecutionThread) Kernel import : 0x800000D2 (@210, NtQueryFullAttributesFile) Kernel import : 0x80000025 (@37, FscSetCacheSize) Kernel import : 0x80000028 (@40, HalDiskCachePartitionCount) Kernel import : 0x80000043 (@67, IoCreateSymbolicLink) Kernel import : 0x800000D7 (@215, NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject) Kernel import : 0x800000CB (@203, NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject) Kernel import : 0x80000045 (@69, IoDeleteSymbolicLink) Kernel import : 0x80000150 (@336, XcSHAUpdate) Kernel import : 0x8000014F (@335, XcSHAInit) Kernel import : 0x80000151 (@337, XcSHAFinal) Kernel import : 0x80000143 (@323, XboxHDKey) Kernel import : 0x80000145 (@325, XboxSignatureKey) Kernel import : 0x80000162 (@354, XboxAlternateSignatureKeys) Kernel import : 0x800000A6 (@166, MmAllocateContiguousMemoryEx) Kernel import : 0x800000B4 (@180, MmQueryAllocationSize) Kernel import : 0x800000B6 (@182, MmSetAddressProtect) Kernel import : 0x800000B3 (@179, MmQueryAddressProtect) Kernel import : 0x800000B8 (@184, NtAllocateVirtualMemory) Kernel import : 0x800000C7 (@199, NtFreeVirtualMemory) Kernel import : 0x800000D9 (@217, NtQueryVirtualMemory) Kernel import : 0x800000B5 (@181, MmQueryStatistics) Kernel import : 0x80000104 (@260, RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString) Kernel import : 0x80000134 (@308, RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString) Kernel import : 0x80000154 (@340, XcHMAC) Kernel import : 0x8000010E (@270, RtlCompareString) Kernel import : 0x80000142 (@322, XboxHardwareInfo) Kernel import : 0x80000041 (@65, IoCreateDevice) Kernel import : 0x8000004A (@74, IoInvalidDeviceRequest) Kernel import : 0x80000146 (@326, XeImageFileName) Kernel import : 0x8000002F (@47, HalRegisterShutdownNotification) Kernel import : 0x8000002C (@44, HalGetInterruptVector) Kernel import : 0x800000A0 (@160, KfRaiseIrql) Kernel import : 0x80000062 (@98, KeConnectInterrupt) Kernel import : 0x8000006D (@109, KeInitializeInterrupt) Kernel import : 0x80000097 (@151, KeStallExecutionProcessor) Kernel import : 0x80000164 (@356, HalBootSMCVideoMode) Kernel import : 0x80000144 (@324, XboxKrnlVersion) Kernel import : 0x80000053 (@83, IoStartPacket) Kernel import : 0x80000057 (@87, IofCompleteRequest) Kernel import : 0x80000051 (@81, IoStartNextPacket) Kernel import : 0x80000167 (@359, IoMarkIrpMustComplete) Kernel import : 0x80000166 (@358, HalIsResetOrShutdownPending) Kernel import : 0x8000010D (@269, RtlCompareMemoryUlong) Kernel import : 0x80000123 (@291, RtlInitializeCriticalSection) Kernel import : 0x80000168 (@360, HalInitiateShutdown) Kernel import : 0x80000165 (@357, IdexChannelObject) Kernel import : 0x800000AD (@173, MmGetPhysicalAddress) Kernel import : 0x800000AF (@175, MmLockUnlockBufferPages) Kernel import : 0x80000077 (@119, KeInsertQueueDpc) Kernel import : 0x800000B0 (@176, MmLockUnlockPhysicalPage) Kernel import : 0x80000001 (@1, AvGetSavedDataAddress) Kernel import : 0x80000002 (@2, AvSendTVEncoderOption) Kernel import : 0x80000003 (@3, AvSetDisplayMode) Kernel import : 0x80000004 (@4, AvSetSavedDataAddress) Kernel import : 0x8000002E (@46, HalReadWritePCISpace) Kernel import : 0x80000064 (@100, KeDisconnectInterrupt) Kernel import : 0x80000008 (@8, DbgPrint) Kernel import : 0x800000A8 (@168, MmClaimGpuInstanceMemory) Kernel import : 0x80000017 (@23, ExQueryPoolBlockSize) Kernel import : 0x80000089 (@137, KeRemoveQueueDpc) Kernel import : 0x80000099 (@153, KeSynchronizeExecution) Kernel import : 0x800000FC (@252, PhyGetLinkState) Kernel import : 0x800000FD (@253, PhyInitialize) Kernel import : 0x8000015D (@349, XcBlockCryptCBC) Kernel import : 0x8000015B (@347, XcKeyTable) Kernel import : 0x8000015A (@346, XcDESKeyParity) Kernel import : 0x80000153 (@339, XcRC4Crypt) Kernel import : 0x80000152 (@338, XcRC4Key) Kernel import : 0x80000159 (@345, XcModExp) Kernel import : 0x80000158 (@344, XcVerifyPKCS1Signature) Kernel import : 0x800000C3 (@195, NtDeleteFile) Kernel import : 0x80000163 (@355, XePublicKeyData) Kernel import : 0x80000161 (@353, XboxLANKey) Kernel import : 0x80000056 (@86, IofCallDriver) Kernel import : 0x8000003E (@62, IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest) Kernel import : 0x800000F7 (@247, ObReferenceObjectByName) Kernel import : 0x80000096 (@150, KeSetTimerEx) Kernel import : 0x8000009E (@158, KeWaitForMultipleObjects) Kernel import : 0x8000007E (@126, KeQueryPerformanceCounter) Kernel import : 0x8000007F (@127, KeQueryPerformanceFrequency) Kernel import : 0x8000002A (@42, HalDiskSerialNumber) Kernel import : 0x80000029 (@41, HalDiskModelNumber) Kernel import : 0x800000E4 (@228, NtSetSystemTime) Kernel import : 0x8000005F (@95, KeBugCheck) Kernel import : 0x80000138 (@312, RtlUnwind) Kernel import : 0x80000055 (@85, IoSynchronousFsdRequest) Kernel import : 0x80000054 (@84, IoSynchronousDeviceIoControlRequest) Non-kernel import table (debug only): 0x00000000 Number of library headers : 0x0000000B Pointer to library headers : 0x00010C50 Pointer to kernel library header : 0x00010CD0 Pointer to XAPI library header : 0x00010C50 Pointer to logo bitmap : 0x00010D60 Size of logo bitmap : 0x000002B2 Certificate ~~~~~~~~~~~ Size of certificate : 0x000001EC Certificate timestamp : 0x414E9FE0 Mon Sep 20 10:16:16 2004 Title ID : 0x54510028 Title name : "" Alternate title ID's : none Allowed media types : 0x00000202 : XBE_MEDIA_XBOX_DVD Allowed game regions : 0x00000004 : XBE_REGION_ELSEWHERE Allowed game rating : 0x00000000 Disk number : 0x00000000 Version : 0x00000002 LAN key : 64 1F 7A FF 98 74 83 7C 7F 85 56 89 61 11 43 C1 Signature key : 2E 77 61 66 B0 0B 77 F8 FF D9 F6 26 1F 4D 27 6B Alternate signature keys : 5c bb 7e ed 10 6e d1 72 7b e5 f1 4b c2 f9 59 54 01 96 16 08 55 f5 21 b6 25 2c 25 f7 c2 2d c5 75 0c 3c 65 4a e6 48 e3 d6 c5 be e0 d7 09 5b 4a d8 26 0a af c3 9d ae 46 29 12 2c 49 a2 c7 21 65 33 a9 a2 54 a0 82 6c b5 3d dd 99 ca 4e f5 5b 41 aa fe e0 e5 a1 ca fa 08 0e ef 05 d2 f0 21 b5 e7 8e 8b ac 71 9a 38 97 3f 41 1e 25 30 a8 33 09 88 4b 1a eb 67 cf d5 9f b6 fa 27 5a 0c 0a d1 c7 3a a0 1e 6a d9 67 fb 90 35 f7 8a e6 8e 5e 85 07 3d 0a 27 a9 91 a0 69 05 38 59 f8 db 3a a6 12 ec ff 58 94 2d 98 cc a6 51 b7 29 f2 f4 aa 9e 63 05 8a 13 76 6e f1 00 0d 8e 15 c7 30 c0 42 5a f5 fc c5 d2 68 ac c7 29 3f 3b 19 ed 1a b0 be 92 28 63 be 80 d5 d3 45 8a c7 e7 45 cc 87 44 94 2e 66 a7 54 b8 a9 c5 bf d3 c6 31 54 52 77 47 cb 46 b7 6b 08 a6 ab 35 4f 43 28 f5 27 b7 7a 92 7d 75 ff 60 a2 1c Section Header 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000016 : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE : XBE_SEC_RO_HEAD_PAGE Flags : 0x00000016 Virtual address : 0x00012000 Virtual size : 0x002A6F68 File address : 0x00002000 File size : 0x002A6F68 Section name Address : 0x00010B4A (".text") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B18 Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B1A SHA1 hash : ADEEACFF0F1DFFD7A28227A2375B70331DA69023 (Valid) Section Header 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000007 : XBE_SEC_WRITABLE : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE Flags : 0x00000007 Virtual address : 0x002B8F80 Virtual size : 0x0001412C File address : 0x002A9000 File size : 0x00010870 Section name Address : 0x00010B50 ("D3D") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B1A Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B1C SHA1 hash : 67D9EA35586F3CA3955C1E824855CEE3B2A7D0A0 (Valid) Section Header 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000007 : XBE_SEC_WRITABLE : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE Flags : 0x00000007 Virtual address : 0x002CD0C0 Virtual size : 0x00002228 File address : 0x002BA000 File size : 0x00002220 Section name Address : 0x00010B54 ("D3DX") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B1C Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B1E SHA1 hash : A78FED6897679C1B906A2A75045E9168AB316B76 (Valid) Section Header 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000007 : XBE_SEC_WRITABLE : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE Flags : 0x00000007 Virtual address : 0x002CF300 Virtual size : 0x000213C8 File address : 0x002BD000 File size : 0x0002074C Section name Address : 0x00010B59 ("XGRPH") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B1E Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B20 SHA1 hash : 5F6A38E9D622199347B9AC1849CCC22820EF0201 (Valid) Section Header 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000007 : XBE_SEC_WRITABLE : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE Flags : 0x00000007 Virtual address : 0x002F06E0 Virtual size : 0x0001E8F4 File address : 0x002DE000 File size : 0x0001E68C Section name Address : 0x00010B5F ("DSOUND") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B20 Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B22 SHA1 hash : 1F8C65EF51ABF99F7029868E3D33AF9956E621E3 (Valid) Section Header 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000026 : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE : XBE_SEC_RO_TAIL_PAGE Flags : 0x00000026 Virtual address : 0x0030EFE0 Virtual size : 0x0001FCD4 File address : 0x002FD000 File size : 0x0001FCD4 Section name Address : 0x00010B66 ("XONLINE") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B22 Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B24 SHA1 hash : F18FCEAFFB18768084A40F6A7C4B185BC651E1CC (Valid) Section Header 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000036 : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE : XBE_SEC_RO_HEAD_PAGE : XBE_SEC_RO_TAIL_PAGE Flags : 0x00000036 Virtual address : 0x0032ECC0 Virtual size : 0x00011E58 File address : 0x0031D000 File size : 0x00011E58 Section name Address : 0x00010B6E ("XNET") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B24 Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B26 SHA1 hash : 5A1757D954F9386E1299432A4E3DD0528C3EDB6C (Valid) Section Header 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000036 : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE : XBE_SEC_RO_HEAD_PAGE : XBE_SEC_RO_TAIL_PAGE Flags : 0x00000036 Virtual address : 0x00340B20 Virtual size : 0x0000D12C File address : 0x0032F000 File size : 0x0000D12C Section name Address : 0x00010B73 ("BINK") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B26 Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B28 SHA1 hash : 23856BA54AA56379F2062DB21493CA6462641993 (Valid) Section Header 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000036 : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE : XBE_SEC_RO_HEAD_PAGE : XBE_SEC_RO_TAIL_PAGE Flags : 0x00000036 Virtual address : 0x0034DC60 Virtual size : 0x00001185 File address : 0x0033D000 File size : 0x00001184 Section name Address : 0x00010B78 ("BINK32") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B28 Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B2A SHA1 hash : 740CCC65BB24669ACB774000FC3BC81F3C4CC36F (Valid) Section Header 9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000036 : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE : XBE_SEC_RO_HEAD_PAGE : XBE_SEC_RO_TAIL_PAGE Flags : 0x00000036 Virtual address : 0x0034EE00 Virtual size : 0x00001459 File address : 0x0033F000 File size : 0x00001458 Section name Address : 0x00010B7F ("BINK32A") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B2A Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B2C SHA1 hash : 9347DB41C4CE5D024F1984865F19F49C0F0DAD2E (Valid) Section Header 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000036 : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE : XBE_SEC_RO_HEAD_PAGE : XBE_SEC_RO_TAIL_PAGE Flags : 0x00000036 Virtual address : 0x00350260 Virtual size : 0x0000124C File address : 0x00341000 File size : 0x0000124C Section name Address : 0x00010B87 ("BINK16") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B2C Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B2E SHA1 hash : 2E4C7B6A2123E7546BEA1730B546F68AB3288BB6 (Valid) Section Header 11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000036 : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE : XBE_SEC_RO_HEAD_PAGE : XBE_SEC_RO_TAIL_PAGE Flags : 0x00000036 Virtual address : 0x003514C0 Virtual size : 0x000014D0 File address : 0x00343000 File size : 0x000014D0 Section name Address : 0x00010B8E ("BINK4444") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B2E Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B30 SHA1 hash : 5118F7AFB7AB279DC851D82ED2D51C67A776F88C (Valid) Section Header 12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000036 : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE : XBE_SEC_RO_HEAD_PAGE : XBE_SEC_RO_TAIL_PAGE Flags : 0x00000036 Virtual address : 0x003529A0 Virtual size : 0x00001514 File address : 0x00345000 File size : 0x00001514 Section name Address : 0x00010B97 ("BINK5551") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B30 Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B32 SHA1 hash : 4D6A3D519134BD611ABE67AB8927708C719DD57E (Valid) Section Header 13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000036 : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE : XBE_SEC_RO_HEAD_PAGE : XBE_SEC_RO_TAIL_PAGE Flags : 0x00000036 Virtual address : 0x00353EC0 Virtual size : 0x00000CAC File address : 0x00347000 File size : 0x00000CAC Section name Address : 0x00010BA0 ("BINKYUY2") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B32 Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B34 SHA1 hash : 9C8F8D828B99250D59014CDAB3F46C73C67AA827 (Valid) Section Header 14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000036 : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE : XBE_SEC_RO_HEAD_PAGE : XBE_SEC_RO_TAIL_PAGE Flags : 0x00000036 Virtual address : 0x00354B80 Virtual size : 0x0000009C File address : 0x00348000 File size : 0x0000009C Section name Address : 0x00010BA9 ("BINKYUY2") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B34 Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B34 SHA1 hash : E08C3AC89AA1770B7ED42C9A8C6E87A4EFCFF589 (Valid) Section Header 15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000036 : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE : XBE_SEC_RO_HEAD_PAGE : XBE_SEC_RO_TAIL_PAGE Flags : 0x00000036 Virtual address : 0x00354C20 Virtual size : 0x000000B8 File address : 0x00349000 File size : 0x000000B8 Section name Address : 0x00010BB2 ("BINKYUY2") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B34 Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B34 SHA1 hash : BA590FA0A85638ED96A32544CFD6DA284CF0A3C6 (Valid) Section Header 16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000036 : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE : XBE_SEC_RO_HEAD_PAGE : XBE_SEC_RO_TAIL_PAGE Flags : 0x00000036 Virtual address : 0x00354CE0 Virtual size : 0x00000088 File address : 0x0034A000 File size : 0x00000088 Section name Address : 0x00010BBB ("BINKYUY2") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B34 Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B34 SHA1 hash : 1C21F2A79D10EE9F90BF2A7B8D9F9F064697449F (Valid) Section Header 17 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000036 : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE : XBE_SEC_RO_HEAD_PAGE : XBE_SEC_RO_TAIL_PAGE Flags : 0x00000036 Virtual address : 0x00354D80 Virtual size : 0x00000130 File address : 0x0034B000 File size : 0x00000130 Section name Address : 0x00010BC4 ("BINK16MX") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B34 Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B34 SHA1 hash : 0ED81D878267F2CD3288F74D059707338C8FA310 (Valid) Section Header 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000016 : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE : XBE_SEC_RO_HEAD_PAGE Flags : 0x00000016 Virtual address : 0x00354EC0 Virtual size : 0x00000558 File address : 0x0034C000 File size : 0x00000558 Section name Address : 0x00010BCD ("BINK16X2") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B34 Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B36 SHA1 hash : 2FA729EBA3171E32B0ED606F890B309884BEECE2 (Valid) Section Header 19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000006 : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE Flags : 0x00000006 Virtual address : 0x00355420 Virtual size : 0x000001F8 File address : 0x0034D000 File size : 0x000001F8 Section name Address : 0x00010BD6 ("BINK16M") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B36 Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B36 SHA1 hash : 1EBBE35FE6D6B0B47E9997725D43BC7769A44887 (Valid) Section Header 20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000006 : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE Flags : 0x00000006 Virtual address : 0x00355620 Virtual size : 0x000001BC File address : 0x0034E000 File size : 0x000001BC Section name Address : 0x00010BDE ("BINK32MX") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B36 Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B36 SHA1 hash : 2B1D7E66F388CD896A6141E2200D1C39B252F5CF (Valid) Section Header 21 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000006 : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE Flags : 0x00000006 Virtual address : 0x003557E0 Virtual size : 0x0000058C File address : 0x0034F000 File size : 0x0000058C Section name Address : 0x00010BE7 ("BINK32X2") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B36 Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B36 SHA1 hash : D9623A23E62AAF75C77ACAC20A538BEB473C6614 (Valid) Section Header 22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000006 : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE Flags : 0x00000006 Virtual address : 0x00355D80 Virtual size : 0x0000014C File address : 0x00350000 File size : 0x0000014C Section name Address : 0x00010BF0 ("BINK32M") Section reference count : 0x00000000 Head shared page reference count : 0x00010B36 Tail shared page reference count : 0x00010B36 SHA1 hash : FF1CCE8C98AED2C2D8420630102DEC03A3270F49 (Valid) Section Header 23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags : 0x00000007 : XBE_SEC_WRITABLE : XBE_SEC_PRELOAD : XBE_SEC_EXECUTABLE Flags : 0x00000007 Virtual address : 0x00355EE0 Virtual size : 0x00008F0C File address : 0x00351000 File size : 0x00008F0C Section 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