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File metadata and controls

82 lines (59 loc) · 2.03 KB

Create a Schema

A Schema defines the shape of the documents within a collection. It is basically a map of field name to Type.

It contains specs for transforming and validating each fields.


Setup your schema for your collection by creating a new instance of Blini.Schema.

Schema takes only one argument a map of field: String to type: Type.

const { Schema, Type } = require('blini');

const userSchema = new Schema({
    username: Type.String({
        validation: [
        index: {
            unique: true
    books: Type.Set(Type.Ref('Book'), {
        validations: [

Native types

Native types like String, Number and ObjectID.


All types (natives and iterables) are taking as last argument a spec of options.

The validation option lets you specify an array of validations functions to use.

See Validations for more details about the helper validation methods (note that a validation can be any function taking a value and retuning the transformed value or throwing an error).


Blini doesn't have a type for mixed/object or array, instead it's using immutable data structure: Type.List, Type.Set and Type.Map.

Each of these types take a Type as first argument, it will be used to normalize and validate inner data.

const postSchema = new Schema({
    title: Type.String(),
    body:  Type.String(),
    tags:  Type.Set(Type.String())


Since Schema inherits from Type, you can add schema for shaping sub-documents.

const commentSchema = new Schema({
    author: Type.Ref('Author'),
    body:   Type.String()

const postSchema = new Schema({
    title:    Type.String(),
    body:     Type.String(),
    author:   Type.Ref('Author'),
    comments: Type.List(commentSchema)
