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Accessing Native CVM Interfaces

Philip Maechling edited this page Mar 5, 2017 · 3 revisions

In most cases, the underlying CVM models are distributed as part of UCVM. The codes can be found in the installation directory UCVMC_bin/models/... directories.

cencal cvm query

  • UCVMC_bin/model/cencal/include/cencalvm/query/VMQuery.icc This C interface must be compiled to create the command line native query interface to Cencal etree's.

CVM-S4 Best Available Version

  • The CVM-S4 code can be found in: UCVMC_bin/model/cvms/src/, cvms_bin, cvms_txt This is a release of the CVM-S4 code. This has all known bugfixes, which included some uninitialized variables. There is a compiled-in limit to size of meshes this can support, in one of the .h files. Edit that file, and recompile with higher limit to make bigger meshes. UCVM provides parallel CVM-S4 access to avoid problems with large mesh point sizes.

CVM-S4.26 Tomography results

Size of grid volume is ~491km x ~765km x ~50km. 500m resolution of model. No background model outside or below this volume. Min Vs ~850m/sec. Trilinear interpolation used to determine material properties for points between mesh points (1536 x 992 x 100 = 152,371,200 pts). Delivered in separate vp.dat vs.dat. UCVMC_bin/model/cvms5/data/config


  • CVM-S4.26 with tomography improvements and merged with original CVM-S4 GTL for properties in the top 350m. It provides UCVMC_bin/model/cvms426/bin/cvmsi_query

CVM-H v15.10.0

  • CVM-H native interfaces provided at: UCVMC_bin/model/cvmh1510/bin/ with:,, vx, vx_lite, and vx_slice
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