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File metadata and controls

71 lines (65 loc) · 2.18 KB

Image Source Registry

If your images have to be pulled from a private registry you may configure the credentials for each job.

Docker Registry

    "type": "docker",
    "registries": [{
        "type": "docker-registry",
        "host": "<my_registry>:5000",
        "repository": "repo-name",
        "username": "your_username",
        "password": { "$secret": "SECRET_NAME_FOR_YOUR_PASSWORD" }
Name Required Type Default Description
type true string Has to be "docker-registry"
host true string Host of the registry. I.e.
repository true string Name of the repository
username false string Username to be used with the registry
password false Secret Secret containing the password


    "type": "docker",
    "registries": [{
        "type": "ecr",
        "host": "<my_registry>",
        "repository": "repo-name",
        "region": "region",
        "access_key_id": { "$secret": "SECRET_KEY_ID" },
        "secret_access_key": { "$secret": "SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" }
Name Required Type Default Description
type true string Has to be "ecr"
host true string ECR endpoint
repository true string Name of the repository
region true string AWS Region
access_key_id true Secret Secret containing the AWS Access Key ID
secret_access_key true Secret Secret containing AWS Secret Access Key


    "type": "docker",
    "registries": [{
        "type": "gcr",
        "host": "",
        "repository": "<project-id>/<repo-name>",
        "service_account": { "$secret": "GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT" },
Name Required Type Default Description
type true string Has to be "gcr"
host true string GCR endpoint i.e.
repository true string Name of the repository
service_account true Secret Secret containing the GCP Service Account with role Storage Admin