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Poorly looking Cartopy rendered tiles #1048

stefanomattia opened this issue Mar 8, 2018 · 10 comments

Poorly looking Cartopy rendered tiles #1048

stefanomattia opened this issue Mar 8, 2018 · 10 comments


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I posted this on stackoverflow but got no answers so far, hope someone here could shed some light on it. In a nutshell, my tiles look ugly, for example:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as ccrs
import as cimgt

extent = [5, 20, 36, 48]

request = cimgt.GoogleTiles()

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 15))
ax = plt.axes(
ax.add_image(request, 6)



Look at those pixelated text labels and overall poor resolution. I played with different zoom levels and different styles with no success.

When displaying the same map on google maps, I get the usual nicely rendered look:

screen shot 2018-03-08 at 10 31 44

I can change tile provider but results are similar:

request = cimgt.OSM()

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 15))
ax = plt.axes(
ax.add_image(request, 6)


It doesn't matter if I run the code on a Jupyter notebook or a python console or on a different machine, results are identical.

Any clue?


Full environment definition

Operating system

macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 (17D47)

Cartopy version


conda list

# packages in environment at /Users/stefano/anaconda3:
_ipyw_jlab_nb_ext_conf    0.1.0            py36h2fc01ae_0
alabaster                 0.7.10           py36h174008c_0
altair                    1.2.1                      py_0    conda-forge
anaconda                  custom           py36ha4fed55_0
anaconda-client           1.6.5            py36h04cfe59_0
anaconda-navigator        1.6.9            py36ha31b149_0
anaconda-project          0.8.0            py36h99320b2_0
appnope                   0.1.0            py36hf537a9a_0
appscript                 1.0.1            py36h9e71e49_1
argparse                  1.4.0                     <pip>
asn1crypto                0.22.0           py36hb705621_1
astroid                   1.5.3            py36h1333018_0
astropy                   2.0.2            py36hf79c81d_4
autopep8                  1.3.4                     <pip>
babel                     2.5.0            py36h9f161ff_0
backports                 1.0              py36ha3c1827_1
backports.shutil_get_terminal_size 1.0.0            py36hd7a2ee4_2
beautifulsoup4            4.6.0            py36h72d3c9f_1
bitarray                  0.8.1            py36h20fa61d_0
bkcharts                  0.2              py36h073222e_0
blaze                     0.11.3           py36h02e7a37_0
bleach                    2.0.0            py36h8fcea71_0
bokeh                     0.12.10          py36hfd5be35_0
boto                      2.48.0           py36hdbc59ac_1
bottleneck                1.2.1            py36hbd380ad_0
branca                    0.2.0                      py_1    conda-forge
bzip2                     1.0.6                h92991f9_1
ca-certificates           2018.1.18                     0    conda-forge
cartopy                   0.16.0           py36he7b4726_0
certifi                   2018.1.18                py36_0    conda-forge
cffi                      1.10.0           py36h880867e_1
chardet                   3.0.4            py36h96c241c_1
click                     6.7              py36hec950be_0
cloudpickle               0.4.0            py36h13b7e56_0
clyent                    1.2.2            py36hae3ad88_0
cmocean                   1.1                        py_0    conda-forge
colorama                  0.3.9            py36hd29a30c_0
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conda                     4.3.34                   py36_0    conda-forge
conda-build               3.0.27           py36hb78d8cd_0
conda-env                 2.6.0                h36134e3_0
conda-verify              2.0.0            py36he837df3_0
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cryptography              2.0.3            py36h22d4226_1
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folium                    0.5.0                      py_0    conda-forge
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geos                      3.6.2                h5470d99_2
get_terminal_size         1.0.0                h7520d66_0
gettext                      hb0f4f8b_2
gevent                    1.2.2            py36ha70b9d6_0
glib                      2.53.6               ha08cb78_1
glob2                     0.5              py36h12393a9_0
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gmpy2                     2.0.8            py36h7ef02cb_1
greenlet                  0.4.12           py36hf09ba7b_0
h5py                      2.7.0               np113py36_0
hdf4                      4.2.13               h39711bb_2
hdf5                      1.8.17                        2
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html5lib                  0.999999999      py36h79312fd_0
icu                       58.2                 hea21ae5_0
idna                      2.6              py36h8628d0a_1
imageio                   2.2.0            py36h5e01289_0
imagesize                 0.7.1            py36h3495948_0
intel-openmp              2018.0.0             h68bdfb3_7
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isort                     4.2.15           py36hceb2a01_0
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jbig                      2.1                  h4d881f8_0
jdcal                     1.3              py36h1986823_0
jedi                      0.10.2           py36h6325097_0
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jupyter_core              4.3.0            py36h93810fe_0
jupyterlab                0.27.0           py36hd3092eb_2
jupyterlab_launcher       0.4.0            py36h93e02e9_0
lazy-object-proxy         1.3.1            py36h2fbbe47_0
libcxx                    4.0.1                h579ed51_0
libcxxabi                 4.0.1                hebd6815_0
libedit                   3.1                  hb4e282d_0
libffi                    3.2.1                hd939716_3
libgfortran               3.0.1                h93005f0_2
libiconv                  1.15                 h99df5da_5
libnetcdf                 4.4.1                         1
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logzero                   1.3.1                     <pip>
lxml                      4.1.0            py36h8179fc0_0
lzo                       2.10                 hb6b8854_1
markupsafe                1.0              py36h3a1e703_1
matplotlib                2.1.0            py36h5068139_0
mccabe                    0.6.1            py36hdaeb55d_0
mistune                   0.7.4            py36hccd6237_0
mkl                       2018.0.0             h5ef208c_6
mkl-service               1.1.2            py36h7ea6df4_4
mpc                       1.0.3                hc455b36_4
mpfr                      3.1.5                h7fa3772_1
mpmath                    0.19             py36h9185fea_2
msgpack-python            0.4.8            py36h46767b2_0
multipledispatch          0.4.9            py36hc5f92b5_0
navigator-updater         0.1.0            py36h7aee5fb_0
nbconvert                 5.3.1            py36h810822e_0
nbformat                  4.4.0            py36h827af21_0
ncurses                   6.0                  ha932d30_1
netcdf4                   1.2.4               np113py36_1
networkx                  2.0              py36hefccab9_0
nltk                      3.2.4            py36h27d1ea0_0
nose                      1.3.7            py36h73fae2b_2
notebook                  5.0.0            py36h462289e_2
numba                     0.35.0              np113py36_6
numexpr                   2.6.2            py36h0f4f1da_1
numpy                     1.13.3           py36h2cdce51_0
numpydoc                  0.7.0            py36he54d08e_0
odo                       0.5.1            py36hc1af34a_0
olefile                   0.44             py36ha08bf50_0
openpyxl                  2.4.8            py36he899640_1
openssl                   1.0.2n                        0    conda-forge
owslib                    0.15.0           py36hf35f654_0
packaging                 16.8             py36he5e8135_0
pandas                    0.20.3           py36hd6655d8_2
pandoc                       ha5e8f32_1
pandocfilters             1.4.2            py36h3b0b094_1
partd                     0.3.8            py36hf5c4cb8_0                   10.3.1           py36hd33c240_0
pathlib2                  2.3.0            py36h877a6d8_0
patsy                     0.4.1            py36ha1b3fa5_0
pcre                      8.41                 h29eefc5_0
pep8                      1.7.0            py36hc268eb1_0
pexpect                   4.2.1            py36h3eac828_0
pickleshare               0.7.4            py36hf512f8e_0
pillow                    4.2.1            py36h0263179_0
pip                       9.0.1            py36hbd95645_3
pkginfo                   1.4.1            py36h25bf955_0
ply                       3.10             py36h10e714e_0
powerline-shell           0.4.7                     <pip>
proj4                     4.9.3                h3f1bf9d_7
prompt_toolkit            1.0.15           py36haeda067_0
psutil                    5.4.0            py36ha052210_0
ptyprocess                0.5.2            py36he6521c3_0
py                        1.4.34           py36hecf431b_1
pycodestyle               2.3.1            py36h83e8646_0
pycosat                   0.6.3            py36hee92d8f_0
pycparser                 2.18             py36h724b2fc_1
pycrypto                  2.6.1            py36h72f2894_1
pycurl                    7.43.0                   py36_0
pyepsg                    0.3.2            py36hba2fa79_0
pyflakes                  1.6.0            py36hea45e83_0
pygments                  2.2.0            py36h240cd3f_0
pylint                    1.7.4            py36hdee9077_0
pyodbc                    4.0.17           py36h5478161_0
pyopenssl                 17.2.0           py36h5d7bf08_0
pyparsing                 2.2.0            py36hb281f35_0
pyproj                            py36_0
pyqt                      5.6.0            py36he5c6137_6
pyshp                     1.2.12           py36h78922a7_0
pysocks                   1.6.7            py36hfa33cec_1
pytables                  3.4.2               np113py36_0
pytest                    3.2.1            py36h9963153_1
python                    3.6.3                h6804ab2_0
python-dateutil           2.6.1            py36h86d2abb_1                2                py36h7fe2238_6
pytz                      2017.2           py36h2e7dfbc_1
pywavelets                0.5.2            py36h2710a04_0
pyyaml                    3.12             py36h2ba1e63_1
pyzmq                     16.0.2           py36h087ffad_2
qt                        5.6.2               h9975529_14
qtawesome                 0.4.4            py36h468c6fb_0
qtconsole                 4.3.1            py36hd96c0ff_0
qtpy                      1.3.1            py36h16bb863_0
readline                  7.0                  h81b24a6_3
requests                  2.18.4           py36h4516966_1
rope                      0.10.5           py36h5764ad1_0
ruamel_yaml               0.11.14          py36h9d7ade0_2
scikit-image              0.13.0           py36h398857d_1
scikit-learn              0.19.1           py36hffbff8c_0
scipy                     0.19.1           py36h3e758e1_3
seaborn                   0.8.0            py36h74df97e_0
setuptools                36.5.0           py36h2134326_0
shapely                   1.6.2            py36hed20685_0
simplegeneric             0.8.1            py36he5b5b09_0
singledispatch            py36hf20db9d_0
sip                       4.18.1           py36h2824476_2
six                       1.11.0           py36h0e22d5e_1
snowballstemmer           1.2.1            py36h6c7b616_0
sortedcollections         0.5.3            py36he9c3ed6_0
sortedcontainers          1.5.7            py36ha982688_0
sphinx                    1.6.3            py36hcd1b3e7_0
sphinxcontrib             1.0              py36h9364dc8_1
sphinxcontrib-websupport  1.0.1            py36h92f4a7a_1
spyder                    3.2.4            py36h908396f_0
sqlalchemy                1.1.13           py36h156b851_0
sqlite                    3.20.1               h900c3b0_1
statsmodels               0.8.0            py36h9c68fc9_0
sympy                     1.1.1            py36h7f3cf04_0
tblib                     1.3.2            py36hda67792_0
terminado                 0.6              py36h656782e_0
testpath                  0.3.1            py36h625a49b_0
tk                        8.6.7                hcdce994_1
toolz                     0.8.2            py36h7b95164_0
tornado                   4.5.2            py36h468dda9_0
traitlets                 4.3.2            py36h65bd3ce_0
typing                    3.6.2            py36haa2d9ef_0
unicodecsv                0.14.1           py36he531d66_0
unixodbc                  2.3.4                h4cb4dde_1
urllib3                   1.22             py36h68b9469_0
vega                      0.4.4                    py36_1    conda-forge
vincent                   0.4.4                    py36_0    conda-forge
wcwidth                   0.1.7            py36h8c6ec74_0
webencodings              0.5.1            py36h3b9701d_1
werkzeug                  0.12.2           py36h168efa1_0
wheel                     0.29.0           py36h3597b6d_1
widgetsnbextension        3.0.2            py36h91f43ea_1
wrapt                     1.10.11          py36hc29e774_0
xarray                    0.10.1                   py36_0
xlrd                      1.1.0            py36h336f4a2_1
xlsxwriter                1.0.2            py36h3736301_0
xlwings                   0.11.4           py36hc75f156_0
xlwt                      1.2.0            py36h5ad1178_0
xz                        5.2.3                ha24016e_1
yaml                      0.1.7                hff548bb_1
yapf                      0.20.1                    <pip>
zeromq                    4.2.2                h131e0f7_1
zict                      0.1.3            py36h71da714_0
zlib                      1.2.11               h60db283_1

pip list

alabaster (0.7.10)
altair (1.2.1)
anaconda-client (1.6.5)
anaconda-navigator (1.6.9)
anaconda-project (0.8.0)
appnope (0.1.0)
appscript (1.0.1)
asn1crypto (0.22.0)
astroid (1.5.3)
astropy (2.0.2)
autopep8 (1.3.4)
Babel (2.5.0)
backports.shutil-get-terminal-size (1.0.0)
beautifulsoup4 (4.6.0)
bitarray (0.8.1)
bkcharts (0.2)
blaze (0.11.3)
bleach (2.0.0)
bokeh (0.12.10)
boto (2.48.0)
Bottleneck (1.2.1)
branca (0.2.0)
Cartopy (0.16.0)
certifi (2018.1.18)
cffi (1.10.0)
chardet (3.0.4)
click (6.7)
cloudpickle (0.4.0)
clyent (1.2.2)
cmocean (1.1)
colorama (0.3.9)
colorspacious (1.1.0)
conda (4.3.34)
conda-build (3.0.27)
conda-verify (2.0.0)
contextlib2 (0.5.5)
cryptography (2.0.3)
cycler (0.10.0)
Cython (0.26.1)
cytoolz (0.8.2)
dask (0.15.3)
datashape (0.5.4)
decorator (4.1.2)
distributed (1.19.1)
docutils (0.14)
entrypoints (0.2.3)
et-xmlfile (1.0.1)
fastcache (1.0.2)
filelock (2.0.12)
Flask-Cors (3.0.3)
folium (0.5.0)
gevent (1.2.2)
glob2 (0.5)
gmpy2 (2.0.8)
greenlet (0.4.12)
h5py (2.7.0)
heapdict (1.0.0)
html5lib (0.999999999)
idna (2.6)
imageio (2.2.0)
imagesize (0.7.1)
ipykernel (4.6.1)
ipython (6.2.1)
ipython-genutils (0.2.0)
ipywidgets (7.0.0)
isort (4.2.15)
itsdangerous (0.24)
jdcal (1.3)
jedi (0.10.2)
Jinja2 (2.9.6)
jsonschema (2.6.0)
jupyter-client (5.1.0)
jupyter-console (5.2.0)
jupyter-core (4.3.0)
jupyterlab (0.27.0)
jupyterlab-launcher (0.4.0)
lazy-object-proxy (1.3.1)
llvmlite (0.20.0)
locket (0.2.0)
logzero (1.3.1)
lxml (4.1.0)
MarkupSafe (1.0)
matplotlib (2.1.0)
mccabe (0.6.1)
mistune (0.7.4)
mpmath (0.19)
msgpack-python (0.4.8)
multipledispatch (0.4.9)
navigator-updater (0.1.0)
nbconvert (5.3.1)
nbformat (4.4.0)
netCDF4 (1.2.4)
networkx (2.0)
nltk (3.2.4)
nose (1.3.7)
notebook (5.0.0)
numba (0.35.0+6.gaa35fb1)
numexpr (2.6.2)
numpy (1.13.3)
numpydoc (0.7.0)
odo (0.5.1)
olefile (0.44)
openpyxl (2.4.8)
OWSLib (0.15.0)
packaging (16.8)
pandas (0.20.3)
pandocfilters (1.4.2)
partd (0.3.8) (10.3.1)
pathlib2 (2.3.0)
patsy (0.4.1)
pep8 (1.7.0)
pexpect (4.2.1)
pickleshare (0.7.4)
Pillow (4.2.1)
pip (9.0.1)
pkginfo (1.4.1)
ply (3.10)
powerline-shell (0.4.7)
prompt-toolkit (1.0.15)
psutil (5.4.0)
ptyprocess (0.5.2)
py (1.4.34)
pycodestyle (2.3.1)
pycosat (0.6.3)
pycparser (2.18)
pycrypto (2.6.1)
pycurl (7.43.0)
pyepsg (0.3.2)
pyflakes (1.6.0)
Pygments (2.2.0)
pylint (1.7.4)
pyodbc (4.0.17)
pyOpenSSL (17.2.0)
pyparsing (2.2.0)
pyproj (
pyshp (1.2.12)
PySocks (1.6.7)
pytest (3.2.1)
python-dateutil (2.6.1)
pytz (2017.2)
PyWavelets (0.5.2)
PyYAML (3.12)
pyzmq (16.0.2)
QtAwesome (0.4.4)
qtconsole (4.3.1)
QtPy (1.3.1)
requests (2.18.4)
rope (0.10.5)
ruamel-yaml (0.11.14)
scikit-image (0.13.0)
scikit-learn (0.19.1)
scipy (0.19.1)
seaborn (0.8)
setuptools (36.5.0.post20170921)
Shapely (1.6.2)
simplegeneric (0.8.1)
singledispatch (
six (1.11.0)
snowballstemmer (1.2.1)
sortedcollections (0.5.3)
sortedcontainers (1.5.7)
Sphinx (1.6.3)
sphinxcontrib-websupport (1.0.1)
spyder (3.2.4)
SQLAlchemy (1.1.13)
statsmodels (0.8.0)
sympy (1.1.1)
tables (3.4.2)
tblib (1.3.2)
terminado (0.6)
testpath (0.3.1)
toolz (0.8.2)
tornado (4.5.2)
traitlets (4.3.2)
typing (3.6.2)
unicodecsv (0.14.1)
urllib3 (1.22)
vega (0.4.4)
vincent (0.4.4)
wcwidth (0.1.7)
webencodings (0.5.1)
Werkzeug (0.12.2)
wheel (0.29.0)
widgetsnbextension (3.0.2)
wrapt (1.10.11)
xarray (0.10.1)
xlrd (1.1.0)
XlsxWriter (1.0.2)
xlwings (0.11.4)
xlwt (1.2.0)
yapf (0.20.1)
zict (0.1.3)
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andy-watson commented Mar 9, 2018

Try adding interpolation='none' to the add_image() call, I believe without this matplotlib resamples (possibly not very well as seen) the image to fit the axis.

From the matplotlib documentation (for imshow) this only works for Agg, ps and pdf backends, although I also saw improvements using svg backend when running in Jupyter.

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Unfortunately interpolation='none' doesn't seem to change anything, I can't tell any discernible difference in the output image. But it's weird though, am I the only Mac user having this problem?

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ajdawson commented Mar 9, 2018

I see the same as you on Mac and Linux. I don't have the solution, but this is not an isolated case.

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Maybe I've got a slightly different use case in that I was primarily producing PDF files from matplotlib (on a Mac, using Homebrew Python installation) viewing the results with preview or notebook with inline svg.

Your example producing bitmap output (PNG) yes I get noticeable pixelation, there was some improvement using interpolation='bicubic', but still not looking as sharp as original tiles.

I think it is down to add_image() ultimately calling matplotlib imshow() and if the axes pixels are not the same size as the tiles pixels there is going to be a re-sampling of the tile image. In PDF output case I suspect this re-sampling is left to the viewer to perform.

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pelson commented Aug 29, 2018

For reference, I've provided a link to the StackOverflow question.

The interpolation keyword is definitely the way to go here. I agree that the bicubic option leads to somewhat fuzzy / less-sharp images. Trying one of the other schemes, such as spline36 has quite a pleasing effect. Take a look at for the options that are available to you.

For future readers who find this and who don't see the benefit from the interpolation keyword, it is probably because you are re-projecting the tiles into the target projection which is happening before matplotlib gets any influence on the scheme. There isn't a lot we can do with this, as cartopy is using a general 3d interpolation scheme in order to support the full diversity of the projections it can handle. Your best option for poor resolution cross projection map tiles is to change the resolution of the re-projection. A question about how to do this came up on StackOverflow not too long ago: [I can't currently find the link 😢 🔮 ) (there are also others: 1).

To give a concrete example of this, take the following code:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as ccrs
import as cimgt

extent = [-25, 25, 10, 55]

request = cimgt.OSM()

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6))
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
ax.set_extent(extent, ccrs.PlateCarree())

ax.add_image(request, 4)



If we simply add the interpolation keyword to the add_image call, we don't get the best possible result:


Instead, we also need to control how coarse/fine the target regridded image should be with the regrid_shape keyword argument. An example add_image might then look like: ax.add_image(request, 4, interpolation='spline36', regrid_shape=2000)


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pelson commented Aug 29, 2018

I think this addresses the issue at hand, so will close. Happy to re-open this if the issue isn't resolved for you.


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Huite commented Sep 26, 2018

Pardon the nagging: while the interpolation options results in a much better looking result, for me the real question is why cartopy in 2015 didn't require this, while it does now.

The example in the StackOverflow post was posted June 22, 2015. The cartopy version would've been 0.11, 0.12.04, or 0.12.05, judging from the PyPI history.

There's three changes visible:

  1. Different tiles (both OSM and Google updated)
  2. Grid spacing from 0.15 to 0.10 degrees
  3. 2015 version looks "crisp" by default

Could difference 3 be a case of regression?

I had a try at installing an earlier cartopy version to see if I could reproduce the 2015 example, but unfortunately, the earliest version on conda is 0.15.1 (which is also "not-crisp" by default). PyPI does have the earlier versions, but not surprisingly, installing a package from 2015 fails miserably. I'm not nearly familiar enough with the cartopy source to investigate from that direction...

Having good looking tiles is a really cool and convenient feature, so it might be worth another look?

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Could this issue be because Cartopy is accessing Google tiles through a deprecated interface that is no longer supported/allowed: ?

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pelson commented Dec 5, 2018

The simple answer I think is that the default interpolation changed in matplotlib. I have some things lined up to improve the tiles interface further for v0.18 (interactive & auto zoom). Implementing a better interpolation scheme by default is going to be important for that functionality too.

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You could change the figsize=(50, 50)

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