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Releases: Schwiegerknecht/ExtendedBalanceMod

Extended Balance Mod v0.6.3

16 Jul 22:56
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This version introduces a new artifact item, Shield of the Undead, which provides more protection against autoattack builds for 8000 gold.
Doomspite Gloves have been nerfed (Proc effect and ranged Proc Chance).
Ironwalkers have had their activation threshold set to the base speed.
Three small changes from UberFix have been included by default.

Compatibility note: As of this version, Extended Balance Mod is not compatible with FavorMod 2.3.3 anymore.

As always, see Change List.
There's also a Summarized Change List that lists all changes in comparison to unmodded Demigod (patch 1.30).

Installation: See or earlier releases.

Extended Balance Mod v0.6.2

02 Jul 21:41
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Buffed the citadel upgrades for reinforcement. Armory gives more armor and maximum health, Blacksmith gives more damage and some attack speed on the last stage.
Building Firepower has had its range and attack speed reduced.
Upgraded reinforcements should be able to counter upgraded towers. But upgraded towers are still much stronger than in unmodded Demigod.

Slight Mard's Hammer nerf that probably doesn't make a real difference.

As always, see Change List.
There's also a Summarized Change List that lists all changes in comparison to unmodded Demigod (patch 1.30).

Installation: See or below.

Extended Balance Mod 0.6.1

29 Apr 11:26
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Fixed the high ranged proc rate on Gloves of Fell-Darkur.
Small tweaks to Wyrmskin Handguards and Saam-el's Cloak.

As always, see Change List.
There's also a Summarized Change List that lists all changes in comparison to unmodded Demigod (patch 1.30).

Installation: See or below.

Extended Balance Mod v0.6

15 Apr 11:07
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Mard's Hammer is getting a stat decrease that should make it less overwhelming (on Regulus especially) while hopefully not making the item irrelevant again.
Queen of Thorns gets some quality of life improvements, stance switch times are now the same as Torch Bearer's.
Wild Swings now gives Yeti knockup.
A few other items got buffed, among them Diamond Pendant, Gloves of Fell-Darkur and Stormbringer.

As always, see Change List.
There's also a Summarized Change List that lists all changes in comparison to unmodded Demigod (patch 1.30).

Installation: See or below.

Extended Balance Mod v0.5.1

22 Jan 21:23
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Oak Shield IV duration nerf reverted.

Extended Balance Mod v0.5

19 Jan 00:09
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Version 0.5 mainly nerfs artifact potions and Fortified Structures I and UB's Ooze. Building Firepower has received buffs that should make it more significant. And Mard's Hammer might be worth trying now. See Change_List.txt for the changes:

For installation instructions see earlier releases below or

Extended Balance Mod v0.4

11 Nov 21:24
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Version 0.4 adds only a few tweaks and one bigger Favor Item change. See Change_List.txt for the changes:

For installation instructions see the other releases or

Extended Balance Mod v0.3

26 Aug 15:39
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Version 0.3 adds a few Demigod changes but mostly tries improving rarely used items. See Change_List.txt for the changes:

Installation instructions:

  • Go to:
  • Find the version you want and under "Assets", download the Source code as .zip file.
  • Locate in your Download folder and extract it. Ideally use "Extract here", don't extract into an extra folder (see below).
  • Put the folder "" into this directory: "..\Demigod\bindata\mods" or "..\Steam\steamapps\common\Demigod\bindata\mods" if using Steam. Be careful that you only have one folder "ExtendedBalanceMod-0.3" within this directory, you can easily get an extra layer if you extracted the ZIP into a folder. Your final file structure should be: "..\mods\ExtendedBalanceMod-0.3\Hook..".

Extended Balance Mod v0.2

01 Aug 23:00
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Version 0.2 of ExtendedBalanceMod adds changes to many Demigods and a few changes to items. See Change_List.txt for the changes:

Installation instructions (also in the

  • From the "Assets", download the Source code as .zip file.
  • Locate in your Download folder and extract it. Ideally use "Extract here", don't extract into an extra folder (see below).
  • Put the folder "" into this directory: "..\Demigod\bindata\mods" or "..\Steam\steamapps\common\Demigod\bindata\mods" if using Steam. Be careful that you only have one folder "ExtendedBalanceMod-main" within this directory, you can easily get an extra layer if you extracted the .zip into a folder. Your final file structure should be: "..\mods\ExtendedBalanceMod-main\Hook..".

Extended Balance Mod v0.1

31 Jul 19:27
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ExtendedBalanceMod builds upon LORD-ORION's BalanceMod 1.31 and tries to make more items and skills viable, since the metagame was still dominated by a few main builds and strategies. See Change_List.txt for the changes.

v0.1 of ExtendedBalanceMod adds changes mostly to items, buffing many of those that are unviable in vanilla DG or even BalanceMod 1.31. A few items are nerfed, the most important being Journeyman's Treads, Ashkandor, Bulwark of the Ages, Dark Crimson Vial and Portal Locks.

Note that the repository name changed when v0.2 was released. If you had already installed v0.1 before that, its folder would have been downloaded as "ExtendedBalanceMod_v0.1-main", which could now cause conflicts. If you want to play v0.1, better install it again or rename the folder to "ExtendedBalanceMod-0.1".