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Ackley Function

The Ackley function is defined as: f(x) = -a*\exp(-b\sqrt{\frac{1}{d}\sum_{i=1}^d x_i^2}) - \exp(\frac{1}{d} \sum_{i=1}^d \cos(cx_i)) + a + \exp(1) Usually the recommended values are: a = 20, b = 0.2 and c = 2\pi

Let's see the 1D case.

using Surrogates
using Plots

Now, let's define the Ackley function:

function ackley(x)
    a, b, c = 20.0, 0.2, 2.0 * π
    len_recip = inv(length(x))
    sum_sqrs = zero(eltype(x))
    sum_cos = sum_sqrs
    for i in x
        sum_cos += cos(c * i)
        sum_sqrs += i^2
    return (-a * exp(-b * sqrt(len_recip * sum_sqrs)) -
            exp(len_recip * sum_cos) + a + 2.71)
n = 100
lb = -32.768
ub = 32.768
x = sample(n, lb, ub, SobolSample())
y = ackley.(x)
xs = lb:0.001:ub
scatter(x, y, label = "Sampled points", xlims = (lb, ub), ylims = (0, 30), legend = :top)
plot!(xs, ackley.(xs), label = "True function", legend = :top)
my_rad = RadialBasis(x, y, lb, ub)
my_loba = LobachevskySurrogate(x, y, lb, ub)
scatter(x, y, label = "Sampled points", xlims = (lb, ub), ylims = (0, 30), legend = :top)
plot!(xs, ackley.(xs), label = "True function", legend = :top)
plot!(xs, my_rad.(xs), label = "Polynomial expansion", legend = :top)
plot!(xs, my_loba.(xs), label = "Lobachevsky", legend = :top)

The fit looks good. Let's now see if we are able to find the minimum value using optimization methods:

surrogate_optimize(ackley, DYCORS(), lb, ub, my_rad, RandomSample())
scatter(x, y, label = "Sampled points", xlims = (lb, ub), ylims = (0, 30), legend = :top)
plot!(xs, ackley.(xs), label = "True function", legend = :top)
plot!(xs, my_rad.(xs), label = "Radial basis optimized", legend = :top)

The DYCORS method successfully finds the minimum.