Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Djava.io.tmpdir=/c3se/NOBACKUP/users/johnhe/miniconda3/envs/rna_seq_py2.7/etc/tmp N E X T F L O W ~ version 0.26.3 Launching `SciLifeLab/NGI-RNAseq` [admiring_cuvier] - revision: 4e083df3c8 [master] ========================================= NGI-RNAseq : RNA-Seq Best Practice v1.4dev ========================================= Run Name : admiring_cuvier Reads : /c3se/NOBACKUP/users/johnhe/rnaseq/raw/*{1,2}_001.fastq.gz Data Type : Paired-End Genome : R64-1-1 Strandedness : None Trim R1 : 0 Trim R2 : 0 Trim 3' R1 : 0 Trim 3' R2 : 0 Aligner : STAR STAR Index : /c3se/NOBACKUP/users/johnhe/referencegenome/star GTF Annotation : /c3se/NOBACKUP/users/johnhe/referencegenome/genes.gtf BED Annotation : /c3se/NOBACKUP/users/johnhe/referencegenome/genes.bed12 Save Reference : Yes Save Trimmed : No Save Intermeds : No Output dir : /c3se/NOBACKUP/users/johnhe/rnaseq/results3 Working dir : /c3se/NOBACKUP/users/johnhe/rnaseq/raw/work Container : [:] Pipeline Release: master Current home : /c3se/users/johnhe/Hebbe Current user : johnhe Current path : /c3se/NOBACKUP/users/johnhe/rnaseq/raw R libraries : false Script dir : /c3se/users/johnhe/Hebbe/.nextflow/assets/SciLifeLab/NGI-RNAseq Config Profile : hebbe UPPMAX Project : SNIC2017-1-89 ========================================= [warm up] executor > slurm [a9/9377f8] Submitted process > fastqc (NC1_S1_L002_R) [warm up] executor > local [32/02f101] Submitted process > trim_galore (NC1_S1_L002_R) [bb/8fef69] Submitted process > star (NC1_S1_L002_R1_001) Passed alignment > star (NC1_S1_L002_R1_001) >> 88.74% << [e5/5c47b9] Submitted process > rseqc (NC1_S1_L002_R1_001AlignedByCoord.out) [b3/818d42] Submitted process > preseq (NC1_S1_L002_R1_001AlignedByCoord.out) [35/e80538] NOTE: Error submitting process 'genebody_coverage (NC1_S1_L002_R1_001AlignedByCoord.out)' for execution -- Error is ignored [d9/70a986] Submitted process > featureCounts (NC1_S1_L002_R1_001AlignedByCoord.out) ERROR ~ Error executing process > 'markDuplicates (NC1_S1_L002_R1_001AlignedByCoord.out)' Caused by: Failed to submit process to grid scheduler for execution Command executed: sbatch .command.run Command exit status: 1 Command output: sbatch: error: rejecting job, too much memory requested for 2 cores. You must use -C MEMXXX or increase number of requested cores instead of using --mem: pn_min_memory = 16384 sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Invalid generic resource (gres) specification Work dir: /c3se/NOBACKUP/users/johnhe/rnaseq/raw/work/9e/52845c74971ad09a126e27b9bfcdb9 Tip: you can replicate the issue by changing to the process work dir and entering the command `bash .command.run` -- Check '.nextflow.log' file for details Execution cancelled -- Finishing pending tasks before exit