SCDetector is a combination of token-based and graph-based approach. Given a method source code, we first generate the CFG and then apply centrality analysis to transform the graph into certain semantic tokens (i.e., tokens with graph details). Finally, these semantic tokens are fed into a Siamese network to train a model and use it to detect code clone pairs.
SCDetector consists of three main phases: Static Analysis, Centrality Analysis, and Clone Detection.
Static Analysis: This phase aims to extract the CFG of a method based on static analysis, where each node is a basic block. The input in this phase is a method while the output is the CFG of the method.
Centrality Analysis: In this phase, we first dig out the centrality of each basic block of the CFG obtained from static analysis. Then we assign the centrality to each token in a basic block and sum the centrality of the same token in different basic blocks. The outputs are tokens with graph details (i.e., centrality), called semantic tokens.
Clone Detection: Given a pair of code methods, the corresponding semantic tokens are fed into a Siamese network. The output is the probability that these two methods are a clone pair. If the probability is large than 0.5, we identify that they are a pair of clones. The Siamese network is trained first by using labeled code pairs.
We conduct our evaluations on two datasets: Google Code Jam ( and BigCloneBench (
Programs in Google Code Jam are collected from an online programming competition held by Google. In our experiment, we use the same dataset collected by DeepSim (, which consists of 1,669 projects from 12 different competition problems. As discussed in DeepSim, projects for solving the same problem are functionally similar while those for different problems are dissimilar. Moreover, very few projects within a competition problem are syntactically similar. Therefore, we can assume that code clone pairs in the same problem are most likely to be semantic clones (i.e., Type-4 clones). The total number of similar and dissimilar method pairs are 275,570 and 1,116,376, respectively.
The second dataset used in our experiment is BigCloneBench ( dataset, which composes of over 6,000,000 tagged clone pairs from 25,000 systems. The code granularity of clone pairs in BigCloneBench is function-level, and each clone pair is manually assigned a corresponding clone type. Because of the ambiguous boundary between Type-3 and Type-4, these two clone types are further divided into three subcategories by a similarity score measured by line-level and token-level after Type-1 and Type-2 normalizations, as follows: i) Strongly Type-3 (ST3) with a similarity between [0.7, 1.0), ii) Moderately Type-3 (MT3) with a similarity between [0.5, 0.7), and iii)Weakly Type-3/Type-4 (WT3/T4) with a similarity between [0.0, 0.5).
Yueming Wu, Deqing Zou, Shihan Dou, Siru Yang, Wei Yang, Feng Cheng, Hong Liang, and Hai Jin. 2020. SCDetector: Software Functional Clone Detection Based on Semantic Tokens Analysis. In 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'20), September 21–25, 2020, Virtual Event, Australia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 13 pages.