Minimalist Tabline
This project is inspired by tabline.
- Shows minimal characters with tab numbers.
- Shows the directory name of Neovim terminal buffers.
- Shows icons using nvim-web-devicons or vim-devicons.
- Enables you to configure maximum tab name length
Use your favorite vim plugin management tool, e.g., vim-plug
Plug 'sangdol/mintabline.vim'
You can add icons with nvim-web-devicons or vim-devicons.
If both plugins exist nvim-web-devicons
takes precedence.
" Optionally add one of these
Plug 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons'
Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons'
Please follow the installation guide of the plugins if icons don't show up.
You can set the maximum length of tab names with g:mintabline_tab_max_chars
For example,
let g:mintabline_tab_max_chars = 15
The full name will be shown when a tab is active.
A simple vimscript can be used to configure keymaps to select tabs.
For example, the script below enables Number + ,
to select a tab, i.e. you can type 1,
to select the first tab.
for i in range(1, 9)
exec 'nnoremap ' .. i .. ', ' .. i .. 'gt'