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PlayerRanks - 玩家头衔

Starting from v0.12, there is no need to install KotlinAPI.

自 v0.12 版本开始, 无需再安装 KotlinAPI.

Features | 特性:
  • According to the numerical judgment, change the corresponding title of the player to realize the title.
  • Support PlaceholderAPI as a data variable to promote title changes.
  • The plugin has been running on the 1.16 server for 3 months without any performance problems.
  • Configuration file nodes can ignore case.
  • The plugin is open source on GitHub under the GPLv3.0 agreement, please make sure to use the plugin in compliance with the agreement.
  • 根据数值判断改玩家对应称号, 实现头衔.
  • 支持 PlaceholderAPI 作为数据变量推动头衔变动.
  • 该插件在已有 1.16 服务器运行 3 个月之长, 无任何性能问题.
  • 配置文件节点均可忽略大小写.
  • 插件在 GitHub 以 GPLv3.0 协议开源, 请确保在遵守协议的情况下使用该插件.

Commands | 命令:
  • /pr help - List all help information | 显示帮助列表
  • /pr update - Update the title of the specified player | 对指定玩家更新头衔
  • /pr reload - Reload configuration file | 重新载入配置文件

Images | 图片:

Config | 配置文件:
  # Use the title instead for the title of the player outside the numerical range.
  # 对超出数值范围玩家的称号使用该称号代替.
  unknown-instead: '&7Unknown'

  # count
  # 数值
  score: '%player_level%'
  # Format: count: tag
  # 格式: 数值: 对应称号
    - "0: &2新手"
    - "50: &a猎手"
    - "100: &d巫师"
    - "200: &7&l守卫"
    - "500: &3骑士"
    - "1000: &b勇士"
    - "1000: &e天使"
    - "5000: &f&l天子"
    - "10000: &b&l冠军"

Releases | 发布:

Click to enter | 点击进入

Links | 链接:


If you have any questions or feature suggestions, please go to GitHub Issue for feedback.

如果有任何问题或者功能建议, 欢迎前往 GitHub Issue 反馈
