/tmp/slurmd/job28038/slurm_script: line 10: despacktivate: command not found [0000] [00000.0] main: MPI is up and running with 4 node(s). Welcome to the cosmological hydrodynamical code ______ _________________ / ___/ | / / _/ ___/_ __/ \__ \| | /| / // // /_ / / ___/ /| |/ |/ // // __/ / / /____/ |__/|__/___/_/ /_/ SPH With Inter-dependent Fine-grained Tasking Version : 0.8.0 Revision: v0.7.0-3293-g3d44fb65-dirty, Branch: (detached from 3d44fb6), Date: 2019-03-06 16:09:06 +0000 Webpage : www.swiftsim.com Config. options: '--with-metis --with-parmetis --with-tbbmalloc --with-fftw --with-numa --enable-compiler-warnings=yes' Compiler: GCC, Version: 4.8.5 CFLAGS : '-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -malign-double -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -funroll-loops -march=core-avx2 -mavx2 -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wshadow -Wstrict-prototypes' HDF5 library version: 1.8.21 FFTW library version: 3.x (details not available) GSL library version: 1.15 MPI library: Open MPI v3.1.3 (MPI std v3.1) METIS library version: 5.1.0 ParMETIS library version: 4.0.3 [0000] [00000.0] main: CPU frequency used for tick conversion: 2992976548 Hz [0000] [00000.0] main: sizeof(part) is 128 bytes. [0000] [00000.0] main: sizeof(xpart) is 64 bytes. [0000] [00000.0] main: sizeof(spart) is 128 bytes. [0000] [00000.0] main: sizeof(gpart) is 64 bytes. [0000] [00000.0] main: sizeof(multipole) is 176 bytes. [0000] [00000.0] main: sizeof(grav_tensor) is 144 bytes. [0000] [00000.0] main: sizeof(task) is 96 bytes. [0000] [00000.0] main: sizeof(cell) is 1152 bytes. [0000] [00000.0] main: Reading runtime parameters from file 'eagle_50.yml' [0000] [00000.1] main: Using ParMETIS partitioning: [0000] [00000.1] main: initial partitioning: memory balanced, using particle weighted cells [0000] [00000.1] main: repartitioning: edge and vertex task cost weights [0000] [00000.1] main: Internal unit system: U_M = 1.988480e+43 g. [0000] [00000.1] main: Internal unit system: U_L = 3.085678e+24 cm. [0000] [00000.1] main: Internal unit system: U_t = 3.085678e+19 s. [0000] [00000.1] main: Internal unit system: U_I = 1.000000e+00 A. [0000] [00000.1] main: Internal unit system: U_T = 1.000000e+00 K. [0000] [00000.1] phys_const_print: Gravitational constant = 4.300927e+01 [0000] [00000.1] phys_const_print: Speed of light = 2.997925e+05 [0000] [00000.1] phys_const_print: Planck constant = 1.079902e-99 [0000] [00000.1] phys_const_print: Boltzmann constant = 6.943236e-70 [0000] [00000.1] phys_const_print: Thomson cross-section = 6.986845e-74 [0000] [00000.1] phys_const_print: Electron-Volt = 8.057293e-66 [0000] [00000.1] phys_const_print: Year = 1.022690e-12 [0000] [00000.1] phys_const_print: Astronomical Unit = 4.848137e-12 [0000] [00000.1] phys_const_print: Parsec = 1.000000e-06 [0000] [00000.1] phys_const_print: Solar mass = 1.000000e-10 [0000] [00000.1] phys_const_print: km/s/Mpc = 1.000000e+02 [0000] [00000.2] cosmology_print: Density parameters: [O_m, O_l, O_b, O_k, O_r] = [0.307000, 0.693000, 0.045500, 0.000000, 0.000000] [0000] [00000.2] cosmology_print: Dark energy equation of state: w_0=-1.000000 w_a=0.000000 [0000] [00000.2] cosmology_print: Hubble constant: h = 0.677700, H_0 = 6.777000e+01 U_t^(-1) [0000] [00000.2] cosmology_print: Hubble time: 1/H0 = 1.475579e-02 U_t [0000] [00000.2] cosmology_print: Universe age at present day: 1.413442e-02 U_t [0000] [00000.2] main: Reading ICs from file './EAGLE_ICs_50.hdf5' [0000] [00000.2] main: Cleaning up h-factors (h=0.677700) [0000] [00000.2] main: Cleaning up a-factors from velocity (a=0.909091) [0000] [00000.2] io_read_unit_system: Reading IC units from ICs. [0000] [00000.2] read_ic_parallel: Conversion needed from: [0000] [00000.2] read_ic_parallel: (ICs) Unit system: U_M = 1.989000e+43 g. [0000] [00000.2] read_ic_parallel: (ICs) Unit system: U_L = 3.085678e+24 cm. [0000] [00000.2] read_ic_parallel: (ICs) Unit system: U_t = 3.085678e+19 s. [0000] [00000.2] read_ic_parallel: (ICs) Unit system: U_I = 1.000000e+00 A. [0000] [00000.2] read_ic_parallel: (ICs) Unit system: U_T = 1.000000e+00 K. [0000] [00000.2] read_ic_parallel: to: [0000] [00000.2] read_ic_parallel: (internal) Unit system: U_M = 1.988480e+43 g. [0000] [00000.2] read_ic_parallel: (internal) Unit system: U_L = 3.085678e+24 cm. [0000] [00000.2] read_ic_parallel: (internal) Unit system: U_t = 3.085678e+19 s. [0000] [00000.2] read_ic_parallel: (internal) Unit system: U_I = 1.000000e+00 A. [0000] [00000.2] read_ic_parallel: (internal) Unit system: U_T = 1.000000e+00 K. [0000] [00013.5] readArray: Need to redo one iteration for array 'Coordinates' [0000] [00078.1] readArray: Need to redo one iteration for array 'Coordinates' [0000] [00111.0] read_ic_parallel: Particle Type 5 not yet supported. Particles ignored [0000] [00113.6] main: Reading initial conditions took 113403.380 ms. [0000] [00113.6] main: Read 404421250 gas particles, 20786477 stars particles and 850466735 gparts from the ICs. [0000] [00119.1] main: space_init took 5549.551 ms. [0000] [00120.4] main: space dimensions are [ 50.000 50.000 50.000 ]. [0000] [00120.4] main: space is periodic. [0000] [00120.4] main: highest-level cell dimensions are [ 16 16 16 ]. [0000] [00120.4] main: 101105312 parts in 4096 cells. [0000] [00120.4] main: 212616683 gparts in 4096 cells. [0000] [00120.4] main: 5196619 sparts in 4096 cells. [0000] [00120.4] main: maximum depth is 0. [0000] [00120.4] potential_print_backend: External potential is 'No external potential'. [0000] [00120.4] cooling_print_backend: Cooling function is 'No cooling'. [0000] [00120.4] chemistry_print_backend: Chemistry function is 'No chemistry'. [0000] [00120.4] engine_config: prefer NUMA-distant CPUs [0000] [00120.4] engine_init: cpu map is [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 ]. [0000] [00120.4] engine_policy: engine policies are [ 'steal' 'keep' 'mpi' 'numa affinity' 'hydro' 'self gravity' 'cosmological integration' 'stars' ] [0000] [00120.4] eos_print: Equation of state: Ideal gas. [0000] [00120.4] eos_print: Adiabatic index gamma: 1.666667. [0000] [00120.4] hydro_props_print: Hydrodynamic scheme: Gadget-2 version of SPH (Springel 2005) in 3D. [0000] [00120.4] hydro_props_print: Hydrodynamic kernel: Cubic spline (M4) with eta=1.234800 (48.00 neighbours). [0000] [00120.4] hydro_props_print: Hydrodynamic relative tolerance in h: 0.00010 (+/- 0.0144 neighbours). [0000] [00120.4] hydro_props_print: Hydrodynamic integration: CFL parameter: 0.1000. [0000] [00120.4] hydro_props_print: Artificial viscosity parameters set to alpha: 0.800, max: 2.000, min: 0.100, length: 0.100. [0000] [00120.4] hydro_props_print: Hydrodynamic integration: Max change of volume: 1.40 (max|dlog(h)/dt|=0.112157). [0000] [00120.4] hydro_props_print: Minimal gas temperature set to 100.000000 [0000] [00120.4] entropy_floor_print: Entropy floor is 'no entropy floor'. [0000] [00120.4] gravity_props_print: Self-gravity scheme: Default (no potential) [0000] [00120.4] gravity_props_print: Self-gravity scheme: FMM-MM with m-poles of order 4 [0000] [00120.4] gravity_props_print: Self-gravity time integration: eta=0.0250 [0000] [00120.4] gravity_props_print: Self-gravity opening angle: theta=0.7000 [0000] [00120.4] gravity_props_print: Self-gravity softening functional form: Wendland-C2 [0000] [00120.4] gravity_props_print: Self-gravity comoving softening: epsilon=0.0081 (Plummer equivalent: 0.0027) [0000] [00120.4] gravity_props_print: Self-gravity maximal physical softening: epsilon=0.0021 (Plummer equivalent: 0.0007) [0000] [00120.4] gravity_props_print: Self-gravity mesh side-length: N=128 [0000] [00120.4] gravity_props_print: Self-gravity mesh smoothing-scale: a_smooth=1.250000 [0000] [00120.4] gravity_props_print: Self-gravity tree cut-off ratio: r_cut_max=4.500000 [0000] [00120.4] gravity_props_print: Self-gravity truncation cut-off ratio: r_cut_min=0.100000 [0000] [00120.4] gravity_props_print: Self-gravity mesh truncation function: Gadget-like (using erfc()) [0000] [00120.4] gravity_props_print: Self-gravity tree update frequency: f=0.010000 [0000] [00120.4] stars_props_print: Stars kernel: Cubic spline (M4) with eta=1.234800 (48.00 neighbours). [0000] [00120.4] stars_props_print: Stars relative tolerance in h: 0.00010 (+/- 0.0144 neighbours). [0000] [00120.4] stars_props_print: Stars integration: Max change of volume: 1.40 (max|dlog(h)/dt|=0.112157). [0000] [00120.4] stars_props_print: Maximal iterations in ghost task set to 30 [0000] [00120.4] engine_config: Absolute minimal timestep size: 6.613473e-19 [0000] [00120.4] engine_config: Minimal timestep size (on time-line): 8.189315e-11 [0000] [00120.4] engine_config: Maximal timestep size (on time-line): 5.366949e-06 [0000] [00121.7] engine_config: Restarts will be dumped every 6.000000 hours [0000] [00121.7] main: engine_init took 1279.084 ms. [0000] [00121.7] main: Running on 404421250 gas particles, 20786477 stars particles and 425259008 DM particles (850466735 gravity particles) [0000] [00121.7] main: from t=1.276e-02 until t=1.413e-02 with 4 ranks, 16 threads / rank and 16 task queues / rank (dt_min=1.000e-10, dt_max=1.000e-05)... [0000] [00164.0] engine_init_particles: Setting particles to a valid state... [0000] [00165.2] engine_init_particles: Computing initial gas densities. [0000] [00270.9] engine_init_particles: Converting internal energy variable. [0000] [00271.4] engine_init_particles: Running initial fake time-step. # Step Time Scale-factor Redshift Time-step Time-bins Updates g-Updates s-Updates Wall-clock time [ms] Props