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MicroServices Project

Run the application

# Run the below command in main directory of project
skaffold dev

Some Common Commands used in project

Create a Jwt secret in kubernetes:

kubectl create secret generic jwt-secret --from-literal=JWT_KEY=asdf (asdf - your jwt signing secret)

Command used to create a image:

docker build -t DOCKER_USERNAME/FOLDER_NAME . (dot specifies current directory)

docker build -t DOCKER_USERNAME/client .

# Push it to kubernetes - Run the command in the respective Folder

Kubectl commands

# Get all the running pods
kubectl get pods

# Delete respective pod
kubectl delete pod POD_NAME

# Port Forwarding command
kubectl port-forward POD_NAME 4222:4222 (LocalMachinePort: kube)

Publish pkg on npm

# --access public is used when you are using free account on npm
npm publish --access public

# To re-publish the common package
cd common
npm run pub

Link to the common package:

Demo Video


Note: Focus of the project was not to build great frontend but learn microservices