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SoTeSoLa working group on modeling linguistic architecture


Composing a model of linguistic architecture is a way to specify all software languages and technologies involved in a particular project, together with the relationships among those entities. This is, in fact, a form of megamodeling. The variety of existing languages, the ever-growing number of technologies with rich dependencies on languages, and the complex usage patterns for the technologies motivate such megamodeling as means of abstracting from the complexities and idiosyncrasies of software technologies. This working group aims at collecting evidence from its participants about scenarios that are amenable and could benefit from modeling linguistic architecture. Thus, the participants (mega)model software technologies that they use or develop. In this context, the working group also discusses related aspects of language definition, documentation and standardization of languages and technologies, the use of meta- and metametamodels as well as the various mismatches between technological spaces, languages, and technologies.


  • Inventory of relevant contexts contributed by the participants:
    • Scenarios of language usage, implementation, and others
    • Scenarios of technology usage, integration, and migration
    • Scenarios of technological space travel
    • Scenarios of model-driven engineering and model transformation
  • Collection of megamodels
    • On a scale "sketchy" to "precise"
    • On a scale "technology-specific" to "pattern of a class of technologies"



  • The working group on SoTeSoLa-related community resources deals with relevant knowledge resources.
  • The working group on a SoTeSoLa-related folksonomy addresses the ontological aspect.


Ralf Lämmel