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Adding spec file, cleanup
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Signed-off-by: Eric Jackson <>
  • Loading branch information
swiftgist committed Sep 9, 2016
1 parent f2b526d commit 36717d2
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 14 changed files with 404 additions and 161 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@

all: rpm

rpm: tarball
rpmbuild -bb deepsea.spec

tarball: tests
VERSION=`awk '/^Version/ {print $$2}' deepsea.spec`; \
git archive --prefix deepsea/ -o ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/deepsea-$$VERSION.tar.gz HEAD

@echo "Need to write tests :)"

58 changes: 26 additions & 32 deletions
@@ -1,38 +1,32 @@
# Pillar Prototype
These salt files are intended to allow the creation and management of multiple ceph clusters with a single salt master.
# DeepSea
A collection of Salt files for deploying, managing and automating Ceph.

The [diagram](pillar-proposal.png) should explain the intended flow for the orchestration runners and related salt states.
These goal is to manage multiple ceph clusters with a single salt master. At this time, only one Ceph cluster is managed.

The [diagram](deepsea.png) should explain the intended flow for the orchestration runners and related salt states.

## Status
This is alpha at best. It works, but runners need refactoring, commenting, correct returns and unit tests. Several decisions still remain and a few files have notes alluding to missing functionality. Only a single cluster named `ceph` has been tested.
The stages 0-4 which covers optional provisioning to creating gateways for Ceph services are working. Role removal is in progress.

## Usage

## Usage
Prepare Salt
- Install salt-master on one host
- Install salt-minion on all the other hosts you want to be ceph nodes, and *also* on the master host
- Clone this repository and copy the contents i.e. /etc and /srv in their respective directories
- Be sure to have python-pip and git-core installed
- Install on all hosts. If salt-minion is installed on all hosts & keys
accepted, this can be done by doing salt "*" pip.install git+
- Copy etc/salt/master.d/reactor.conf-example to /etc/salt/master.d/reactor.conf on the master, or set "startup_states: 'highstate'" in all the minion configs.
- Accept all the salt keys on the master, make sure salt works (`salt '*'`)
- Create an SLS file in /srv/pillar/ceph/cluster/ for each host, indicating what cluster the host belongs to.
- The easy way to do this is to just run `salt-run bootstrap.all`, which will make all salt minions ceph cluster nodes. Note that `/srv/modules` needs to be added in `extension_modules` in the salt-master configuration.
- If you don't want to use all your minions for the cluster, use the
bootstrap.selection runner. The runner expects a compound target selector as
parameter (regarding compound targets refer to
- Alternately, you can create the files manually. For each one, the file should contain just the line "cluster: ceph". For the admin node (or salt master), use "cluster: unassigned".
- If necessary edit the sntp invocation in /srv/salt/ceph/sync/init.sls to point to a real NTP server (it tries to use the host named 'salt' by default).
- Run `salt-run state.orchestrate ceph.stage.0`
- Run `salt-run state.orchestrate ceph.stage.1`
- Verify /srv/pillar/ceph/stack/ files are populated as mentioned in the [diagram](pillar-proposal.png).
- Edit /srv/pillar/ceph/stack/{ceph.cfg,core.yml,defaults/ceph-custom.yml} to pick up the desired layout and storage files (you need to uncomment whatever sections make sense in ceph.cfg), and set network interfaces if necessary.
- Be sure to add you master_node in startup_states: pillar/ceph/stack/default/global.yml
- Copy either /srv/pillar/ceph/proposals/generic-hostnames.example or /srv/pillar/ceph/proposals/rolebased-hostnames.example to /srv/pillar/ceph/proposals/policy.cfg
- Adapt your policy.cfg to match your cluster topology.
- Just in case, run `salt '*' saltutil.refresh_pillar`.
- Run `salt-run state.orchestrate ceph.stage.2`
- Verify /srv/pillar/ceph/stack/cluster/ceph.conf.yml looks sane (it should havecluster_network, public_network, mon_host and mon_initial_members filled in).
- Run `salt-run state.orchestrate ceph.stage.3`
- You should now have a running cluster.
- Install salt-minion on all hosts including the master.
- Accept keys (e.g. salt-key -A -y)

Install DeepSea
- Install rpm (link TBD)

- Edit /etc/salt/master.d/logging.conf
- Edit /srv/pillar/ceph/master_minion.sls

- Run `salt-run state.orch ceph.stage.0 or salt-run state.orch ceph.stage.prep`
- Run `salt-run state.orch ceph.stage.1 or salt-run state.orch ceph.stage.discovery`
- Create /srv/pillar/ceph/proposals/policy.cfg. Examples are in ...
- Run `salt-run state.orch ceph.stage.2 or salt-run state.orch ceph.stage.configure`
- Run `salt-run state.orch ceph.stage.3 or salt-run state.orch ceph.stage.deploy`
- Run `salt-run state.orch ceph.stage.4 or salt-run state.orch`

File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes
298 changes: 298 additions & 0 deletions deepsea.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
# spec file for package deepsea
# Copyright (c) 2016 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via

# See also

Name: deepsea
Version: 0.1
Release: 0
Summary: Salt solution for deploying and managing Ceph

License: GPL-3.0
Group: System/Libraries
Source0: deepsea-%{version}.tar.gz

BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build


#%package devel
#Summary: Development files for %{name}
#Group: Development/Libraries
#Requires: %{name} = %{version}
#%description devel
#The %{name}-devel package contains libraries and header files for
#developing applications that use %{name}.


%__tar xvzf %{SOURCE0}

install -d 755 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8

cd %{name}

install -d 755 %{buildroot}/etc/salt/master.d
install -m 644 etc/salt/master.d/modules.conf %{buildroot}/etc/salt/master.d/
install -m 644 etc/salt/master.d/reactor.conf %{buildroot}/etc/salt/master.d/

install -d 755 %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}
install -m 644 LICENSE %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}
install -m 644 %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}

install -d 755 %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}/examples
install -m 644 doc/examples/policy.cfg-rolebased %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}/examples
install -m 644 doc/examples/policy.cfg-generic %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}/examples
install -m 644 doc/examples/policy.cfg-regex %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}/examples

# Included in Salt 2016.3
install -d 755 %{buildroot}/srv/modules/pillar
install -m 644 srv/modules/pillar/ %{buildroot}/srv/modules/pillar

%define _runners srv/modules/runners
install -d 755 %{buildroot}/%{_runners}
install -m 644 %{_runners}/ %{buildroot}/%{_runners}
install -m 644 %{_runners}/ %{buildroot}/%{_runners}
install -m 644 %{_runners}/ %{buildroot}/%{_runners}
install -m 644 %{_runners}/ %{buildroot}/%{_runners}
install -m 644 %{_runners}/ %{buildroot}/%{_runners}
install -m 644 %{_runners}/ %{buildroot}/%{_runners}
install -m 644 %{_runners}/ %{buildroot}/%{_runners}
install -m 644 %{_runners}/ %{buildroot}/%{_runners}
install -m 644 %{_runners}/ %{buildroot}/%{_runners}
install -m 644 %{_runners}/ %{buildroot}/%{_runners}
install -m 644 %{_runners}/ %{buildroot}/%{_runners}

%define _pillar srv/pillar
install -d 755 %{buildroot}/%{_pillar}/ceph
install -m 644 %{_pillar}/ceph/cluster/README %{buildroot}/%{_pillar}/ceph
install -m 644 %{_pillar}/ceph/init.sls %{buildroot}/%{_pillar}/ceph
install -m 644 %{_pillar}/ceph/master_minion.sls %{buildroot}/%{_pillar}/ceph
install -m 644 %{_pillar}/ceph/stack/stack.cfg %{buildroot}/%{_pillar}/ceph

install -m 644 %{_pillar}/top.sls %{buildroot}/%{_pillar}

install -d 755 %{buildroot}/srv/salt/_modules
install -m 644 srv/salt/_modules/ %{buildroot}/srv/salt/_modules
install -m 644 srv/salt/_modules/ %{buildroot}/srv/salt/_modules
install -m 644 srv/salt/_modules/ %{buildroot}/srv/salt/_modules
install -m 644 srv/salt/_modules/ %{buildroot}/srv/salt/_modules
install -m 644 srv/salt/_modules/ %{buildroot}/srv/salt/_modules

%define _saltceph srv/salt/ceph
install -d 755 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/admin
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/admin/authtool.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/admin
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/admin/default.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/admin
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/admin/files/keyring.j2 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/admin
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/admin/init.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/admin
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/admin/pcc.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/admin

install -d 755 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/configuration
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/configuration/default.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/configuration
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/configuration/files/ceph.conf.j2 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/configuration
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/configuration/init.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/configuration

install -d 755 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/events
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/events/begin_prep.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/events
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/events/complete_prep.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/events

#install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/files/multipath.conf
#install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/initiator/iscsiadm-salt.sls
#install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/initiator/iscsiadm.sls
#install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/initiator/multipathd.sls

install -d 755 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/iscsi
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/iscsi/authtool.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/iscsi

# Hardcoded secret... need to fix
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/iscsi/files/ceph.client.iscsi.keyring %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/iscsi
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/iscsi/files/sysconfig.lrbd %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/iscsi
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/iscsi/import-salt.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/iscsi
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/iscsi/import.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/iscsi
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/iscsi/keyring.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/iscsi
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/iscsi/lrbd-salt.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/iscsi
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/iscsi/lrbd.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/iscsi
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/iscsi/sysconfig.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/iscsi

install -d 755 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/mds
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/mds/auth.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/mds
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/mds/bootstrap-auth.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/mds
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/mds/default.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/mds
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/mds/files/bootstrap.j2 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/mds
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/mds/files/keyring.j2 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/mds
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/mds/init.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/mds
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/mds/keyring.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/mds
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/mds/pcc.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/mds
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/mds/pools.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/mds

install -d 755 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/mine_functions
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/mine_functions/files/mine_functions.conf %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/mine_functions
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/mine_functions/init.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/mine_functions

install -d 755 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/mon
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/mon/default.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/mon
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/mon/files/keyring.j2 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/mon
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/mon/init.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/mon
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/mon/pcc.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/mon
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/mon/start.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/mon

install -d 755 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/openattic
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/openattic/authtool.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/openattic
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/openattic/files/ceph.client.openattic.keyring %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/openattic
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/openattic/init.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/openattic
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/openattic/keyring.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/openattic
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/openattic/openattic.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/openattic

install -d 755 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/osd
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/osd/auth.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/osd
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/osd/custom.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/osd
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/osd/default.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/osd
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/osd/files/keyring.j2 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/osd
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/osd/init.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/osd
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/osd/keyring.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/osd
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/osd/partition.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/osd
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/osd/pcc-auth.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/osd
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/osd/pcc-custom.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/osd
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/osd/pcc-keyring.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/osd
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/osd/pcc.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/osd
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/osd/scheduler.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/osd

install -d 755 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/packages
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/packages/custom-salt.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/packages
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/packages/default.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/packages
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/packages/init.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/packages

install -d 755 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/pool
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/pool/custom.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/pool
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/pool/default.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/pool
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/pool/init.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/pool

install -d 755 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/reactor
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/reactor/all_stages.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/reactor
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/reactor/discovery.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/reactor
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/reactor/highstate.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/reactor
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/reactor/initialize.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/reactor
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/reactor/master.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/reactor
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/reactor/prep_begin.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/reactor
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/reactor/prep_complete.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/reactor
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/reactor/prep_minion.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/reactor
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/reactor/readycheck %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/reactor

install -d 755 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/refresh
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/refresh/init.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/refresh

install -d 755 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/repo
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/repo/custom.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/repo
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/repo/default.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/repo
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/repo/init.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/repo

install -d 755 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/rgw
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/rgw/default.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/rgw
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/rgw/init.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/rgw
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/rgw/pools.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/rgw

install -d 755 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/stage
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/stage/all.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/stage
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/stage/benchmark.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/stage
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/stage/cephfs.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/stage
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/stage/configure.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/stage
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/stage/configure/default.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/stage
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/stage/deploy.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/stage
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/stage/discovery.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/stage
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/stage/discovery/custom.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/stage
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/stage/discovery/default.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/stage
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/stage/iscsi.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/stage
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/stage/prep.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/stage
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/stage/prep/default.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/stage
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/stage/prep_minions.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/stage
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/stage/removal.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/stage
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/stage/rgw.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/stage
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/stage/services.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/stage

install -d 755 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/sync
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/sync/init.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/sync

install -d 755 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/time
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/time/custom-salt.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/time
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/time/custom.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/time
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/time/init.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/time
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/time/ntp.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/time

install -d 755 %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/updates
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/updates/default.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/updates
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/updates/init.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/updates
install -m 644 %{_saltceph}/updates/restart.sls %{buildroot}/%{_saltceph}/updates

install -m 644 srv/salt/top.sls %{buildroot}/srv/salt



%dir %attr(-, root, root) %{_docdir}/%{name}

#%files devel

* Thu Sep 8 2016 Eric Jackson

0 comments on commit 36717d2

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