@prefix ns1: . @prefix ns2: . @prefix ns3: . @prefix om: . @prefix sbol: . @prefix xsd: . ns2:GrowthCurve a ns1:ProtocolInterface, sbol:TopLevel ; ns1:hasParameter , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; ns1:protocolMeasurementType , , , , ; sbol:displayId "GrowthCurve" ; sbol:name "GrowthCurve" ; ns2:strateos_id "pr1e955a2zbtw65" . a sbol:CombinatorialDerivation ; sbol:displayId "ip209002e9c3364a86969b419713f1f00b" ; sbol:hasVariableFeature , , ; sbol:name "measurement combinatorial derivation" ; sbol:template . a sbol:CombinatorialDerivation ; sbol:displayId "ip360bc1fa49ae42e3b3d8b3c8f6b7c550" ; sbol:hasVariableFeature , , ; sbol:name "measurement combinatorial derivation" ; sbol:template . a ns1:ExperimentalRequest, sbol:TopLevel ; ns1:hasMeasurement , , , , ; ns1:hasParameterValue , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; sbol:displayId "ip3a4b5a12e48847e6ad834888245f4f74" ; sbol:name "Experimental Result" . a sbol:CombinatorialDerivation ; sbol:displayId "ip4d39c2c67a7f49b0b2b730e698ce47df" ; sbol:hasVariableFeature , , ; sbol:name "measurement combinatorial derivation" ; sbol:template . a sbol:CombinatorialDerivation ; sbol:displayId "ip704ea0237dbc418eae4334584229bbd4" ; sbol:hasVariableFeature , , ; sbol:name "measurement combinatorial derivation" ; sbol:template . a sbol:CombinatorialDerivation ; sbol:displayId "ipd203a936e24647a280c31ffe20cad815" ; sbol:hasVariableFeature , , ; sbol:name "measurement combinatorial derivation" ; sbol:template . a ns1:BooleanParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; sbol:displayId "BooleanParameter1" ; sbol:name "submit" . a ns1:BooleanParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; sbol:displayId "BooleanParameter2" ; sbol:name "test_mode" . a ns1:IntegerParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; sbol:displayId "IntegerParameter1" ; sbol:name "plate_size" . a ns1:IntegerParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; sbol:displayId "IntegerParameter2" ; sbol:name "plate_number" . a ns1:MeasureParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; ns1:required true ; sbol:description "Maximum volume: 30uL" ; sbol:displayId "MeasureParameter13" ; sbol:name "Glycerol Stock Volume" ; ns2:dotname "inoc_info.inoc_vol" . a ns1:MeasureValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:hasMeasure ; sbol:displayId "MeasureValue2" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 5e+00 ; om:hasUnit om:microlitre . a ns1:MeasureParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; ns1:required true ; sbol:description "Maximum volume: 1800uL" ; sbol:displayId "MeasureParameter14" ; sbol:name "Media Volume" ; ns2:dotname "inoc_info.inoc_media_vol" . a ns1:MeasureValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:hasMeasure ; sbol:displayId "MeasureValue3" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 5e+02 ; om:hasUnit om:microlitre . a ns1:MeasureParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; ns1:required true ; sbol:description "Maximum volume: 100uL" ; sbol:displayId "MeasureParameter15" ; sbol:name "Culture Volume" ; ns2:dotname "recovery_info.recovery_sample_vol" . a ns1:MeasureValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:hasMeasure ; sbol:displayId "MeasureValue4" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 2e+00 ; om:hasUnit om:microlitre . a ns1:MeasureParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; ns1:required true ; sbol:description "Maximum volume: 1800uL" ; sbol:displayId "MeasureParameter16" ; sbol:name "Media Volume" ; ns2:dotname "recovery_info.recovery_media_vol" . a ns1:MeasureValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:hasMeasure ; sbol:displayId "MeasureValue5" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 7e+02 ; om:hasUnit om:microlitre . a ns1:MeasureParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; ns1:required true ; sbol:description "Maximum volume: 100uL" ; sbol:displayId "MeasureParameter17" ; sbol:name "Volume of Culture to Plate Read" ; ns2:dotname "read_info.sampling_info.read_cult_vol" . a ns1:MeasureValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:hasMeasure ; sbol:displayId "MeasureValue6" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 1e+01 ; om:hasUnit om:microlitre . a ns1:MeasureParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; ns1:required true ; sbol:description "Maximum volume: 99uL" ; sbol:displayId "MeasureParameter18" ; sbol:name "Volume of Solvent to Plate Read" ; ns2:dotname "read_info.sampling_info.read_solv_vol" . a ns1:MeasureValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:hasMeasure ; sbol:displayId "MeasureValue7" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 9e+01 ; om:hasUnit om:microlitre . a ns1:MeasureParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; sbol:description "First gain to read at" ; sbol:displayId "MeasureParameter19" ; sbol:name "Gain 1" ; ns2:dotname "plate_reader_info.list_of_gains.gain_1" . a ns1:MeasureValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:hasMeasure ; sbol:displayId "MeasureValue8" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 0e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a ns1:MeasureParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; sbol:description "Second gain to read at" ; sbol:displayId "MeasureParameter20" ; sbol:name "Gain" ; ns2:dotname "plate_reader_info.list_of_gains.gain_2" . a ns1:MeasureValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:hasMeasure ; sbol:displayId "MeasureValue9" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 0e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a ns1:MeasureParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; sbol:description "Third gain to read at" ; sbol:displayId "MeasureParameter21" ; sbol:name "Gain" ; ns2:dotname "plate_reader_info.list_of_gains.gain_3" . a ns1:MeasureValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:hasMeasure ; sbol:displayId "MeasureValue10" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 0e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a ns1:MeasurementType, sbol:Identified ; ns1:required true ; ns1:type ; sbol:displayId "MeasurementType1" . a ns1:MeasurementType, sbol:Identified ; ns1:required true ; ns1:type ; sbol:displayId "MeasurementType2" . a ns1:MeasurementType, sbol:Identified ; ns1:required true ; ns1:type ; sbol:displayId "MeasurementType3" . a ns1:MeasurementType, sbol:Identified ; ns1:required true ; ns1:type ; sbol:displayId "MeasurementType4" . a ns1:MeasurementType, sbol:Identified ; ns1:required true ; ns1:type ; sbol:displayId "MeasurementType5" . a ns1:StringParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; sbol:displayId "StringParameter1" ; sbol:name "xplan_base_dir" . a ns1:StringParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; sbol:displayId "StringParameter2" ; sbol:name "xplan_reactor" . a ns1:StringParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; sbol:displayId "StringParameter3" ; sbol:name "protocol" . a ns1:StringParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; sbol:displayId "StringParameter4" ; sbol:name "container_search_string" . a ns1:StringParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; sbol:displayId "StringParameter5" ; sbol:name "container_search_string" . a ns1:StringParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; sbol:displayId "StringParameter6" ; sbol:name "strain_property" . a ns1:StringParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; sbol:displayId "StringParameter7" ; sbol:name "xplan_path" . a ns1:StringParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; sbol:displayId "StringParameter8" ; sbol:name "protocol_id" . a ns1:StringParameter, sbol:Identified ; ns1:defaultValue ; sbol:displayId "StringParameter9" ; sbol:name "experiment_reference_url_for_xplan" . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip039d6f64c07b43eead9768dc9f8991e6" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_23970" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip0d87065f838f495db7615e8accd57b72" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "sc_media_40_nm_doxycycline_hyclate" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip1ad9baa28e7a45feb7776204a579a37c" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_35556" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip1f50657598be4174933db66ace07e421" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_6390" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:VariableFeature ; sbol:cardinality sbol:one ; sbol:displayId "VariableFeature1" ; sbol:variable ; sbol:variant , . a sbol:VariableFeature ; sbol:cardinality sbol:one ; sbol:displayId "VariableFeature2" ; sbol:variable ; sbol:variant , , , , , , , , . a sbol:VariableFeature ; sbol:cardinality sbol:one ; sbol:displayId "VariableFeature3" ; sbol:variable ; sbol:variantMeasure , . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 0e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure2" ; om:hasNumericalValue 2e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip230df4e41795486bbb22a89909993f6e" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_35554" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip269e2901c083433c8b3e8272b3cbf2c1" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_35553" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip2b3ea991a3954ff4ac316b096cc732aa" ; sbol:hasFeature , , ; sbol:name "measurement template" ; sbol:type . a sbol:LocalSubComponent ; sbol:displayId "LocalSubComponent1" ; sbol:name "Media" ; sbol:type . a sbol:LocalSubComponent ; sbol:displayId "LocalSubComponent2" ; sbol:name "Strains" ; sbol:type . a sbol:LocalSubComponent ; sbol:displayId "LocalSubComponent3" ; sbol:name "replicate" ; sbol:type . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip30ee3fe10eab4f15bbdd6c59184a5a70" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "sc_media_40_nm_doxycycline_hyclate" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip34342745718145baa5c4600c14d0e0f5" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_35555" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:VariableFeature ; sbol:cardinality sbol:one ; sbol:displayId "VariableFeature1" ; sbol:variable ; sbol:variant . a sbol:VariableFeature ; sbol:cardinality sbol:one ; sbol:displayId "VariableFeature2" ; sbol:variable ; sbol:variant , , . a sbol:VariableFeature ; sbol:cardinality sbol:one ; sbol:displayId "VariableFeature3" ; sbol:variable ; sbol:variantMeasure . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 3e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip392986723f104d22aab01fd5440b96bf" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_35557" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip398ce0617eab427f827cbbaebdcae25a" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_35552" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a ns1:MeasureValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:hasMeasure ; sbol:displayId "MeasureValue10" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 0e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a ns1:MeasureValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:hasMeasure ; sbol:displayId "MeasureValue2" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 5e+00 ; om:hasUnit om:microlitre . a ns1:MeasureValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:hasMeasure ; sbol:displayId "MeasureValue3" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 5e+02 ; om:hasUnit om:microlitre . a ns1:MeasureValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:hasMeasure ; sbol:displayId "MeasureValue4" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 2e+00 ; om:hasUnit om:microlitre . a ns1:MeasureValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:hasMeasure ; sbol:displayId "MeasureValue5" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 7e+02 ; om:hasUnit om:microlitre . a ns1:MeasureValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:hasMeasure ; sbol:displayId "MeasureValue6" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 1e+01 ; om:hasUnit om:microlitre . a ns1:MeasureValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:hasMeasure ; sbol:displayId "MeasureValue7" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 9e+01 ; om:hasUnit om:microlitre . a ns1:MeasureValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:hasMeasure ; sbol:displayId "MeasureValue8" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 0e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a ns1:MeasureValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:hasMeasure ; sbol:displayId "MeasureValue9" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 0e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a ns1:Measurement, sbol:Identified ; ns1:instanceOfMeasurementType ; ns1:time , , , , , , , , , ; sbol:displayId "Measurement1" ; sbol:name "measurement" ; ns3:file_type "CSV" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 0e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure10" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 2.4e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure2" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 1e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure3" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 3e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure4" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 6e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure5" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 9e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure6" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 1.2e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure7" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 1.5e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure8" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 1.8e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure9" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 2.1e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a ns1:Measurement, sbol:Identified ; ns1:instanceOfMeasurementType ; ns1:time , , , , , , , , , ; sbol:displayId "Measurement2" ; sbol:name "measurement" ; ns3:file_type "CSV" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 0e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure10" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 2.4e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure2" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 1e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure3" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 3e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure4" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 6e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure5" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 9e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure6" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 1.2e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure7" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 1.5e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure8" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 1.8e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure9" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 2.1e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a ns1:Measurement, sbol:Identified ; ns1:instanceOfMeasurementType ; ns1:time , , , , , , , , , ; sbol:displayId "Measurement3" ; sbol:name "measurement" ; ns3:file_type "CSV" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 0e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure10" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 2.4e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure2" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 1e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure3" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 3e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure4" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 6e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure5" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 9e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure6" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 1.2e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure7" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 1.5e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure8" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 1.8e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure9" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 2.1e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a ns1:Measurement, sbol:Identified ; ns1:instanceOfMeasurementType ; ns1:time , , , , , , , , , ; sbol:displayId "Measurement4" ; sbol:name "measurement" ; ns3:file_type "CSV" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 0e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure10" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 2.4e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure2" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 1e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure3" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 3e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure4" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 6e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure5" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 9e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure6" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 1.2e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure7" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 1.5e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure8" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 1.8e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure9" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 2.1e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a ns1:Measurement, sbol:Identified ; ns1:instanceOfMeasurementType ; ns1:time , ; sbol:displayId "Measurement5" ; sbol:name "measurement" ; ns3:file_type "CSV" . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 0e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure2" ; sbol:name "hour" ; om:hasNumericalValue 2.4e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip3c43bf24b96f4b869146a80f51b5bc11" ; sbol:hasFeature , , ; sbol:name "measurement template" ; sbol:type . a sbol:LocalSubComponent ; sbol:displayId "LocalSubComponent1" ; sbol:name "Media" ; sbol:type . a sbol:LocalSubComponent ; sbol:displayId "LocalSubComponent2" ; sbol:name "Strains" ; sbol:type . a sbol:LocalSubComponent ; sbol:displayId "LocalSubComponent3" ; sbol:name "replicate" ; sbol:type . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip3da8fb29f2924c8583e1cbca559c4196" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_35552" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip4a8357fe2b3943e6a72ff04030e0f7a9" ; sbol:hasFeature , , ; sbol:name "measurement template" ; sbol:type . a sbol:LocalSubComponent ; sbol:displayId "LocalSubComponent1" ; sbol:name "Media" ; sbol:type . a sbol:LocalSubComponent ; sbol:displayId "LocalSubComponent2" ; sbol:name "Strains" ; sbol:type . a sbol:LocalSubComponent ; sbol:displayId "LocalSubComponent3" ; sbol:name "replicate" ; sbol:type . a sbol:VariableFeature ; sbol:cardinality sbol:one ; sbol:displayId "VariableFeature1" ; sbol:variable ; sbol:variant . a sbol:VariableFeature ; sbol:cardinality sbol:one ; sbol:displayId "VariableFeature2" ; sbol:variable ; sbol:variant , , , , , . a sbol:VariableFeature ; sbol:cardinality sbol:one ; sbol:displayId "VariableFeature3" ; sbol:variable ; sbol:variantMeasure . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 1e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip4defa48e167e40d1b5fbff4dcc452ded" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_35552" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip52d6df8b881243a4b382f15808f453fe" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_35554" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip53c2525d9dc740ababecd8fe8f87ecfd" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_35556" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip5b1c9e51917040b78315f1ede757fa9a" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_24864" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip67d040882d6a470c93200f6d30824c09" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "sc_media_200nm_be" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:VariableFeature ; sbol:cardinality sbol:one ; sbol:displayId "VariableFeature1" ; sbol:variable ; sbol:variant . a sbol:VariableFeature ; sbol:cardinality sbol:one ; sbol:displayId "VariableFeature2" ; sbol:variable ; sbol:variant , , , , , . a sbol:VariableFeature ; sbol:cardinality sbol:one ; sbol:displayId "VariableFeature3" ; sbol:variable ; sbol:variantMeasure . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 1e+01 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip731c73af1d2b42c9b6f659c1f6ee34e0" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_35556" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip7c1e51360d004d92a9aa7d6cc52fb8f7" ; sbol:hasFeature , , ; sbol:name "measurement template" ; sbol:type . a sbol:LocalSubComponent ; sbol:displayId "LocalSubComponent1" ; sbol:name "Media" ; sbol:type . a sbol:LocalSubComponent ; sbol:displayId "LocalSubComponent2" ; sbol:name "Strains" ; sbol:type . a sbol:LocalSubComponent ; sbol:displayId "LocalSubComponent3" ; sbol:name "replicate" ; sbol:type . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip81d10419476c4721a2d47e1bc288e4e4" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_35555" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ip8a387fd29ab9483e9d5daa7407d68d5f" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_24864" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ipa8425cd3dc6e44e4a25fdcea7208c0d3" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "sc_media_200nm_be" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ipb24098ba16084c608d6c3ebe7cc25d20" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_23970" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ipb7710953a0fe4cc481742861aed3ebb0" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_35555" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ipbb3b0e615f13484581f8ce81a9ef1377" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_35553" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ipc1258b330cab434bb33dcc27c4945df5" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_6390" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:VariableFeature ; sbol:cardinality sbol:one ; sbol:displayId "VariableFeature1" ; sbol:variable ; sbol:variant . a sbol:VariableFeature ; sbol:cardinality sbol:one ; sbol:displayId "VariableFeature2" ; sbol:variable ; sbol:variant , , . a sbol:VariableFeature ; sbol:cardinality sbol:one ; sbol:displayId "VariableFeature3" ; sbol:variable ; sbol:variantMeasure . a sbol:Identified, om:Measure ; sbol:displayId "Measure1" ; om:hasNumericalValue 3e+00 ; om:hasUnit . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ipd446daf4142948179f292157e70c68fc" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_35557" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ipe0ba0089ea6241359c0acaeda2115e00" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_35557" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ipe960935593cd4417a03085bb0ad6aa60" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_6390" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ipeb9074ad24364f6e9be973bdeb8eca96" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "sc_media_40_nm_doxycycline_hyclate" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ipef690b11b67d412c9cf9c5bba6e80a52" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_35554" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ipf061363318f04db6bbcab5b8c59a7c09" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_23970" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ipf77ea7449f9b4e2184fb2a2d2597701d" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_35553" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ipfb990ced5d9a43b4b57f2ab77ed48073" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "UWBF_24864" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ipfd3afbd2fc494a72b962618367765900" ; sbol:hasFeature ; sbol:name "sc_media_200nm_be" ; sbol:type . a sbol:SubComponent ; sbol:displayId "SubComponent1" ; sbol:instanceOf . a sbol:Component ; sbol:displayId "ipfe6b852d11a44ffc8e7053cbdecf6d61" ; sbol:hasFeature , , ; sbol:name "measurement template" ; sbol:type . a sbol:LocalSubComponent ; sbol:displayId "LocalSubComponent1" ; sbol:name "Media" ; sbol:type . a sbol:LocalSubComponent ; sbol:displayId "LocalSubComponent2" ; sbol:name "Strains" ; sbol:type . a sbol:LocalSubComponent ; sbol:displayId "LocalSubComponent3" ; sbol:name "replicate" ; sbol:type . a ns1:BooleanValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:value true ; sbol:displayId "BooleanValue2" . a ns1:BooleanValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:value false ; sbol:displayId "BooleanValue3" . a ns1:IntegerValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:value 96 ; sbol:displayId "IntegerValue2" . a ns1:IntegerValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:value 2 ; sbol:displayId "IntegerValue3" . a ns1:StringValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:value "test" ; sbol:displayId "StringValue2" . a ns1:StringValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:value "xplan" ; sbol:displayId "StringValue3" . a ns1:StringValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:value "GrowthCurve" ; sbol:displayId "StringValue4" . a ns1:StringValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:value "ct1f3w93hd4k927" ; sbol:displayId "StringValue5" . a ns1:StringValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:value "ct1f3w93hj3z5qk" ; sbol:displayId "StringValue6" . a ns1:StringValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:value "Name" ; sbol:displayId "StringValue7" . a ns1:StringValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:value "data-sd2e-projects.sd2e-project-14/xplan-reactor/YEAST_STATES/experiments" ; sbol:displayId "StringValue8" . a ns1:StringValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:value "pr1e955a2zbtw65" ; sbol:displayId "StringValue9" . a ns1:StringValue, sbol:Identified ; ns1:value "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VC6Mj_UirpZ_0R-zbrDvJjzOjmlRpirUtFdAt89qqb4" ; sbol:displayId "StringValue10" .